778 research outputs found

    Levels of discontinuity, limit-computability, and jump operators

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    We develop a general theory of jump operators, which is intended to provide an abstraction of the notion of "limit-computability" on represented spaces. Jump operators also provide a framework with a strong categorical flavor for investigating degrees of discontinuity of functions and hierarchies of sets on represented spaces. We will provide a thorough investigation within this framework of a hierarchy of Δ20\Delta^0_2-measurable functions between arbitrary countably based T0T_0-spaces, which captures the notion of computing with ordinal mind-change bounds. Our abstract approach not only raises new questions but also sheds new light on previous results. For example, we introduce a notion of "higher order" descriptive set theoretical objects, we generalize a recent characterization of the computability theoretic notion of "lowness" in terms of adjoint functors, and we show that our framework encompasses ordinal quantifications of the non-constructiveness of Hilbert's finite basis theorem

    Quasi-Polish Spaces

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    We investigate some basic descriptive set theory for countably based completely quasi-metrizable topological spaces, which we refer to as quasi-Polish spaces. These spaces naturally generalize much of the classical descriptive set theory of Polish spaces to the non-Hausdorff setting. We show that a subspace of a quasi-Polish space is quasi-Polish if and only if it is level \Pi_2 in the Borel hierarchy. Quasi-Polish spaces can be characterized within the framework of Type-2 Theory of Effectivity as precisely the countably based spaces that have an admissible representation with a Polish domain. They can also be characterized domain theoretically as precisely the spaces that are homeomorphic to the subspace of all non-compact elements of an \omega-continuous domain. Every countably based locally compact sober space is quasi-Polish, hence every \omega-continuous domain is quasi-Polish. A metrizable space is quasi-Polish if and only if it is Polish. We show that the Borel hierarchy on an uncountable quasi-Polish space does not collapse, and that the Hausdorff-Kuratowski theorem generalizes to all quasi-Polish spaces

    Total Representations

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    Almost all representations considered in computable analysis are partial. We provide arguments in favor of total representations (by elements of the Baire space). Total representations make the well known analogy between numberings and representations closer, unify some terminology, simplify some technical details, suggest interesting open questions and new invariants of topological spaces relevant to computable analysis.Comment: 30 page

    The descriptive theory of represented spaces

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    This is a survey on the ongoing development of a descriptive theory of represented spaces, which is intended as an extension of both classical and effective descriptive set theory to deal with both sets and functions between represented spaces. Most material is from work-in-progress, and thus there may be a stronger focus on projects involving the author than an objective survey would merit.Comment: survey of work-in-progres

    On the information carried by programs about the objects they compute

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    In computability theory and computable analysis, finite programs can compute infinite objects. Presenting a computable object via any program for it, provides at least as much information as presenting the object itself, written on an infinite tape. What additional information do programs provide? We characterize this additional information to be any upper bound on the Kolmogorov complexity of the object. Hence we identify the exact relationship between Markov-computability and Type-2-computability. We then use this relationship to obtain several results characterizing the computational and topological structure of Markov-semidecidable sets
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