7,511 research outputs found

    True CMB Power Spectrum Estimation

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    The cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum is a powerful cosmological probe as it entails almost all the statistical information of the CMB perturbations. Having access to only one sky, the CMB power spectrum measured by our experiments is only a realization of the true underlying angular power spectrum. In this paper we aim to recover the true underlying CMB power spectrum from the one realization that we have without a need to know the cosmological parameters. The sparsity of the CMB power spectrum is first investigated in two dictionaries; Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Wavelet Transform (WT). The CMB power spectrum can be recovered with only a few percentage of the coefficients in both of these dictionaries and hence is very compressible in these dictionaries. We study the performance of these dictionaries in smoothing a set of simulated power spectra. Based on this, we develop a technique that estimates the true underlying CMB power spectrum from data, i.e. without a need to know the cosmological parameters. This smooth estimated spectrum can be used to simulate CMB maps with similar properties to the true CMB simulations with the correct cosmological parameters. This allows us to make Monte Carlo simulations in a given project, without having to know the cosmological parameters. The developed IDL code, TOUSI, for Theoretical pOwer spectrUm using Sparse estImation, will be released with the next version of ISAP

    Estimating Sparse Signals Using Integrated Wideband Dictionaries

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    In this paper, we introduce a wideband dictionary framework for estimating sparse signals. By formulating integrated dictionary elements spanning bands of the considered parameter space, one may efficiently find and discard large parts of the parameter space not active in the signal. After each iteration, the zero-valued parts of the dictionary may be discarded to allow a refined dictionary to be formed around the active elements, resulting in a zoomed dictionary to be used in the following iterations. Implementing this scheme allows for more accurate estimates, at a much lower computational cost, as compared to directly forming a larger dictionary spanning the whole parameter space or performing a zooming procedure using standard dictionary elements. Different from traditional dictionaries, the wideband dictionary allows for the use of dictionaries with fewer elements than the number of available samples without loss of resolution. The technique may be used on both one- and multi-dimensional signals, and may be exploited to refine several traditional sparse estimators, here illustrated with the LASSO and the SPICE estimators. Numerical examples illustrate the improved performance

    Sparsity-Based Super Resolution for SEM Images

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    The scanning electron microscope (SEM) produces an image of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with the atoms in the sample, which emit secondary electrons that contain information about the surface topography and composition. The sample is scanned by the electron beam point by point, until an image of the surface is formed. Since its invention in 1942, SEMs have become paramount in the discovery and understanding of the nanometer world, and today it is extensively used for both research and in industry. In principle, SEMs can achieve resolution better than one nanometer. However, for many applications, working at sub-nanometer resolution implies an exceedingly large number of scanning points. For exactly this reason, the SEM diagnostics of microelectronic chips is performed either at high resolution (HR) over a small area or at low resolution (LR) while capturing a larger portion of the chip. Here, we employ sparse coding and dictionary learning to algorithmically enhance LR SEM images of microelectronic chips up to the level of the HR images acquired by slow SEM scans, while considerably reducing the noise. Our methodology consists of two steps: an offline stage of learning a joint dictionary from a sequence of LR and HR images of the same region in the chip, followed by a fast-online super-resolution step where the resolution of a new LR image is enhanced. We provide several examples with typical chips used in the microelectronics industry, as well as a statistical study on arbitrary images with characteristic structural features. Conceptually, our method works well when the images have similar characteristics. This work demonstrates that employing sparsity concepts can greatly improve the performance of SEM, thereby considerably increasing the scanning throughput without compromising on analysis quality and resolution.Comment: Final publication available at ACS Nano Letter

    Matrix of Polynomials Model based Polynomial Dictionary Learning Method for Acoustic Impulse Response Modeling

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    We study the problem of dictionary learning for signals that can be represented as polynomials or polynomial matrices, such as convolutive signals with time delays or acoustic impulse responses. Recently, we developed a method for polynomial dictionary learning based on the fact that a polynomial matrix can be expressed as a polynomial with matrix coefficients, where the coefficient of the polynomial at each time lag is a scalar matrix. However, a polynomial matrix can be also equally represented as a matrix with polynomial elements. In this paper, we develop an alternative method for learning a polynomial dictionary and a sparse representation method for polynomial signal reconstruction based on this model. The proposed methods can be used directly to operate on the polynomial matrix without having to access its coefficients matrices. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method for acoustic impulse response modeling.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Sampling in the Analysis Transform Domain

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    Many signal and image processing applications have benefited remarkably from the fact that the underlying signals reside in a low dimensional subspace. One of the main models for such a low dimensionality is the sparsity one. Within this framework there are two main options for the sparse modeling: the synthesis and the analysis ones, where the first is considered the standard paradigm for which much more research has been dedicated. In it the signals are assumed to have a sparse representation under a given dictionary. On the other hand, in the analysis approach the sparsity is measured in the coefficients of the signal after applying a certain transformation, the analysis dictionary, on it. Though several algorithms with some theory have been developed for this framework, they are outnumbered by the ones proposed for the synthesis methodology. Given that the analysis dictionary is either a frame or the two dimensional finite difference operator, we propose a new sampling scheme for signals from the analysis model that allows to recover them from their samples using any existing algorithm from the synthesis model. The advantage of this new sampling strategy is that it makes the existing synthesis methods with their theory also available for signals from the analysis framework.Comment: 13 Pages, 2 figure

    Multi-modal Image Processing based on Coupled Dictionary Learning

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    In real-world scenarios, many data processing problems often involve heterogeneous images associated with different imaging modalities. Since these multimodal images originate from the same phenomenon, it is realistic to assume that they share common attributes or characteristics. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal image processing framework based on coupled dictionary learning to capture similarities and disparities between different image modalities. In particular, our framework can capture favorable structure similarities across different image modalities such as edges, corners, and other elementary primitives in a learned sparse transform domain, instead of the original pixel domain, that can be used to improve a number of image processing tasks such as denoising, inpainting, or super-resolution. Practical experiments demonstrate that incorporating multimodal information using our framework brings notable benefits.Comment: SPAWC 2018, 19th IEEE International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communication
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