85 research outputs found

    Contextual Outlier Interpretation

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    Outlier detection plays an essential role in many data-driven applications to identify isolated instances that are different from the majority. While many statistical learning and data mining techniques have been used for developing more effective outlier detection algorithms, the interpretation of detected outliers does not receive much attention. Interpretation is becoming increasingly important to help people trust and evaluate the developed models through providing intrinsic reasons why the certain outliers are chosen. It is difficult, if not impossible, to simply apply feature selection for explaining outliers due to the distinct characteristics of various detection models, complicated structures of data in certain applications, and imbalanced distribution of outliers and normal instances. In addition, the role of contrastive contexts where outliers locate, as well as the relation between outliers and contexts, are usually overlooked in interpretation. To tackle the issues above, in this paper, we propose a novel Contextual Outlier INterpretation (COIN) method to explain the abnormality of existing outliers spotted by detectors. The interpretability for an outlier is achieved from three aspects: outlierness score, attributes that contribute to the abnormality, and contextual description of its neighborhoods. Experimental results on various types of datasets demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of the proposed framework compared with existing interpretation approaches

    Attribute Relationship Analysis in Outlier Mining and Stream Processing

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    The main theme of this thesis is to unite two important fields of data analysis, outlier mining and attribute relationship analysis. In this work we establish the connection between these two fields. We present techniques which exploit this connection, allowing to improve outlier detection in high dimensional data. In the second part of the thesis we extend our work to the emerging topic of data streams

    A Flexible Outlier Detector Based on a Topology Given by Graph Communities

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICOutlier detection is essential for optimal performance of machine learning methods and statistical predictive models. Their detection is especially determinant in small sample size unbalanced problems, since in such settings outliers become highly influential and significantly bias models. This particular experimental settings are usual in medical applications, like diagnosis of rare pathologies, outcome of experimental personalized treatments or pandemic emergencies. In contrast to population-based methods, neighborhood based local approaches compute an outlier score from the neighbors of each sample, are simple flexible methods that have the potential to perform well in small sample size unbalanced problems. A main concern of local approaches is the impact that the computation of each sample neighborhood has on the method performance. Most approaches use a distance in the feature space to define a single neighborhood that requires careful selection of several parameters, like the number of neighbors. This work presents a local approach based on a local measure of the heterogeneity of sample labels in the feature space considered as a topological manifold. Topology is computed using the communities of a weighted graph codifying mutual nearest neighbors in the feature space. This way, we provide with a set of multiple neighborhoods able to describe the structure of complex spaces without parameter fine tuning. The extensive experiments on real-world and synthetic data sets show that our approach outperforms, both, local and global strategies in multi and single view settings

    Homophily Outlier Detection in Non-IID Categorical Data

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    Most of existing outlier detection methods assume that the outlier factors (i.e., outlierness scoring measures) of data entities (e.g., feature values and data objects) are Independent and Identically Distributed (IID). This assumption does not hold in real-world applications where the outlierness of different entities is dependent on each other and/or taken from different probability distributions (non-IID). This may lead to the failure of detecting important outliers that are too subtle to be identified without considering the non-IID nature. The issue is even intensified in more challenging contexts, e.g., high-dimensional data with many noisy features. This work introduces a novel outlier detection framework and its two instances to identify outliers in categorical data by capturing non-IID outlier factors. Our approach first defines and incorporates distribution-sensitive outlier factors and their interdependence into a value-value graph-based representation. It then models an outlierness propagation process in the value graph to learn the outlierness of feature values. The learned value outlierness allows for either direct outlier detection or outlying feature selection. The graph representation and mining approach is employed here to well capture the rich non-IID characteristics. Our empirical results on 15 real-world data sets with different levels of data complexities show that (i) the proposed outlier detection methods significantly outperform five state-of-the-art methods at the 95%/99% confidence level, achieving 10%-28% AUC improvement on the 10 most complex data sets; and (ii) the proposed feature selection methods significantly outperform three competing methods in enabling subsequent outlier detection of two different existing detectors.Comment: To appear in Data Ming and Knowledge Discovery Journa
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