4 research outputs found

    Unified theory for finite Markov chains

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    We provide a unified framework to compute the stationary distribution of any finite irreducible Markov chain or equivalently of any irreducible random walk on a finite semigroup SS. Our methods use geometric finite semigroup theory via the Karnofsky-Rhodes and the McCammond expansions of finite semigroups with specified generators; this does not involve any linear algebra. The original Tsetlin library is obtained by applying the expansions to P(n)P(n), the set of all subsets of an nn element set. Our set-up generalizes previous groundbreaking work involving left-regular bands (or R\mathscr{R}-trivial bands) by Brown and Diaconis, extensions to R\mathscr{R}-trivial semigroups by Ayyer, Steinberg, Thi\'ery and the second author, and important recent work by Chung and Graham. The Karnofsky-Rhodes expansion of the right Cayley graph of SS in terms of generators yields again a right Cayley graph. The McCammond expansion provides normal forms for elements in the expanded SS. Using our previous results with Silva based on work by Berstel, Perrin, Reutenauer, we construct (infinite) semaphore codes on which we can define Markov chains. These semaphore codes can be lumped using geometric semigroup theory. Using normal forms and associated Kleene expressions, they yield formulas for the stationary distribution of the finite Markov chain of the expanded SS and the original SS. Analyzing the normal forms also provides an estimate on the mixing time.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures; v2: Section 3.2 added, references added, revision of introduction, title change; v3: typos fixed and clarifications adde

    Almost overlap-free words and the word problem for the free Burnside semigroup satisfying x^2=x^3

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    In this paper we investigate the word problem of the free Burnside semigroup satisfying x^2=x^3 and having two generators. Elements of this semigroup are classes of equivalent words. A natural way to solve the word problem is to select a unique "canonical" representative for each equivalence class. We prove that overlap-free words and so-called almost overlap-free words (this notion is some generalization of the notion of overlap-free words) can serve as canonical representatives for corresponding equivalence classes. We show that such a word in a given class, if any, can be efficiently found. As a result, we construct a linear-time algorithm that partially solves the word problem for the semigroup under consideration.Comment: 33 pages, submitted to Internat. J. of Algebra and Compu

    Almost Overlap-free Words and the Word Problem for the Free Burnside Semigroup Satisfying x2 = x3

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    We study the word problem for the free Burnside semigroup satisfying x 2 = x3 and having two generators. The elements of this semigroup are classes of equivalent words. A natural way to solve the word problem is to select a unique "canonical" representative for each equivalence class. We prove that overlap-free words and "almost" overlap-free words can serve as canonical representatives of their equivalence classes. We show that such a word in a given class, if any, can be efficiently found. As a result, we construct a linear-time algorithm that partially solves the word problem for the semigroup under consideration. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company