10 research outputs found

    Geometric and asymptotic properties associated with linear switched systems

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    Consider continuous-time linear switched systems on R^n associated with compact convex sets of matrices. When the system is irreducible and the largest Lyapunov exponent is equal to zero, there always exists a Barabanov norm (i.e. a norm which is non increasing along trajectories of the linear switched system together with extremal trajectories starting at every point, that is trajectories of the linear switched system with constant norm). This paper deals with two sets of issues: (a) properties of Barabanov norms such as uniqueness up to homogeneity and strict convexity; (b) asymptotic behaviour of the extremal solutions of the linear switched system. Regarding Issue (a), we provide partial answers and propose four open problems motivated by appropriate examples. As for Issue (b), we establish, when n = 3, a Poincar\'e-Bendixson theorem under a regularity assumption on the set of matrices defining the system. Moreover, we revisit the noteworthy result of N.E. Barabanov [5] dealing with the linear switched system on R^3 associated with a pair of Hurwitz matrices {A, A + bcT }. We first point out a fatal gap in Barabanov's argument in connection with geometric features associated with a Barabanov norm. We then provide partial answers relative to the asymptotic behavior of this linear switched system.Comment: 37 page

    On robust Lie-algebraic stability conditions for switched linear systems

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    a b s t r a c t This paper presents new sufficient conditions for exponential stability of switched linear systems under arbitrary switching, which involve the commutators (Lie brackets) among the given matrices generating the switched system. The main novel feature of these stability criteria is that, unlike their earlier counterparts, they are robust with respect to small perturbations of the system parameters. Two distinct approaches are investigated. For discrete-time switched linear systems, we formulate a stability condition in terms of an explicit upper bound on the norms of the Lie brackets. For continuous-time switched linear systems, we develop two stability criteria which capture proximity of the associated matrix Lie algebra to a solvable or a ''solvable plus compact'' Lie algebra, respectively

    On robust Lie-algebraic stability conditions for switched linear systems

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    This paper presents new suffcient conditions for exponential stability of switched linear systems under arbitrary switching, which involve the commutators (Lie brackets) among the given matrices generating the switched system. The main novel feature of these stability criteria is that, unlike their earlier counterparts, they are robust with respect to small perturbations of the system parameters. Two distinct approaches are investigated. For discrete-time switched linear systems, we formulate a stability condition in terms of an explicit upper bound on the norms of the Lie brackets. For continuous-time switched linear systems, we develop two stability criteria which capture proximity of the associated matrix Lie algebra to a solvable or a solvable plus compact Lie algebra, respectively