10 research outputs found

    On the (In)security of SNARKs in the Presence of Oracles

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    International audienceIn this work we study the feasibility of knowledge extraction for succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (SNARKs) in a scenario that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been analyzed before. While prior work focuses on the case of adversarial provers that may receive (statically generated) auxiliary information, here we consider the scenario where adversarial provers are given access to an oracle. For this setting we study if and under what assumptions such provers can admit an extractor. Our contribution is mainly threefold. First, we formalize the question of extraction in the presence of oracles by proposing a suitable proof of knowledge definition for this setting. We call SNARKs satisfying this definition O-SNARKs. Second, we show how to use O-SNARKs to obtain formal and intuitive security proofs for three applications (ho-momorphic signatures, succinct functional signatures, and SNARKs on authenticated data) where we recognize an issue while doing the proof under the standard proof of knowledge definition of SNARKs. Third, we study whether O-SNARKs exist, providing both negative and positive results. On the negative side, we show that, assuming one way functions, there do not exist O-SNARKs in the standard model for every signing oracle family (and thus for general oracle families as well). On the positive side, we show that when considering signature schemes with appropriate restrictions on the message length O-SNARKs for the corresponding signing oracles exist, based on classical SNARKs and assuming extraction with respect to specific distributions of auxiliary input. This article is based on an earlier article which appears in the proceedings of TCC 2016-B, c IACR 2016

    Machine-checked proofs for electronic voting: privacy and verifiability for Belenios

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    International audienceWe present a machine-checked security analysis of Belenios-a deployed voting protocol used already in more than 200 elections. Belenios extends Helios with an explicit registration authority to obtain eligibility guarantees. We offer two main results. First, we build upon a recent framework for proving ballot privacy in EasyCrypt. Inspired by our application to Belenios, we adapt and extend the privacy security notions to account for protocols that include a registration phase. Our analysis identifies a trust assumption which is missing in the existing (pen and paper) analysis of Belenios: ballot privacy does not hold if the registrar misbehaves, even if the role of the registrar is seemingly to provide eligibility guarantees. Second, we develop a novel framework for proving strong verifiability in EasyCrypt and apply it to Belenios. In the process, we clarify several aspects of the pen-and-paper proof, such as how to deal with revote policies. Together, our results yield the first machine-checked analysis of both ballot privacy and verifiability properties for a deployed electronic voting protocol. Perhaps more importantly, we identify several issues regarding the applicability of existing definitions of privacy and verifiability to systems other than Helios. While we show how to adapt the definitions to the particular case of Belenios, our findings indicate the need for more general security notions for electronic voting protocols with registration authorities

    Trust Nobody: Privacy-Preserving Proofs for Edited Photos with Your Laptop

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    The Internet has plenty of images that are transformations (e.g., resize, blur) of confidential original images. Several scenarios (e.g., selling images over the Internet, fighting disinformation, detecting deep fakes) would highly benefit from systems allowing to verify that an image is the result of a transformation applied to a confidential authentic image. In this paper, we focus on systems for proving and verifying the correctness of transformations of authentic images guaranteeing: 1) confidentiality (i.e., the original image remains private), 2) efficient proof generation (i.e., the proof certifying the correctness of the transformation can be computed with a common laptop) even for high-resolution images, 3) authenticity (i.e., only the advertised transformations have been applied) and 4) fast detection of fraud proofs. Our contribution consists of the following results: - We present new definitions following in part the ones proposed by Naveh and Tromer [IEEE S&P 2016] and strengthening them to face more realistic adversaries. - We propose techniques leveraging the way typical transformations work to then efficiently instantiate ZK-snarks circumventing the major bottlenecks due to claims about large pre-images of cryptographic hashes. - We present a 1st construction based on an ad-hoc signature scheme and an and-hoc cryptographic hash function, obtaining for the first time all the above 4 properties. - We present a 2nd construction that, unlike in previous results, works with the signature scheme and cryptographic hash function included in the C2PA specifications. Experimental results confirm the viability of our approach: in our 1st construction, an authentic transformation (e.g., a resize or a crop) of a high-resolution image of 30 MP can be generated on a common 8 cores PC in about 41 minutes employing less than 4 GB of RAM. Our 2nd construction is roughly one order of magnitude slower than our 1st construction. Prior results instead either require expensive computing resources or provide unsatisfying confidentiality

    Boosting Verifiable Computation on Encrypted Data

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    International audienceWe consider the setting in which an untrusted server stores a collection of data and is asked to compute a function over it. In this scenario, we aim for solutions where the untrusted server does not learn information about the data and is prevented from cheating. This problem is addressed by verifiable and private delegation of computation, proposed by Gennaro, Gentry and Parno (CRYPTO'10), a notion that is close to both the active areas of homomorphic encryption and verifiable computation (VC). However, in spite of the efficiency advances in the respective areas, VC protocols that guarantee privacy of the inputs are still expensive. The only exception is a protocol by Fiore, Gennaro and Pastro (CCS'14) that supports arithmetic circuits of degree at most 2. In this paper we propose new efficient protocols for VC on encrypted data that improve over the state of the art solution of Fiore et al. in multiple aspects. First, we can support computations of degree higher than 2. Second, we achieve public delegatability and public verifiability whereas Fiore et al. need the same secret key to encode inputs and verify outputs. Third, we achieve a new property that guarantees that verifiers can be convinced about the correctness of the outputs without learning information on the inputs. The key tool to obtain our new protocols is a new SNARK that can efficiently handle computations over a quotient polynomial ring, such as the one used by Ring-LWE somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes. This SNARK in turn relies on a new commit-and-prove SNARK for proving evaluations on the same point of several committed polynomials. We propose a construction of this scheme under an extractability assumption over bilinear groups in the random oracle model

    Cinderella: Turning Shabby X.509 Certificates into Elegant Anonymous Credentials with the Magic of Verifiable Computation

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    Abstract-Despite advances in security engineering, authentication in applications such as email and the Web still primarily relies on the X.509 public key infrastructure introduced in 1988. This PKI has many issues but is nearly impossible to replace. Leveraging recent progress in verifiable computation, we propose a novel use of existing X.509 certificates and infrastructure. Instead of receiving & validating chains of certificates, our applications receive & verify proofs of their knowledge, their validity, and their compliance with application policies. This yields smaller messages (by omitting certificates), stronger privacy (by hiding certificate contents), and stronger integrity (by embedding additional checks, e.g. for revocation). X.509 certificate validation is famously complex and errorprone, as it involves parsing ASN.1 data structures and interpreting them against diverse application policies. To manage this diversity, we propose a new format for writing application policies by composing X.509 templates, and we provide a template compiler that generates C code for validating certificates within a given policy. We then use the Geppetto cryptographic compiler to produce a zero-knowledge verifiable computation scheme for that policy. To optimize the resulting scheme, we develop new C libraries for RSA-PKCS#1 signatures and ASN.1 parsing, carefully tailored for cryptographic verifiability. We evaluate our approach by providing two real-world applications of verifiable computation: a drop-in replacement for certificates within TLS; and access control for the Helios voting protocol. For TLS, we support fine-grained validation policies, with revocation checking and selective disclosure of certificate contents, effectively turning X.509 certificates into anonymous credentials. For Helios, we obtain additional privacy and verifiability guarantees for voters equipped with X.509 certificates, such as those readily available from some national ID cards

    One-Time Programs from Commodity Hardware

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    One-time programs, originally formulated by Goldwasser et al. [CRYPTO\u2708], are a powerful cryptographic primitive with compelling applications. Known solutions for one-time programs, however, require specialized secure hardware that is not widely available (or, alternatively, access to blockchains and very strong cryptographic tools). In this work we investigate the possibility of realizing one-time programs from a recent and now more commonly available hardware functionality: the counter lockbox. A counter lockbox is a stateful functionality that protects an encryption key under a user-specified password, and enforces a limited number of incorrect guesses. Counter lockboxes have become widely available in consumer devices and cloud platforms. We show that counter lockboxes can be used to realize one-time programs for general functionalities. We develop a number of techniques to reduce the number of counter lockboxes required for our constructions, that may be of independent interest

    Reducing Participation Costs via Incremental Verification for Ledger Systems

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    Ledger systems are applications run on peer-to-peer networks that provide strong integrity guarantees. However, these systems often have high participation costs. For a server to join this network, the bandwidth and computation costs grow linearly with the number of state transitions processed; for a client to interact with a ledger system, it must either maintain the entire ledger system state like a server or trust a server to correctly provide such information. In practice, these substantial costs centralize trust in the hands of the relatively few parties with the resources to maintain the entire ledger system state. The notion of *incrementally verifiable computation*, introduced by Valiant (TCC \u2708), has the potential to significantly reduce such participation costs. While prior works have studied incremental verification for basic payment systems, the study of incremental verification for a general class of ledger systems remains in its infancy. In this paper we initiate a systematic study of incremental verification for ledger systems, including its foundations, implementation, and empirical evaluation. We formulate a cryptographic primitive providing the functionality and security for this setting, and then demonstrate how it captures applications with privacy and user-defined computations. We build a system that enables incremental verification, for applications such as privacy-preserving payments, with universal (application-independent) setup. Finally, we show that incremental verification can reduce participation costs by orders of magnitude, for a bare-bones version of Bitcoin

    Secure transformation of cryptographic protocols

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    Over decades of active research, MPC has grown into a rich and complex topic, with many incomparable flavors and numerous protocols and techniques. The diversity of models and questions forms a wide spectrum of possible tradeoffs between functionality, security, and efficiency, which partially explains the massive amount of research in the area. Meanwhile, several important results actually rely on “protocol transformations,” whereby protocols from one model of MPC are transformed to protocols from another model. Motivated by simplifying and unifying results in the area of MPC, our first goal is to formalize a general notion of black-box protocol transformations that captures previous transformations from the literature as special cases, and present several new transformations. In addition to the simplification of known feasibility results, we then push our study of protocol transformations by presenting several results regarding security augmentation and efficiency leveraging. On the other hand, we prove the impossibility of two simple types of black-box protocol transformations. Next, we initiate the study of bottleneck complexity as a new communication efficiency measure for secure multiparty computation (MPC). Roughly, the bottleneck complexity of an MPC protocol is defined as the maximum communication complexity required by any party within the protocol execution. While achieving O(n) bottleneck complexity (where n is the number of parties) is straightforward, we show that: (1) achieving sublinear bottleneck complexity is not always possible, even when no security is required. (2) On the other hand, several useful classes of functions do have o(n) bottleneck complexity, when no security is required. Then our main positive result regarding bottleneck complexity is a compiler that transforms any (possibly insecure) efficient protocol with a fixed communication-pattern for computing any functionality into a secure MPC protocol while preserving the bottleneck complexity of the underlying protocol (up to security parameter overhead). Given our compiler, an efficient protocol for any function f with sublinear bottleneck complexity can be transformed into an MPC protocol for f with the same bottleneck complexity. Along the way, we build cryptographic primitives – incremental fully-homomorphic encryption, succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge with ID-based simulation-extractability property and verifiable protocol execution – that may be of independent interest

    Aggregating Falcon Signatures with LaBRADOR

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    Several prior works have suggested to use non-interactive arguments of knowledge with short proofs to aggregate signatures of Falcon, which is part of the first post-quantum signatures selected for standardization by NIST. Especially LaBRADOR, based on standard structured lattice assumptions and published at CRYPTO’23, seems promising to realize this task. However, no prior work has tackled this idea in a rigorous way. In this paper, we thoroughly prove how to aggregate Falcon signatures using LaBRADOR. First, we improve LaBRADOR by moving from a low-splitting to a high-splitting ring, allowing for faster computations. This modification leads to some additional technical challenges for proving the knowledge soundness of LaBRADOR. Moreover, we provide the first complete knowledge soundness analysis for the non-interactive version of LaBRADOR. Here, the multi-round and recursive nature of LaBRADOR requires a complex and thorough analysis. For this purpose, we introduce the notion of predicate special soundness (PSS). This is a general framework for evaluating the knowledge error of complex Fiat-Shamir arguments of knowledge protocols in a modular fashion, which we believe to be of independent interest. Lastly, we explain the exact steps to take in order to adapt the LaBRADOR proof system for aggregating Falcon signatures and provide concrete estimates for proof sizes. Additionally, we formalize the folklore approach of obtaining aggregate signatures from the class of hash-then-sign signatures through arguments of knowledge

    Theory of Cryptography [electronic resource] : 14th International Conference, TCC 2016-B, Beijing, China, October 31-November 3, 2016, Proceedings, Part I /

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    The two-volume set LNCS 9985 and LNCS 9986 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Theory of Cryptography, TCC 2016-B, held in Beijing, China, in November 2016. The total of 45 revised full papers presented in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 113 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: TCC test-of-time award; foundations; unconditional security; foundations of multi-party protocols; round complexity and efficiency of multi-party computation; differential privacy; delegation and IP; public-key encryption; obfuscation and multilinear maps; attribute-based encryption; functional encryption; secret sharing; new models.TCC Test-of-Time Award -- From Indifferentiability to Constructive Cryptography (and Back) -- Foundations -- Fast Pseudorandom Functions Based on Expander Graphs -- 3-Message Zero Knowledge Against Human Ignorance -- The GGM Function Family is a Weakly One-Way Family of Functions -- On the (In)security of SNARKs in the Presence of Oracles -- Leakage Resilient One-Way Functions: The Auxiliary-Input Setting -- Simulating Auxiliary Inputs, Revisited -- Unconditional Security -- Pseudoentropy: Lower-bounds for Chain rules and Transformations -- Oblivious Transfer from Any Non-Trivial Elastic Noisy Channel via Secret Key Agreement -- Simultaneous Secrecy and Reliability Amplification for a General Channel Model -- Proof of Space from Stacked Expanders -- Perfectly Secure Message Transmission in Two Rounds -- Foundations of Multi-Party Protocols -- Almost-Optimally Fair Multiparty Coin-Tossing with Nearly Three-Quarters Malicious -- Binary AMD Circuits from Secure Multiparty Computation -- Composable Security in the Tamper-Proof Hardware Model under Minimal Complexity -- Composable Adaptive Secure Protocols without Setup under Polytime Assumptions -- Adaptive Security of Yao’s Garbled Circuits -- Round Complexity and Efficiency of Multi-Party Computation -- Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation with Identifiable Abort -- Secure Multiparty RAM Computation in Constant Rounds -- Constant-Round Maliciously Secure Two-Party Computation in the RAM Model -- More Efficient Constant-Round Multi-Party Computation from BMR and SHE -- Cross&Clean: Amortized Garbled Circuits With Constant Overhead -- Differential Privacy -- Separating Computational and Statistical Differential Privacy in the Client-Server Model -- Concentrated Differential Privacy: Simplifications, Extensions, and Lower Bounds -- Strong Hardness of Privacy from Weak Traitor Tracing. .The two-volume set LNCS 9985 and LNCS 9986 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Theory of Cryptography, TCC 2016-B, held in Beijing, China, in November 2016. The total of 45 revised full papers presented in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 113 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: TCC test-of-time award; foundations; unconditional security; foundations of multi-party protocols; round complexity and efficiency of multi-party computation; differential privacy; delegation and IP; public-key encryption; obfuscation and multilinear maps; attribute-based encryption; functional encryption; secret sharing; new models