7 research outputs found

    Double-impulse feature extraction of faulty hybrid ceramic ball bearings based on DTCWPT

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    Fatigue spalling is one of the main reasons for rolling element bearing fault. When spalling fault occurs in the bearing raceway and the rolling balls are in and outside the stripping, the vibration signal changes. When rolling elements enters the fault zone, a step response is generated, which mainly consists of lower frequency components. When rolling elements exits the fault zone, an impulse response is generated with a wide bandwidth. To effectively separate these two types of signal characteristics is important to measure the length of peeling zone for ceramic ball bearing. In our research, we proposed a method of double-shock feature extraction for peeling failure of hybrid ceramic ball bearing based on double tree complex wavelet packet transform (DTCWPT). Firstly, in order to enhance the Signal Noise Ratio (SNR), the original vibration signal was denoised by double tree complex wavelet packet transform; Then, separating and extracting double impulse characteristics of the vibration signal from the hybrid ceramic ball bearing with the spalling failure by using Hilbert transform envelope algorithm. Experimental results showed that this method can effectively separate the double impulse characteristics of the hybrid ceramic ball bearing fault

    Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform and Feature Selection Techniques for Infant Cry Classification

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    A Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform (DT-CWPT) feature extraction has been used in infant cry signal classification to extract the feature. Total of 124 energy features and 124 Shannon entropy features were extracted from each sub-band after five level decomposition by DT-CWPT. Feature selection techniques used to deal with massive information obtained from DT-CWPT extraction. The feature selection techniques reduced the number of features by select and form feature subset for classification phase. ELM classifier with 10-fold cross-validation scheme was used to classify the infant cry signal. Three experiments were conducted with different feature sets for three binary classification problems (Asphyxia versus Normal, Deaf versus Normal, and Hunger versus Pain). The results reported that features selection techniques reduced the number of features and achieved high accuracy

    Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Features using Complex Wavelet Packet Transform Coefficients

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    To improve the performance of phoneme based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in noisy environment; we developed a new technique that could add robustness to clean phonemes features. These robust features are obtained from Complex Wavelet Packet Transform (CWPT) coefficients. Since the CWPT coefficients represent all different frequency bands of the input signal, decomposing the input signal into complete CWPT tree would also cover all frequencies involved in recognition process. For time overlapping signals with different frequency contents, e. g. phoneme signal with noises, its CWPT coefficients are the combination of CWPT coefficients of phoneme signal and CWPT coefficients of noises. The CWPT coefficients of phonemes signal would be changed according to frequency components contained in noises. Since the numbers of phonemes in every language are relatively small (limited) and already well known, one could easily derive principal component vectors from clean training dataset using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). These principal component vectors could be used then to add robustness and minimize noises effects in testing phase. Simulation results, using Alpha Numeric 4 (AN4) from Carnegie Mellon University and NOISEX-92 examples from Rice University, showed that this new technique could be used as features extractor that improves the robustness of phoneme based ASR systems in various adverse noisy conditions and still preserves the performance in clean environments

    Application of Wavelet Denoising to Improve OFDM‐based Signal Detection and Classification

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    The developmental emphasis on improving wireless access security through various OSI PHY layer mechanisms continues. This work investigates the exploitation of RF waveform features that are inherently unique to specific devices and that may be used for reliable device classification (manufacturer, model, or serial number). Emission classification is addressed here through detection, location, extraction, and exploitation of RF [fingerprints] to provide device‐specific identification. The most critical step in this process is burst detection which occurs prior to fingerprint extraction and classification. Previous variance trajectory (VT) work provided sensitivity analysis for burst detection capability and highlighted the need for more robust processing at lower signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR). The work presented here introduces a dual‐tree complex wavelet transform (DT‐ℂWT) denoising process to augment and improve VT detection capability. The new method\u27s performance is evaluated using the instantaneous amplitude responses of experimentally collected 802.11a OFDM signals at various SNRs. The impact of detection error on signal classification performance is then illustrated using extracted RF fingerprints and multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) with maximum likelihood (ML) classification. Relative to previous approaches, the DT‐ℂWT augmented process emerges as a better alternative at lower SNR and yields performance that is 34% closer (on average) to [perfect] burst location estimation performance. Abstract © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Application of Wavelet Analysis and Random Field in Integrity Management of Pipelines Containing Dents and Corrosions

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    Metal loss corrosions and dents are two major threats to the integrity of oil and natural gas pipelines. In the pipeline industry, the Fitness-For-Service (FFS) assessment is commonly employed for pipelines containing these defects. However, FFS assessment usually assumes that a defect has a simple shape, and such a simplification may significantly affect the accuracy of the assessment. Therefore, retaining the actual shapes of defects and incorporating them into the FFS assessment can improve assessment accuracy. The main objective of the present thesis is to extract key information about the sizes, directions, and shapes of corrosions and dents from the measurement of in-service and excavated pipelines, and then improve the accuracy of FFS assessment based on the extracted information. The first study develops a wavelet transform-based denoising method for the measured inner surface of in-service dented pipelines obtained from caliper tools. Since the inner surface is differently sampled along the longitudinal and circumferential directions, the commonly used denoising methods cannot sufficiently remove measurement errors from the signal. The proposed method is based on overcomplete expansion, and the overcomplete dictionary is constructed from the hyperbolic wavelet transform and stationary transform. The strain estimated from the signal denoised by the proposed method is closer to the actual strain than the other denoising method. An overcomplete dictionary that can effectively denoise the dent signal is then constructed based on the statistics of the measurement of in-service dented pipelines. The second study explores the vital directional features and length scales of natural corrosion clusters that govern the burst capacity of corroded pipelines. The corrosion depths in a cluster are measured by high-resolution laser scans, and two-dimensional (2D) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with a suitable wavelet function is employed to decompose the corrosion cluster. A methodology is proposed to determine level- and sub-band-dependent thresholds such that those wavelet coefficients below the thresholds have a negligible impact on the burst capacity predicted by the widely used RSTRENG model and can be ignored for the reconstruction of the cluster. The preserved wavelet coefficients show that longitudinally orientated features with 4 – 32 mm in length have a greater influence on the remaining burst capacity than other features. This facilitates FFS assessment of corroded pipelines. The third study aims to simulate the corrosion fields whose morphology and marginal distribution are close to the actual corrosion fields from limited information summarized from the ILI data. The corrosion field containing multiple corrosion anomalies is modelled as a nonhomogeneous non-Gaussian random field, where the spatial correlation and marginal distribution of anomalies are estimated from their sizes. The proposed methodology provides realizations of corrosion fields with the RSTRENG-predicted burst capacity closer to the actual burst capacity than the commonly used methodology that idealizes anomalies as cuboids. The fourth study presents a framework to analyze and simulate nonhomogeneous non-Gaussian corrosion fields on the external surface of buried in-service pipelines by using continuous and discrete wavelet transforms. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT), dual-tree complex discrete wavelet transform (DT-CDWT), and dual-tree complex discrete wavelet with hyperbolic wavelet transform scheme (DT-CHWT) are incorporated into the iterative power and amplitude correction (IPAC) algorithm to extract the features of the natural corrosion field measured by a high-resolution laser scan and generate synthetic corrosion fields. The results indicate that the proposed framework can generate synthetic corrosion fields that effectively capture probabilistic characteristics of the measured corrosion field in terms of the scalogram, textural features, and burst capacity of the pipe segment containing the corrosion field