6 research outputs found

    Bounded Search Tree Algorithms for Parameterized Cograph Deletion: Efficient Branching Rules by Exploiting Structures of Special Graph Classes

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    Many fixed-parameter tractable algorithms using a bounded search tree have been repeatedly improved, often by describing a larger number of branching rules involving an increasingly complex case analysis. We introduce a novel and general search strategy that branches on the forbidden subgraphs of a graph class relaxation. By using the class of P4P_4-sparse graphs as the relaxed graph class, we obtain efficient bounded search tree algorithms for several parameterized deletion problems. We give the first non-trivial bounded search tree algorithms for the cograph edge-deletion problem and the trivially perfect edge-deletion problems. For the cograph vertex deletion problem, a refined analysis of the runtime of our simple bounded search algorithm gives a faster exponential factor than those algorithms designed with the help of complicated case distinctions and non-trivial running time analysis [21] and computer-aided branching rules [11].Comment: 23 pages. Accepted in Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (DMAA

    On P_4-tidy graphs

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    We study the P_4-tidy graphs, a new class defined by Rusu [30] in order to illustrate the notion of P_4-domination in perfect graphs. This class strictly contains the P_4-extendible graphs and the P_4-lite graphs defined by Jamison & Olariu in [19] and [23] and we show that the P_4-tidy graphs and P_4-lite graphs are closely related. Note that the class of P_4-lite graphs is a class of brittle graphs strictly containing the P_4-sparse graphs defined by Hoang in [14]. McConnel & Spinrad [2] and independently Cournier & Habib [5] have shown that the modular decomposition tree of any graph is computable in linear time. For recognizing in linear time P_4-tidy graphs, we apply a method introduced by Giakoumakis in [9] and Giakoumakis & Fouquet in [6] using modular decomposition of graphs and we propose linear algorithms for optimization problems on such graphs, as clique number, stability number, chromatic number and scattering number. We show that the Hamiltonian Path Problem is linear for this class of graphs. Our study unifies and generalizes previous results of Jamison & Olariu ([18], [21], [22]), Hochstattler & Schindler[16], Jung [25] and Hochstattler & Tinhofer [15]

    Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set Problem

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    This thesis focuses mainly on the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem. Some related graph theoretical combinatorial problems are also considered. As these problems are generally NP-hard, we study their complexity in hereditary graph classes, i.e. graph classes defined by a set F of forbidden induced subgraphs. We revise the literature about the issue, for example complexity results, applications, and techniques tackling the problem. Through considering some general approach, we exhibit several cases where the problem admits a polynomial-time solution. More specifically, we present polynomial-time algorithms for the MIS problem in: + some subclasses of S2;j;kS_{2;j;k}-free graphs (thus generalizing the classical result for S1;2;kS_{1;2;k}-free graphs); + some subclasses of treektree_{k}-free graphs (thus generalizing the classical results for subclasses of P5-free graphs); + some subclasses of P7P_{7}-free graphs and S2;2;2S_{2;2;2}-free graphs; and various subclasses of graphs of bounded maximum degree, for example subcubic graphs. Our algorithms are based on various approaches. In particular, we characterize augmenting graphs in a subclass of S2;k;kS_{2;k;k}-free graphs and a subclass of S2;2;5S_{2;2;5}-free graphs. These characterizations are partly based on extensions of the concept of redundant set [125]. We also propose methods finding augmenting chains, an extension of the method in [99], and finding augmenting trees, an extension of the methods in [125]. We apply the augmenting vertex technique, originally used for P5P_{5}-free graphs or banner-free graphs, for some more general graph classes. We consider a general graph theoretical combinatorial problem, the so-called Maximum -Set problem. Two special cases of this problem, the so-called Maximum F-(Strongly) Independent Subgraph and Maximum F-Induced Subgraph, where F is a connected graph set, are considered. The complexity of the Maximum F-(Strongly) Independent Subgraph problem is revised and the NP-hardness of the Maximum F-Induced Subgraph problem is proved. We also extend the augmenting approach to apply it for the general Maximum Π -Set problem. We revise on classical graph transformations and give two unified views based on pseudo-boolean functions and αff-redundant vertex. We also make extensive uses of α-redundant vertices, originally mainly used for P5P_{5}-free graphs, to give polynomial solutions for some subclasses of S2;2;2S_{2;2;2}-free graphs and treektree_{k}-free graphs. We consider some classical sequential greedy heuristic methods. We also combine classical algorithms with αff-redundant vertices to have new strategies of choosing the next vertex in greedy methods. Some aspects of the algorithms, for example forbidden induced subgraph sets and worst case results, are also considered. Finally, we restrict our attention on graphs of bounded maximum degree and subcubic graphs. Then by using some techniques, for example ff-redundant vertex, clique separator, and arguments based on distance, we general these results for some subclasses of Si;j;kS_{i;j;k}-free subcubic graphs