36 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for the Average and Smoothed Number of Pareto Optima

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    Smoothed analysis of multiobjective 0-1 linear optimization has drawn considerable attention recently. The number of Pareto-optimal solutions (i.e., solutions with the property that no other solution is at least as good in all the coordinates and better in at least one) for multiobjective optimization problems is the central object of study. In this paper, we prove several lower bounds for the expected number of Pareto optima. Our basic result is a lower bound of \Omega_d(n^(d-1)) for optimization problems with d objectives and n variables under fairly general conditions on the distributions of the linear objectives. Our proof relates the problem of lower bounding the number of Pareto optima to results in geometry connected to arrangements of hyperplanes. We use our basic result to derive (1) To our knowledge, the first lower bound for natural multiobjective optimization problems. We illustrate this for the maximum spanning tree problem with randomly chosen edge weights. Our technique is sufficiently flexible to yield such lower bounds for other standard objective functions studied in this setting (such as, multiobjective shortest path, TSP tour, matching). (2) Smoothed lower bound of min {\Omega_d(n^(d-1.5) \phi^{(d-log d) (1-\Theta(1/\phi))}), 2^{\Theta(n)}}$ for the 0-1 knapsack problem with d profits for phi-semirandom distributions for a version of the knapsack problem. This improves the recent lower bound of Brunsch and Roeglin

    i-choose u: Development of Decision Support System Using Skyline Technique (Preference Query Technique): The Case of Choosing Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions

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    This study focuses on Malaysian public universities marketing strategies which mainly used to attract international students who have the intention to enroll in higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The main objective of this study is to develop decision support system prototype (DSS) using preferences queries technique (skyline technique), in order to solve the issue of facing challenges that can be consequences of wrong selection of universities or colleges that had been made by students and may influence in their performance. This system aim to help international students to choose suitable college based on their criteria as well as to help them to make the right decision when they want to select one of the public universities in Malaysia. In this research; we used rapid application development (RAD) method. The DSS prototype (i-choose u) in this study constructed by using Java Server Pages (JSP) and MYSQL for database development, which are open sources software. The DSS prototype (i-choose u) suggests maximum five universities to international students that are most suitable to students based on student’s criteria

    From Proximity to Utility: A Voronoi Partition of Pareto Optima

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    We present an extension of Voronoi diagrams where when considering which site a client is going to use, in addition to the site distances, other site attributes are also considered (for example, prices or weights). A cell in this diagram is then the locus of all clients that consider the same set of sites to be relevant. In particular, the precise site a client might use from this candidate set depends on parameters that might change between usages, and the candidate set lists all of the relevant sites. The resulting diagram is significantly more expressive than Voronoi diagrams, but naturally has the drawback that its complexity, even in the plane, might be quite high. Nevertheless, we show that if the attributes of the sites are drawn from the same distribution (note that the locations are fixed), then the expected complexity of the candidate diagram is near linear. To this end, we derive several new technical results, which are of independent interest. In particular, we provide a high-probability, asymptotically optimal bound on the number of Pareto optima points in a point set uniformly sampled from the dd-dimensional hypercube. To do so we revisit the classical backward analysis technique, both simplifying and improving relevant results in order to achieve the high-probability bounds