21,360 research outputs found

    Using Elimination Theory to construct Rigid Matrices

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    The rigidity of a matrix A for target rank r is the minimum number of entries of A that must be changed to ensure that the rank of the altered matrix is at most r. Since its introduction by Valiant (1977), rigidity and similar rank-robustness functions of matrices have found numerous applications in circuit complexity, communication complexity, and learning complexity. Almost all nxn matrices over an infinite field have a rigidity of (n-r)^2. It is a long-standing open question to construct infinite families of explicit matrices even with superlinear rigidity when r = Omega(n). In this paper, we construct an infinite family of complex matrices with the largest possible, i.e., (n-r)^2, rigidity. The entries of an n x n matrix in this family are distinct primitive roots of unity of orders roughly exp(n^2 log n). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first family of concrete (but not entirely explicit) matrices having maximal rigidity and a succinct algebraic description. Our construction is based on elimination theory of polynomial ideals. In particular, we use results on the existence of polynomials in elimination ideals with effective degree upper bounds (effective Nullstellensatz). Using elementary algebraic geometry, we prove that the dimension of the affine variety of matrices of rigidity at most k is exactly n^2-(n-r)^2+k. Finally, we use elimination theory to examine whether the rigidity function is semi-continuous.Comment: 25 Pages, minor typos correcte

    On Matrix Rigidity and the Complexity of Linear Forms

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    The rigidity function of a matrix is defined as the minimum number of its entries that need to be changed in order to reduce the rank of the matrix to below a given parameter. Proving a strong enough lower bound on the rigidity of a matrix implies a nontrivial lower bound on the complexity of any linear circuit computing the set of linear forms associated with it. However, although it is shown that most matrices are rigid enough, no explicit construction of a rigid family of matrices is known. In this survey report we review the concept of rigidity and some of its interesting variations as well as several notable results related to that. We also show the existence of highly rigid matrices constructed by evaluation of bivariate polynomials over finite fields

    Geometry and Representation Theory in the Study of Matrix Rigidity

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    The notion of matrix rigidity was introduced by L. Valiant in 1977. He proved a theorem that relates the rigidity of a matrix to the complexity of the linear map that it defines, and proposed to use this theorem to prove lower bounds on the complexity of the Discrete Fourier Transform. In this thesis, I study this problem from a geometric point of view. We reduce to the study of an algebraic variety in the space of square matrices that is the union of linear cones over the classical determinantal variety of matrices of rank not higher than a fixed threshold. We discuss approaches to this problem using classical and modern algebraic geometry and representation theory. We determine a formula for the degrees of these cones and we study a method to find defining equations, also exploiting the classical representation theory of the symmetric group

    Static Data Structure Lower Bounds Imply Rigidity

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    We show that static data structure lower bounds in the group (linear) model imply semi-explicit lower bounds on matrix rigidity. In particular, we prove that an explicit lower bound of tω(log2n)t \geq \omega(\log^2 n) on the cell-probe complexity of linear data structures in the group model, even against arbitrarily small linear space (s=(1+ε)n)(s= (1+\varepsilon)n), would already imply a semi-explicit (PNP\bf P^{NP}\rm) construction of rigid matrices with significantly better parameters than the current state of art (Alon, Panigrahy and Yekhanin, 2009). Our results further assert that polynomial (tnδt\geq n^{\delta}) data structure lower bounds against near-optimal space, would imply super-linear circuit lower bounds for log-depth linear circuits (a four-decade open question). In the succinct space regime (s=n+o(n))(s=n+o(n)), we show that any improvement on current cell-probe lower bounds in the linear model would also imply new rigidity bounds. Our results rely on a new connection between the "inner" and "outer" dimensions of a matrix (Paturi and Pudlak, 2006), and on a new reduction from worst-case to average-case rigidity, which is of independent interest

    Equivalence of Systematic Linear Data Structures and Matrix Rigidity

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    Recently, Dvir, Golovnev, and Weinstein have shown that sufficiently strong lower bounds for linear data structures would imply new bounds for rigid matrices. However, their result utilizes an algorithm that requires an NPNP oracle, and hence, the rigid matrices are not explicit. In this work, we derive an equivalence between rigidity and the systematic linear model of data structures. For the nn-dimensional inner product problem with mm queries, we prove that lower bounds on the query time imply rigidity lower bounds for the query set itself. In particular, an explicit lower bound of ω(nrlogm)\omega\left(\frac{n}{r}\log m\right) for rr redundant storage bits would yield better rigidity parameters than the best bounds due to Alon, Panigrahy, and Yekhanin. We also prove a converse result, showing that rigid matrices directly correspond to hard query sets for the systematic linear model. As an application, we prove that the set of vectors obtained from rank one binary matrices is rigid with parameters matching the known results for explicit sets. This implies that the vector-matrix-vector problem requires query time Ω(n3/2/r)\Omega(n^{3/2}/r) for redundancy rnr \geq \sqrt{n} in the systematic linear model, improving a result of Chakraborty, Kamma, and Larsen. Finally, we prove a cell probe lower bound for the vector-matrix-vector problem in the high error regime, improving a result of Chattopadhyay, Kouck\'{y}, Loff, and Mukhopadhyay.Comment: 23 pages, 1 tabl

    Complexity of linear circuits and geometry

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    We use algebraic geometry to study matrix rigidity, and more generally, the complexity of computing a matrix-vector product, continuing a study initiated by Kumar, et. al. We (i) exhibit many non-obvious equations testing for (border) rigidity, (ii) compute degrees of varieties associated to rigidity, (iii) describe algebraic varieties associated to families of matrices that are expected to have super-linear rigidity, and (iv) prove results about the ideals and degrees of cones that are of interest in their own right.Comment: 29 pages, final version to appear in FOC

    Properties of Bott manifolds and cohomological rigidity

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    The cohomological rigidity problem for toric manifolds asks whether the cohomology ring of a toric manifold determines the topological type of the manifold. In this paper, we consider the problem with the class of one-twist Bott manifolds to get an affirmative answer to the problem. We also generalize the result to quasitoric manifolds. In doing so, we show that the twist number of a Bott manifold is well-defined and is equal to the cohomological complexity of the cohomology ring of the manifold. We also show that any cohomology Bott manifold is homeomorphic to a Bott manifold. All these results are also generalized to the case with Z(2)\mathbb Z_{(2)}-coefficients, where Z(2)\mathbb Z_{(2)} is the localized ring at 2.Comment: 22 page