57,501 research outputs found

    CamFlow: Managed Data-sharing for Cloud Services

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    A model of cloud services is emerging whereby a few trusted providers manage the underlying hardware and communications whereas many companies build on this infrastructure to offer higher level, cloud-hosted PaaS services and/or SaaS applications. From the start, strong isolation between cloud tenants was seen to be of paramount importance, provided first by virtual machines (VM) and later by containers, which share the operating system (OS) kernel. Increasingly it is the case that applications also require facilities to effect isolation and protection of data managed by those applications. They also require flexible data sharing with other applications, often across the traditional cloud-isolation boundaries; for example, when government provides many related services for its citizens on a common platform. Similar considerations apply to the end-users of applications. But in particular, the incorporation of cloud services within `Internet of Things' architectures is driving the requirements for both protection and cross-application data sharing. These concerns relate to the management of data. Traditional access control is application and principal/role specific, applied at policy enforcement points, after which there is no subsequent control over where data flows; a crucial issue once data has left its owner's control by cloud-hosted applications and within cloud-services. Information Flow Control (IFC), in addition, offers system-wide, end-to-end, flow control based on the properties of the data. We discuss the potential of cloud-deployed IFC for enforcing owners' dataflow policy with regard to protection and sharing, as well as safeguarding against malicious or buggy software. In addition, the audit log associated with IFC provides transparency, giving configurable system-wide visibility over data flows. [...]Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Trust and Privacy Permissions for an Ambient World

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    Ambient intelligence (AmI) and ubiquitous computing allow us to consider a future where computation is embedded into our daily social lives. This vision raises its own important questions and augments the need to understand how people will trust such systems and at the same time achieve and maintain privacy. As a result, we have recently conducted a wide reaching study of people’s attitudes to potential AmI scenarios with a view to eliciting their privacy concerns. This chapter describes recent research related to privacy and trust with regard to ambient technology. The method used in the study is described and findings discussed

    Rethinking De-Perimeterisation: Problem Analysis And Solutions

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    For businesses, the traditional security approach is the hard-shell model: an organisation secures all its assets using a fixed security border, trusting the inside, and distrusting the outside. However, as technologies and business processes change, this model looses its attractiveness. In a networked world, “inside” and “outside” can no longer be clearly distinguished. The Jericho Forum - an industry consortium part of the Open Group – coined this process deperimeterisation and suggested an approach aimed at securing data rather than complete systems and infrastructures. We do not question the reality of de-perimeterisation; however, we believe that the existing analysis of the exact problem, as well as the usefulness of the proposed solutions have fallen short: first, there is no linear process of blurring boundaries, in which security mechanisms are placed at lower and lower levels, until they only surround data. To the contrary, we experience a cyclic process of connecting and disconnecting of systems. As conditions change, the basic trade-off between accountability and business opportunities is made (and should be made) every time again. Apart from that, data level security has several limitations to start with, and there is a big potential for solving security problems differently: by rearranging the responsibilities between businesses and individuals. The results of this analysis can be useful for security professionals who need to trade off different security mechanisms for their organisations and their information systems

    Secure data sharing and processing in heterogeneous clouds

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    The extensive cloud adoption among the European Public Sector Players empowered them to own and operate a range of cloud infrastructures. These deployments vary both in the size and capabilities, as well as in the range of employed technologies and processes. The public sector, however, lacks the necessary technology to enable effective, interoperable and secure integration of a multitude of its computing clouds and services. In this work we focus on the federation of private clouds and the approaches that enable secure data sharing and processing among the collaborating infrastructures and services of public entities. We investigate the aspects of access control, data and security policy languages, as well as cryptographic approaches that enable fine-grained security and data processing in semi-trusted environments. We identify the main challenges and frame the future work that serve as an enabler of interoperability among heterogeneous infrastructures and services. Our goal is to enable both security and legal conformance as well as to facilitate transparency, privacy and effectivity of private cloud federations for the public sector needs. © 2015 The Authors

    Academic Panel: Can Self-Managed Systems be trusted?

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    Trust can be defined as to have confidence or faith in; a form of reliance or certainty based on past experience; to allow without fear; believe; hope: expect and wish; and extend credit to. The issue of trust in computing has always been a hot topic, especially notable with the proliferation of services over the Internet, which has brought the issue of trust and security right into the ordinary home. Autonomic computing brings its own complexity to this. With systems that self-manage, the internal decision making process is less transparent and the ‘intelligence’ possibly evolving and becoming less tractable. Such systems may be used from anything from environment monitoring to looking after Granny in the home and thus the issue of trust is imperative. To this end, we have organised this panel to examine some of the key aspects of trust. The first section discusses the issues of self-management when applied across organizational boundaries. The second section explores predictability in self-managed systems. The third part examines how trust is manifest in electronic service communities. The final discussion demonstrates how trust can be integrated into an autonomic system as the core intelligence with which to base adaptivity choices upon

    Converging technologies and de-perimeterisation: towards risky active insulation

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    In converging technologies (Roco and Bainbridge, 2003), boundaries between previously separated technologies become permeable. A similar process is also taking place within information technology. In what is called de-perimeterisation (Jericho Forum, 2005), the boundaries of the information infrastructures of organisations dissolve. Where previously a firewall was used to separate the untrusted outside from the trusted inside, outsourcing of information management and mobility of employees make it impossible to rely on such a clearly located security perimeter. In this paper, we ask the question to what extent these developments represent a similar underlying shift in design assumptions, and how this relates to risk management (cf. Perrow, 1999). We investigate this question from the perspective of the system theory of Niklas Luhmann (1979, 1988, 2005 [1993])

    Localization to Enhance Security and Services in Wi-Fi Networks under Privacy Constraints

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    Developments of seamless mobile services are faced with two broad challenges, systems security and user privacy - access to wireless systems is highly insecure due to the lack of physical boundaries and, secondly, location based services (LBS) could be used to extract highly sensitive user information. In this paper, we describe our work on developing systems which exploit location information to enhance security and services under privacy constraints. We describe two complimentary methods which we have developed to track node location information within production University Campus Networks comprising of large numbers of users. The location data is used to enhance security and services. Specifically, we describe a method for creating geographic firewalls which allows us to restrict and enhance services to individual users within a specific containment area regardless of physical association. We also report our work on LBS development to provide visualization of spatio-temporal node distribution under privacy considerations
