564 research outputs found

    On the computational complexity of the abelian permutation group structure, membership and intersection problems

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    AbstractAlgorithms on computations on abelian permutation groups are presented here. An algorithm for computing the complete structure, algorithms for membership-inclusion testing and an algorithm for computing the intersection of abelian permutation groups are given. Their worst-case time complexity is a polynomial of degree 4 in terms of n, the number of points moved by the group. The upper bounds on the running time of the algorithms shown here improve the bounds on the above problems cited in the literature

    The counting complexity of group-definable languages

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    AbstractA group family is a countable family B={Bn}n>0 of finite black-box groups, i.e., the elements of each group Bn are uniquely encoded as strings of uniform length (polynomial in n) and for each Bn the group operations are computable in time polynomial in n. In this paper we study the complexity of NP sets A which has the following property: the set of solutions for every x∈A is a subgroup (or is the right coset of a subgroup) of a group Bi(|x|) from a given group family B, where i is a polynomial. Such an NP set A is said to be defined over the group family B.Decision problems like Graph Automorphism, Graph Isomorphism, Group Intersection, Coset Intersection, and Group Factorization for permutation groups give natural examples of such NP sets defined over the group family of all permutation groups. We show that any such NP set defined over permutation groups is low for PP and C=P.As one of our main results we prove that NP sets defined over abelian black-box groups are low for PP. The proof of this result is based on the decomposition theorem for finite abelian groups. As an interesting consequence of this result we obtain new lowness results: Membership Testing, Group Intersection, Group Factorization, and some other problems for abelian black-box groups are low for PP and C=P.As regards the corresponding counting problem for NP sets over any group family of arbitrary black-box groups, we prove that exact counting of number of solutions is in FPAM. Consequently, none of these counting problems can be #P-complete unless PH collapses

    Parallel algorithms for solvable permutation groups

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    AbstractA number of basic problems involving solvable and nilpotent permutation groups are shown to have fast parallel solutions. Testing solvability is in NC as well as, for solvable groups, finding order, testing membership, finding centralizers, finding centers, finding the derived series and finding a composition series. Additionally, for nilpotent groups, one can, in NC, find a central composition series, and find pointwise stabilizers of sets. The latter is applied to an instance of graph isomorphism. A useful tool is the observation that the problem of finding the smallest subspace containing a given set of vectors and closed under a given set of linear transformations (all over a small field) belongs to NC

    The Subpower Membership Problem for Finite Algebras with Cube Terms

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    The subalgebra membership problem is the problem of deciding if a given element belongs to an algebra given by a set of generators. This is one of the best established computational problems in algebra. We consider a variant of this problem, which is motivated by recent progress in the Constraint Satisfaction Problem, and is often referred to as the Subpower Membership Problem (SMP). In the SMP we are given a set of tuples in a direct product of algebras from a fixed finite set K\mathcal{K} of finite algebras, and are asked whether or not a given tuple belongs to the subalgebra of the direct product generated by a given set. Our main result is that the subpower membership problem SMP(K\mathcal{K}) is in P if K\mathcal{K} is a finite set of finite algebras with a cube term, provided K\mathcal{K} is contained in a residually small variety. We also prove that for any finite set of finite algebras K\mathcal{K} in a variety with a cube term, each one of the problems SMP(K\mathcal{K}), SMP(HSK\mathbb{HS} \mathcal{K}), and finding compact representations for subpowers in K\mathcal{K}, is polynomial time reducible to any of the others, and the first two lie in NP

    Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Identifying Hidden Polynomials

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    We consider a natural generalization of an abelian Hidden Subgroup Problem where the subgroups and their cosets correspond to graphs of linear functions over a finite field F with d elements. The hidden functions of the generalized problem are not restricted to be linear but can also be m-variate polynomial functions of total degree n>=2. The problem of identifying hidden m-variate polynomials of degree less or equal to n for fixed n and m is hard on a classical computer since Omega(sqrt{d}) black-box queries are required to guarantee a constant success probability. In contrast, we present a quantum algorithm that correctly identifies such hidden polynomials for all but a finite number of values of d with constant probability and that has a running time that is only polylogarithmic in d.Comment: 17 page

    Genericity of Filling Elements

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    An element of a finitely generated non-Abelian free group F(X) is said to be filling if that element has positive translation length in every very small action of F(X) on an R\mathbb{R}-tree. We give a proof that the set of filling elements of F(X) is exponentially F(X)-generic in the sense of Arzhantseva and Ol'shanskii. We also provide an algebraic sufficient condition for an element to be filling and show that there exists an exponentially F(X)-generic subset of filling elements whose membership problem is solvable in linear time.Comment: 9 page

    Efficient quantum algorithms for some instances of the non-Abelian hidden subgroup problem

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    In this paper we show that certain special cases of the hidden subgroup problem can be solved in polynomial time by a quantum algorithm. These special cases involve finding hidden normal subgroups of solvable groups and permutation groups, finding hidden subgroups of groups with small commutator subgroup and of groups admitting an elementary Abelian normal 2-subgroup of small index or with cyclic factor group.Comment: 10 page