16 research outputs found

    Finding Irrefutable Certificates for S_2^p via Arthur and Merlin

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    We show that S2psubseteqPprAMS_2^psubseteq P^{prAM}, where S2pS_2^p is the symmetric alternation class and prAMprAM refers to the promise version of the Arthur-Merlin class AMAM. This is derived as a consequence of our main result that presents an FPprAMFP^{prAM} algorithm for finding a small set of ``collectively irrefutable certificates\u27\u27 of a given S2S_2-type matrix. The main result also yields some new consequences of the hypothesis that NPNP has polynomial size circuits. It is known that the above hypothesis implies a collapse of the polynomial time hierarchy (PHPH) to S2psubseteqZPPNPS_2^psubseteq ZPP^{NP} (Cai 2007, K"obler and Watanabe 1998). Under the same hypothesis, we show that PHPH collapses to PprMAP^{prMA}. We also describe an FPprMAFP^{prMA} algorithm for learning polynomial size circuits for SATSAT, assuming such circuits exist. For the same problem, the previously best known result was a ZPPNPZPP^{NP} algorithm (Bshouty et al. 1996)

    Pseudorandomness for Approximate Counting and Sampling

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    We study computational procedures that use both randomness and nondeterminism. The goal of this paper is to derandomize such procedures under the weakest possible assumptions. Our main technical contribution allows one to “boost” a given hardness assumption: We show that if there is a problem in EXP that cannot be computed by poly-size nondeterministic circuits then there is one which cannot be computed by poly-size circuits that make non-adaptive NP oracle queries. This in particular shows that the various assumptions used over the last few years by several authors to derandomize Arthur-Merlin games (i.e., show AM = NP) are in fact all equivalent. We also define two new primitives that we regard as the natural pseudorandom objects associated with approximate counting and sampling of NP-witnesses. We use the “boosting” theorem and hashing techniques to construct these primitives using an assumption that is no stronger than that used to derandomize AM. We observe that Cai's proof that S_2^P ⊆ PP⊆(NP) and the learning algorithm of Bshouty et al. can be seen as reductions to sampling that are not probabilistic. As a consequence they can be derandomized under an assumption which is weaker than the assumption that was previously known to suffice

    Correct Configuration of Process Variants in Provop

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    When engineering process-aware information systems (PAISs) one of the fundamental challenges is to cope with the variability of business processes. While some progress has been achieved regarding the configuration of process variants, there exists only little work on how to accomplish this in a correct manner. Configuring process variants constitutes a non-trivial challenge when considering the large number of process variants that exist in practice as well as the many syntactical and semantical constraints a configured process variant has to obey in a given context. In previous work we introduced the Provop approach for configuring and managing process variants. This paper picks up the Provop framework and shows how it ensures correctness of configurable process variants by construction. We discuss advanced concepts for the context- and constraint-based configuration of process variants, and show how they can be utilized to ensure correctness of the configured process variants. In this paper we also consider correctness issues in conjunction with dynamic variant re-configurations. Enhancing PAISs with the capability to correctly configure process models fitting to the given application context, and to correctly manage the resulting process variants afterwards, will enable a new quality in PAIS engineering

    Adjustment Strategies for Non-Compliant Process Instances

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    Enabling changes at both process type and process instance level is an essential requirement for any adaptive process-aware information system (PAIS). Particularly, it should be possible to migrate a (long-)running process instance to a new type schema version, even if this instance has been individually modified before. Further instance migration must not violate soundness; i.e., structural and behavorial consistency need to be preserved. Compliance has been introduced as basic notion to ensure that instances, whose state has progressed too far, are prohibited from being migrated. However, this also excludes them from further process optimizations, which is not tolerable in many practical settings. This paper introduces a number of strategies for coping with non-compliant instances in the context of process change such that they can benefit from future process type changes on the one hand, but do not run into soundness problems on the other hand. We show, for example, how to automatically adjust process type changes at instance level to enable the migration of a higher number of instances. The different strategies are compared and discussed along existing approaches. Altogether, adequate treatment of non-compliant process instances contributes to full process lifecycle support in adaptive PAIS

    Engineering an Advanced Location-Based Augmented Reality Engine for Smart Mobile Devices

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    Daily business routines more and more require to access information systems in a mobile manner, while preserving a desktop-like feeling at the same time. The goal of this work is to outline the engineering process of a sophisticated mobile service running on a smartphone. More precisely, we show how to develop the core of a location-based augmented reality engine for the iPhone 4S based on the operating system iOS 5.1 (or higher). We denote this engine as AREA. In particular, we develop concepts for coping with limited resources on a mobile device, while providing a smooth user augmented reality experience at the same time. We further present and develop a suitable application architecture in this context, which easily allows integrating augmented reality with a wide range of applications

    Time Patterns for Process-aware Information Systems: A Pattern-based Analysis

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    Formal specification and operational support of time constraints constitute fundamental challenges for any enterprise information system. Although temporal constraints play an important role in the context of long-running business processes, time support is very limited in existing process management systems. By contrast, different kinds of planning tools (e.g., calendar systems and project management tools) provide more sophisticated facilities for handling task-related time constraints, but lack an operational support for business processes. This paper presents a set of 10 time patterns to foster the systematic comparison of these different technologies in respect to time management. The proposed patterns are all based on empirical evidence from several large case studies. In addition, we provide an in-depth evaluation of selected process management systems, calendar systems and project management tools based on the suggested patterns. The presented work will not only facilitate comparison of these different technologies in respect to their support of time constraints, but also make evident that their integration offers promising perspectives in respect to time support for long-running business processes

    Realizing Adaptive Process-aware Information Systems with ADEPT2

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    In dynamic environments it must be possible to quickly implement new business processes, to enable ad-hoc deviations from the defined business processes on-demand (e.g., by dynamically adding, deleting or moving process activities), and to support dynamic process evolution (i.e., to propagate process schema changes to already running process instances). These fundamental requirements must be met without affecting process consistency and robustness of the process-aware information system. In this paper we describe how these challenges have been addressed in the ADEPT2 process management system. Our overall vision is to provide a next generation technology for the support of dynamic processes, which enables full process lifecycle management and which can be applied to a variety of application domains

    Dealing with Variability in Process-aware Information Systems: Language Requirements, Features, and Existing Proposals

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    The increasing adoption of Process-aware Information Systems (PAISs), together with the variability of Business Processes (BPs) across different application contexts, has resulted in large process model repositories with collections of related process model variants. To reduce both costs and occurrence of errors, the explicit management of variability throughout the BP lifecycle becomes crucial. In literature, several proposals dealing with BP variability have been proposed. However, the lack of a method for their systematic comparison makes it difficult to select the most appropriate one meeting current needs best. To close this gap, this work presents an evaluation framework that allows analyzing and comparing the variability support provided by existing proposals developed in the context of BP variability. The framework encompasses a set of language requirements as well as a set of variability support features. While language requirements allow assessing the expressiveness required to explicitly represent variability of different process perspectives, variability support features reflect the tool support required to properly cover such expressiveness. Our evaluation framework has been derived based on an in-depth analysis of several large real-world process scenarios, an extensive literature review, and an analysis of existing PAISs. In this vein, the framework helps to understand BP variability along the BP lifecycle. In addition, it supports PAISs engineers in deciding, which of the existing BP variability proposals meets best their needs