13,532 research outputs found

    On the Design of Cryptographic Primitives

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    The main objective of this work is twofold. On the one hand, it gives a brief overview of the area of two-party cryptographic protocols. On the other hand, it proposes new schemes and guidelines for improving the practice of robust protocol design. In order to achieve such a double goal, a tour through the descriptions of the two main cryptographic primitives is carried out. Within this survey, some of the most representative algorithms based on the Theory of Finite Fields are provided and new general schemes and specific algorithms based on Graph Theory are proposed

    High-level Cryptographic Abstractions

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    The interfaces exposed by commonly used cryptographic libraries are clumsy, complicated, and assume an understanding of cryptographic algorithms. The challenge is to design high-level abstractions that require minimum knowledge and effort to use while also allowing maximum control when needed. This paper proposes such high-level abstractions consisting of simple cryptographic primitives and full declarative configuration. These abstractions can be implemented on top of any cryptographic library in any language. We have implemented these abstractions in Python, and used them to write a wide variety of well-known security protocols, including Signal, Kerberos, and TLS. We show that programs using our abstractions are much smaller and easier to write than using low-level libraries, where size of security protocols implemented is reduced by about a third on average. We show our implementation incurs a small overhead, less than 5 microseconds for shared key operations and less than 341 microseconds (< 1%) for public key operations. We also show our abstractions are safe against main types of cryptographic misuse reported in the literature

    Platform for Testing and Evaluation of PUF and TRNG Implementations in FPGAs

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    Implementation of cryptographic primitives like Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) depends significantly on the underlying hardware. Common evaluation boards offered by FPGA vendors are not suitable for a fair benchmarking, since they have different vendor dependent configuration and contain noisy switching power supplies. The proposed hardware platform is primary aimed at testing and evaluation of cryptographic primitives across different FPGA and ASIC families. The modular platform consists of a motherboard and exchangeable daughter board modules. These are designed to be as simple as possible to allow cheap and independent evaluation of cryptographic blocks and namely PUFs. The motherboard is based on the Microsemi SmartFusion 2 SoC FPGA. It features a low-noise power supply, which simplifies evaluation of vulnerability to the side channel attacks. It provides also means of communication between the PC and the daughter module. Available software tools can be easily customized, for example to collect data from the random number generator located in the daughter module and to read it via USB interface. The daughter module can be plugged into the motherboard or connected using an HDMI cable to be placed inside a Faraday cage or a temperature control chamber. The whole platform was designed and optimized to fullfil the European HECTOR project (H2020) requirements

    A Security Framework for JXTA-Overlay

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    En l'actualitat, la maduresa del camp de la investigaciĂł P2P empĂšs a travĂ©s de nous problemes, relacionats amb la seguretat. Per aquesta raĂł, la seguretat comença a convertir-se en una de les qĂŒestions clau en l'avaluaciĂł d'un sistema P2P, i Ă©s important proporcionar mecanismes de seguretat per a sistemes P2P. El projecte JXTAOverlay fa un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genĂšric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. No obstant aixĂČ, encara que el seu disseny es va centrar en qĂŒestions com ara l'escalabilitat o el rendiment general, no va tenir en compte la seguretat. Aquest treball proposa un marc de seguretat, adaptat especĂ­ficament a la idiosincrĂ sia del JXTAOverlay.At present time, the maturity of P2P research field has pushed through new problems such us those related with security. For that reason, security starts to become one of the key issues when evaluating a P2P system and it is important to provide security mechanisms to P2P systems. The JXTAOverlay project is an effort to use JXTA technology to provide a generic set of functionalities that can be used by developers to deploy P2P applications. However, since its design focused on issues such as scalability or overall performance, it did not take security into account. This work proposes a security framework specifically suited to JXTAOverlayÂżs idiosyncrasies.En la actualidad, la madurez del campo de la investigaciĂłn P2P empujado a travĂ©s de nuevos problemas, relacionados con la seguridad. Por esta razĂłn, la seguridad comienza a convertirse en una de las cuestiones clave en la evaluaciĂłn de un sistema P2P, y es importante proporcionar mecanismos de seguridad para sistemas P2P. El proyecto JXTAOverlay hace un esfuerzo por utilizar la tecnologĂ­a JXTA para proporcionar un conjunto genĂ©rico de funciones que pueden ser utilizadas por los desarrolladores para desplegar aplicaciones P2P. Sin embargo, aunque su diseño se centrĂł en cuestiones como la escalabilidad o el rendimiento general, no tuvo en cuenta la seguridad. Este trabajo propone un marco de seguridad, adaptado especĂ­ficamente a la idiosincrasia del JXTAOverlay

    On formal verification of arithmetic-based cryptographic primitives

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    Cryptographic primitives are fundamental for information security: they are used as basic components for cryptographic protocols or public-key cryptosystems. In many cases, their security proofs consist in showing that they are reducible to computationally hard problems. Those reductions can be subtle and tedious, and thus not easily checkable. On top of the proof assistant Coq, we had implemented in previous work a toolbox for writing and checking game-based security proofs of cryptographic primitives. In this paper we describe its extension with number-theoretic capabilities so that it is now possible to write and check arithmetic-based cryptographic primitives in our toolbox. We illustrate our work by machine checking the game-based proofs of unpredictability of the pseudo-random bit generator of Blum, Blum and Shub, and semantic security of the public-key cryptographic scheme of Goldwasser and Micali.Comment: 13 page
