27,227 research outputs found

    Christian-Muslim Relations in Nigeria: Areas of Convergences for Peaceful Coexistence

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    The paper examines the constitutional nature of Nigeria as a secular state where the citizens are either Muslims, Christians, or adherents of African Religion. But the concern of this paper has to do with the relations that exist between Christians and Muslims being the larger proportion of the three officially recognized religions in the country, influencing the thinking and values of a great percentage of Nigerians. The methods employed are historical, descriptive, and phenomenological.  Findings revealed that, although, notable scholars have written extensively on Christian-Muslim relations in Nigeria from different perspectives all aimed at promoting good inter-faith relations for peaceful coexistence among all and sundry regardless of religious affiliations. Conferences on inter-religious dialogue have been held on several occasions, but despite all these moves to promote good Christian-Muslim relations and the areas of convergences of these religions, the nation has continued to witness cases of untold crises that have today led to mistrust, suspicion, and fear between the adherents of the two prominent faiths. It is on this premise that the paper stressed selected theological doctrines common to the two religions which can be employed to bring about good neighbourliness, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence, especially among the adherents of Islam and Christianity. The historical development of each of these religions is also exploited. The paper concludes that religious leaders, instructors, Government, ecumenical movements, and other stakeholders in religious matters should endeavour to be more committed to the truth claim of religion

    Survey Report North Macedonia

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    One of the activities of the project ‘Role of Religion in Western Balkan Societies’ was an elite survey that enabled us to gain an insight into views and perceptions on issues related to religiosity, the role and influence of religion, threats and opportunities of religious diversity and suggestions on how religion can contribute to the different social aspects of the various countries of the region

    Islamic-Catholic Relations: A Local and Global Comparison

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    In our modern world, religion remains one of the most important aspects of an individual’s life, no matter what faith they choose to celebrate. Given the world’s increasing interconnectedness and continuing globalization, members of different faiths are becoming more exposed to communities of one another. In modern times, the disagreements between faiths continue just as they have in the past; however there are more efforts on each side to overcome differences and establish a peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding. Two of the most prominent faiths in today’s world are Catholicism and Islam, which have many differences between them. As Americans, we have witnessed firsthand, religious discrimination and stereotyping against the growing Muslim population in the United States, especially since 9/11. Unfortunately members of each faith continue to stereotype and meet each other with hostility. Through all this ignorance and animosity between Islam and Catholicism, there are members of each faith whose goal is to establish a peaceful coexistence. We wish to shed light upon such positive efforts. This paper, written equally from the perspective of being members of the Providence, R.I. and global community promotes positive dialogue and understanding between Muslims and Catholics at home and abroad

    Religions as Loci of Conflict Prevention: Local Capacities of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Religious Communities

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    Conflict and coexistence remain in a tense balance in the Western Balkans. Latent conflict, in which one’s ethno-religious community denotes which side you are on, persist after the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. These frozen and potential lines of conflict were laid decades and centuries ago, when religious affiliation diversified. At the same time, these religious, ethnic and national communities have a history of suživot: everyday relations with one another, or coexistence. The close geographic proximity of communities makes functional relational systems, which determine when, where and how people tend to interact, a practical necessity.212 As a result of this necessity to coexist, religions in the Western Balkans usually perceive ‘decent’, neighbourly behaviour and friendly relations with ethno-religious others as a sign of faith (Funk Deckard 2012, Funk 2013). Both conflict and coexistence signal relationship; as the peace scholar-practitioner John Paul Lederach puts it, ‘relationship is the basis of both the conflict and its long-term solution’ (1997, 26). In the post-war setting of Bosnia and Herzegovina, however, relationship with one’s former opponents is generally unwanted and even avoided. Ethnic cleansing in wartime successfully segregated Bosnia and Herzegovina’s ethno-religious communities in terms of geography and the violent methods produced emotional segregation. Social segregation, however, fails to engage the basic fact of relatedness within the state structure, not to mention a shared history and future. This choice to not relate may seek to avoid conflict, but it can also limit opportunities for change. Notably, the country is currently stuck in polarised, nationally oriented politics, hindering necessary reforms. Citizens and external observers commonly see these stalled reforms and oppositional politics as a major obstacle to the country’s development and the well-being of all its people

    Inter-religious dialogue in India with special reference to islam : positions, experiences and reflections

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    As both time and space at hand for this presentation is limited, therefore instead of a longer introductory note, here a move is made to deal with the given subject straight. In the second section the background both historical and theological is discussed, which win state the position of the inter-religious dialogue in India. The third section will deal with the involvement and experiences of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches in the field of inter-religious dialogue. The fourth section deals with other living religions specially Islam. Finally in section five concluding remarks are given in the form of reflections and in section six, the notes and references are listed

    Survey Report Kosovo

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    During April and May 2019, approximately 120 surveys were distributed to high-level individuals involved in political, economic and cultural spheres in Kosovo

    التعايش السلمي في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية:”سريلانكا” أنموذجا = Peaceful co-existence in the light of objectives of Sharia’h

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    The study focuses on clarifying the concept of peaceful coexistence, and its principles in the perspective of the “Maqasid Al-Shariah, (objectives of Islamic “Shariah”) because, the most important purposes of “Maqasid AlShariah” are protection of soul, family, dignity and money. And also the establishment ofsecurity and peaceful life through the peaceful coexistence by following the basic foundations which are considered as important pillars of peaceful co-existence, these are nature, justice, freedom, and equality under the multiplicity of religions, different races and colors. Therefore, according to the interdependence between the objectives of “Shariah” and co-existence which is considered an important pillar of the social system, and the development of communities,the study focuses on highlighting some of the important problems that hinder the achievement of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in the “Sri Lanka” due to the lack of knowledge about the reality of “Maqasid Al-Shariah” and its relationship to peaceful co-existence

    On Three Philosophical Premises of Religious Tolerance

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    My contention is to adumbrate three general premises leading to religious tolerance. The first is that emphasis should be laid much more on ethics than on metaphysics. Religions greatly differ in supernatural beliefs but all advocate justice, love, truthfulness, self-control and other virtues. Second, the beliefs about God are not true in their exact meaning, but rather as remote analogies to scientific truth. Religion is more resemblant of poetry than science. Third, real tolerance consists in the readiness to assimilate some of the values of other religions, since no one has expressed the transcendent in an exhausting and perfect way. Key Words: tolerance, ethics, objective knowledge, world religions, openness for the Othe

    Survey Report Albania

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    In April and May 2019, more than one hundred surveys were distributed amongst influential figures in Albania. The survey aimed to gather their views on the role of religion in Albania and the Western Balkans