3,804 research outputs found

    Revolving scheme for solving a cascade of Abel equations in dynamics of planar satellite rotation

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    The main objective for this research was the analytical exploration of the dynamics of planar satellite rotation during the motion of an elliptical orbit around a planet. First, we revisit the results of J. Wisdom et al. (1984), in which, by the elegant change of variables (considering the true anomaly f as the independent variable), the governing equation of satellite rotation takes the form of an Abel ODE of the second kind, a sort of generalization of the Riccati ODE. We note that due to the special character of solutions of a Riccati-type ODE, there exists the possibility of sudden jumping in the magnitude of the solution at some moment of time. In the physical sense, this jumping of the Riccati-type solutions of the governing ODE could be associated with the effect of sudden acceleration/deceleration in the satellite rotation around the chosen principle axis at a definite moment of parametric time. This means that there exists not only a chaotic satellite rotation regime (as per the results of J. Wisdom et al. (1984)), but a kind of gradient catastrophe (Arnold 1992) could occur during the satellite rotation process. We especially note that if a gradient catastrophe could occur, this does not mean that it must occur: such a possibility depends on the initial conditions. In addition, we obtained asymptotical solutions that manifest a quasi-periodic character even with the strong simplifying assumptions e ~ 0, p = 1, which reduce the governing equation of J. Wisdom et al. (1984) to a kind of Beletskii equation.Comment: 15 pages; Keywords: Beletskii equation, satellite rotation, Abel ODE, gradient catastrophe. Article is published in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters (7 June 2017

    Time-like boundary conditions in the NLS model

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    We focus on the non-linear Schrodinger model and we extend the notion of space-time dualities in the presence of integrable time-like boundary conditions. We identify the associated time-like `conserved' quantities and Lax pairs as well as the corresponding boundary conditions. In particular, we derive the generating function of the space components of the Lax pairs in the case of time-like boundaries defined by solutions of the reflection equation. Analytical conditions on the boundary Lax pair lead to the time like-boundary conditions. The time-like dressing is also performed for the first time, as an effective means to produce the space components of the Lax pair of the associated hierarchy. This is particularly relevant in the absence of a classical r-matrix, or when considering complicated underlying algebraic structures. The associated time Riccati equations and hence the time-like conserved quantities are also derived. We use as the main paradigm for this purpose the matrix NLS-type hierarchy.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex. A few typos corrected. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1810.1093

    A Periodic Systems Toolbox for MATLAB

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    The recently developed Periodic Systems Toolbox for MATLAB is described. The basic approach to develop this toolbox was to exploit the powerful object manipulation features of MATLAB via flexible andfunctionally rich high level m-functions, while simultaneously enforcing highly efficient and numerically sound computations via the mex-function technology of MATLAB to solve critical numerical problems.The m-functions based user interfaces ensure user-friendliness in operating with the functions of this toolbox via an object oriented approach to handle periodic system descriptions. The mex-functions are based on Fortran implementations of recently developed structure exploiting and structure preserving numerical algorithms for periodic systems which completely avoid forming of lifted representations

    Integrals of Motion in the Two Killing Vector Reduction of General Relativity

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    We apply the inverse scattering method to the midi-superspace models that are characterized by a two-parameter Abelian group of motions with two spacelike Killing vectors. We present a formulation that simplifies the construction of the soliton solutions of Belinski\v i and Zakharov. Furthermore, it enables us to obtain the zero curvature formulation for these models. Using this, and imposing periodic boundary conditions corresponding to the Gowdy models when the spatial topology is a three torus T3T ^3, we show that the equation of motion for the monodromy matrix is an evolution equation of the Heisenberg type. Consequently, the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix are the generating functionals for the integrals of motion. Furthermore, we utilise a suitable formulation of the transition matrix to obtain explicit expressions for the integrals of motion. This involves recursion relations which arise in solving an equation of Riccati type. In the case when the two Killing vectors are hypersurface orthogonal the integrals of motion have a particularly simple form.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, SU-GP-93/7-8, UM-P-93/7

    Hydrodynamic mean field solutions of 1D exclusion processes with spatially varying hopping rates

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    We analyze the open boundary partially asymmetric exclusion process with smoothly varying internal hopping rates in the infinite-size, mean field limit. The mean field equations for particle densities are written in terms of Ricatti equations with the steady-state current JJ as a parameter. These equations are solved both analytically and numerically. Upon imposing the boundary conditions set by the injection and extraction rates, the currents JJ are found self-consistently. We find a number of cases where analytic solutions can be found exactly or approximated. Results for JJ from asymptotic analyses for slowly varying hopping rates agree extremely well with those from extensive Monte Carlo simulations, suggesting that mean field currents asymptotically approach the exact currents in the hydrodynamic limit, as the hopping rates vary slowly over the lattice. If the forward hopping rate is greater than or less than the backward hopping rate throughout the entire chain, the three standard steady-state phases are preserved. Our analysis reveals the sensitivity of the current to the relative phase between the forward and backward hopping rate functions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Linking Backlund and Monodromy Charges for Strings on AdS_5 x S^5

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    We find an explicit relation between the two known ways of generating an infinite set of local conserved charges for the string sigma model on AdS_5 x S^5: the Backlund and monodromy approaches. We start by constructing the two-parameter family of Backlund transformations for the string with an arbitrary world-sheet metric. We then show that only for a special value of one of the parameters the solutions generated by this transformation are compatible with the Virasoro constraints. By solving the Backlund equations in a non-perturbative fashion, we finally show that the generating functional of the Backlund conservation laws is equal to a certain sum of the quasi-momenta. The positions of the quasi-momenta in the complex spectral plane are uniquely determined by the real parameter of the Backlund transform.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Lagrangian Formalism for nonlinear second-order Riccati Systems: one-dimensional Integrability and two-dimensional Superintegrability

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    The existence of a Lagrangian description for the second-order Riccati equation is analyzed and the results are applied to the study of two different nonlinear systems both related with the generalized Riccati equation. The Lagrangians are nonnatural and the forces are not derivable from a potential. The constant value EE of a preserved energy function can be used as an appropriate parameter for characterizing the behaviour of the solutions of these two systems. In the second part the existence of two--dimensional versions endowed with superintegrability is proved. The explicit expressions of the additional integrals are obtained in both cases. Finally it is proved that the orbits of the second system, that represents a nonlinear oscillator, can be considered as nonlinear Lissajous figuresComment: 25 pages, 7 figure