2,238 research outputs found

    Default swaps and hedging credit baskets

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    We investigate the pricing of basket credit derivatives and their hedging with single name credit default swaps (CDS) based on a model for the joint dynamics of the fair CDS spreads. In the situation of the market flow of information being a pure jump filtration, we present an extremely efficient approach to pricing and study explicit hedging strategies. --credit default swap,credit basket,hedging

    Hedging tranches index products : illustration of model dependency

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    In this paper, index tranches'properties and several hedging strategies are discussed. Model risk and correlation risk are analysed through the study of the efficiency of several factor based copula models, like the Gaussian, the double-t and the double NIG using implied correlation and a particular NIG one factor model, using historical data in terms of hedging capabilities.CDO – Factor models – NIG distribution

    The History of the Quantitative Methods in Finance Conference Series. 1992-2007

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    This report charts the history of the Quantitative Methods in Finance (QMF) conference from its beginning in 1993 to the 15th conference in 2007. It lists alphabetically the 1037 speakers who presented at all 15 conferences and the titles of their papers.

    Copula based simulation procedures for pricing basket Credit Derivatives

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    This paper deals with the impact of structure of dependency and the choice of procedures for rare-event simulation on the pricing of multi-name credit derivatives such as nth to default swap and Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO). The correlation between names defaulting has an effect on the value of the basket credit derivatives. We present a copula based simulation procedure for pricing basket default swaps and CDO under different structure of dependency and assessing the influence of different price drivers (correlation, hazard rates and recovery rates) on modelling portfolio losses. Gaussian copulas and Monte Carlo simulation is widely used to measure the default risk in basket credit derivatives. Default risk is often considered as a rare-event and then, many studies have shown that many distributions have fatter tails than those captured by the normal distribution. Subsequently, the choice of copula and the choice of procedures for rare-event simulation govern the pricing of basket credit derivatives. An alternative to the Gaussian copula is Clayton copula and t-student copula under importance sampling procedures for simulation which captures the dependence structure between the underlying variables at extreme values and certain values of the input random variables in a simulation have more impact on the parameter being estimated than others .Collateralized Debt Obligations, Basket Default Swaps, Monte Carlo method, One factor Gaussian copula, Clayton copula, t-student copula, importance sampling

    Price Calibration of basket default swap: Evidence from Japanese market

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    The aim of this paper is the price calibration of basket default swap from Japanese market data. The value of this instruments depend on the number of factors including credit rating of the obligors in the basket, recovery rates, intensity of default, basket size and the correlation of obligors in the basket. A fundamental part of the pricing framework is the estimation of the instantaneous default probabilities for each obligor. Because default probabilities depend on the credit quality of the considered obligor, well-calibrated credit curves are a main ingredient for constructing default times. The calibration of credit curves take into account internal information on credit migrations and default history. We refer to Japan Credit Rating Agency to obtain rating transition matrix and cumulative default rates. Default risk is often considered as a rare-event and then, many studies have shown that many distributions have fatter tails than those captured by the normal distribution. Subsequently, the choice of copula and the choice of procedures for rare-event simulation govern the pricing of basket credit derivatives. Joshi and Kainth (2004) introduced an Importance Sampling technique for rare-event that forces a predetermined number of defaults to occur on each path. We consider using Gaussian copula and t-student copula and study their impact on basket credit derivative prices. We will present an application of the Canonical Maximum Likelihood Method (CML) for calibrating t-student copula to Japanese market data.Basket Default Swaps, Credit Curve, Monte Carlo method, Gaussian copula, t-student copula, Japanese market data, CML, Importance Sampling

    Using financial futures in trading and risk management

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    The authors explain the features of an array of futures contracts and their basic pricing relationships and describe a few applications to show how investors and risk managers can use these contracts. Futures - and derivatives generally - allow economic agents to fine-tune the structure of their assets and liabilities to suit their risk preferences and market expectations. Futures are not a financing or investment vehicle per se, but a tool for transferring price risks associated with fluctuations in asset values. Some may use them to spread risk, others to take on risk. Financial futures (along with options) are best viewed as building blocks. Futures have facilitated the modern trend of separating conventional financial products into their basic components. They allow not only the reduction of transformation of investment risk but also the understanding and measurement of risk. The market for derivatives has grown enormously over the past decade. The value of exchange-traded eurodollar derivatives (futures and options) is equal to roughly 13 times the value of the underlying market. The volume of trading in financial futures now dwarfs the volume in traditional agricultural contracts. As emerging markets develop, given their inherently risky nature, expect financial futures to play a prominent role in risk management.Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Banks&Banking Reform,Securities Markets Policy&Regulation,Commodities,Banks&Banking Reform,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Non Bank Financial Institutions,Economic Theory&Research
