8 research outputs found

    From Classification Accuracy to Proper Scoring Rules: Elicitability of Probabilistic Top List Predictions

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    In the face of uncertainty, the need for probabilistic assessments has long been recognized in the literature on forecasting. In classification, however, comparative evaluation of classifiers often focuses on predictions specifying a single class through the use of simple accuracy measures, which disregard any probabilistic uncertainty quantification. I propose probabilistic top lists as a novel type of prediction in classification, which bridges the gap between single-class predictions and predictive distributions. The probabilistic top list functional is elicitable through the use of strictly consistent evaluation metrics. The proposed evaluation metrics are based on symmetric proper scoring rules and admit comparison of various types of predictions ranging from single-class point predictions to fully specified predictive distributions. The Brier score yields a metric that is particularly well suited for this kind of comparison

    In Defense of Softmax Parametrization for Calibrated and Consistent Learning to Defer

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    Enabling machine learning classifiers to defer their decision to a downstream expert when the expert is more accurate will ensure improved safety and performance. This objective can be achieved with the learning-to-defer framework which aims to jointly learn how to classify and how to defer to the expert. In recent studies, it has been theoretically shown that popular estimators for learning to defer parameterized with softmax provide unbounded estimates for the likelihood of deferring which makes them uncalibrated. However, it remains unknown whether this is due to the widely used softmax parameterization and if we can find a softmax-based estimator that is both statistically consistent and possesses a valid probability estimator. In this work, we first show that the cause of the miscalibrated and unbounded estimator in prior literature is due to the symmetric nature of the surrogate losses used and not due to softmax. We then propose a novel statistically consistent asymmetric softmax-based surrogate loss that can produce valid estimates without the issue of unboundedness. We further analyze the non-asymptotic properties of our method and empirically validate its performance and calibration on benchmark datasets.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Improve learning combining crowdsourced labels by weighting Areas Under the Margin

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    In supervised learning -- for instance in image classification -- modern massive datasets are commonly labeled by a crowd of workers. The obtained labels in this crowdsourcing setting are then aggregated for training. The aggregation step generally leverages a per worker trust score. Yet, such worker-centric approaches discard each task ambiguity. Some intrinsically ambiguous tasks might even fool expert workers, which could eventually be harmful for the learning step. In a standard supervised learning setting -- with one label per task and balanced classes -- the Area Under the Margin (AUM) statistic is tailored to identify mislabeled data. We adapt the AUM to identify ambiguous tasks in crowdsourced learning scenarios, introducing the Weighted AUM (WAUM). The WAUM is an average of AUMs weighted by worker and task dependent scores. We show that the WAUM can help discarding ambiguous tasks from the training set, leading to better generalization or calibration performance. We report improvements with respect to feature-blind aggregation strategies both for simulated settings and for the CIFAR-10H crowdsourced dataset