1,445 research outputs found

    Signal-Aligned Network Coding in K-User MIMO Interference Channels with Limited Receiver Cooperation

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    In this paper, we propose a signal-aligned network coding (SNC) scheme for K-user time-varying multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channels with limited receiver cooperation. We assume that the receivers are connected to a central processor via wired cooperation links with individual limited capacities. Our SNC scheme determines the precoding matrices of the transmitters so that the transmitted signals are aligned at each receiver. The aligned signals are then decoded into noiseless integer combinations of messages, also known as network-coded messages, by physical-layer network coding. The key idea of our scheme is to ensure that independent integer combinations of messages can be decoded at the receivers. Hence the central processor can recover the original messages of the transmitters by solving the linearly independent equations. We prove that our SNC scheme achieves full degrees of freedom (DoF) by utilizing signal alignment and physical-layer network coding. Simulation results show that our SNC scheme outperforms the compute-and-forward scheme in the finite SNR regime of the two-user and the three-user cases. The performance improvement of our SNC scheme mainly comes from efficient utilization of the signal subspaces for conveying independent linear equations of messages to the central processor.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Elements of Cellular Blind Interference Alignment --- Aligned Frequency Reuse, Wireless Index Coding and Interference Diversity

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    We explore degrees of freedom (DoF) characterizations of partially connected wireless networks, especially cellular networks, with no channel state information at the transmitters. Specifically, we introduce three fundamental elements --- aligned frequency reuse, wireless index coding and interference diversity --- through a series of examples, focusing first on infinite regular arrays, then on finite clusters with arbitrary connectivity and message sets, and finally on heterogeneous settings with asymmetric multiple antenna configurations. Aligned frequency reuse refers to the optimality of orthogonal resource allocations in many cases, but according to unconventional reuse patterns that are guided by interference alignment principles. Wireless index coding highlights both the intimate connection between the index coding problem and cellular blind interference alignment, as well as the added complexity inherent to wireless settings. Interference diversity refers to the observation that in a wireless network each receiver experiences a different set of interferers, and depending on the actions of its own set of interferers, the interference-free signal space at each receiver fluctuates differently from other receivers, creating opportunities for robust applications of blind interference alignment principles

    Secure Degrees of Freedom of MIMO X-Channels with Output Feedback and Delayed CSIT

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    We investigate the problem of secure transmission over a two-user multi-input multi-output (MIMO) X-channel in which channel state information is provided with one-unit delay to both transmitters (CSIT), and each receiver feeds back its channel output to a different transmitter. We refer to this model as MIMO X-channel with asymmetric output feedback and delayed CSIT. The transmitters are equipped with M-antennas each, and the receivers are equipped with N-antennas each. For this model, accounting for both messages at each receiver, we characterize the optimal sum secure degrees of freedom (SDoF) region. We show that, in presence of asymmetric output feedback and delayed CSIT, the sum SDoF region of the MIMO X-channel is same as the SDoF region of a two-user MIMO BC with 2M-antennas at the transmitter, N-antennas at each receiver and delayed CSIT. This result shows that, upon availability of asymmetric output feedback and delayed CSIT, there is no performance loss in terms of sum SDoF due to the distributed nature of the transmitters. Next, we show that this result also holds if only output feedback is conveyed to the transmitters, but in a symmetric manner, i.e., each receiver feeds back its output to both transmitters and no CSIT. We also study the case in which only asymmetric output feedback is provided to the transmitters, i.e., without CSIT, and derive a lower bound on the sum SDoF for this model. Furthermore, we specialize our results to the case in which there are no security constraints. In particular, similar to the setting with security constraints, we show that the optimal sum DoF region of the (M,M,N,N)--MIMO X-channel with asymmetric output feedback and delayed CSIT is same as the DoF region of a two-user MIMO BC with 2M-antennas at the transmitter, N-antennas at each receiver, and delayed CSIT. We illustrate our results with some numerical examples.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Retrospective Interference Alignment

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    We explore similarities and differences in recent works on blind interference alignment under different models such as staggered block fading model and the delayed CSIT model. In particular we explore the possibility of achieving interference alignment with delayed CSIT when the transmitters are distributed. Our main contribution is an interference alignment scheme, called retrospective interference alignment in this work, that is specialized to settings with distributed transmitters. With this scheme we show that the 2 user X channel with only delayed channel state information at the transmitters can achieve 8/7 DoF, while the interference channel with 3 users is able to achieve 9/8 DoF. We also consider another setting where delayed channel output feedback is available to transmitters. In this setting the X channel and the 3 user interference channel are shown to achieve 4/3 and 6/5 DoF, respectively
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