4 research outputs found

    Converse negative imaginary theorems

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    Converse negative imaginary theorems for linear time-invariant systems are derived. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a feedback system to be robustly stable against various types of negative imaginary (NI) uncertainty. Uncertainty classes of marginally stable NI systems and stable strictly NI systems with restrictions on their static or instantaneous gains are considered. It is shown that robust stability against the former class entails the strictly NI property, whereas the latter class entails the NI property. We also establish a non-existence result that no stable system can robustly stabilise all marginally stable NI uncertainty, thereby showing that the uncertainty class of NI systems is too large as far as robust feedback stability is concerned, thus justifying the consideration of subclasses of NI systems with constrained static or instantaneous gains

    Robust Formation Control for Networked Robotic Systems Using Negative Imaginary Dynamics

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    This paper proposes a consensus-based formation tracking scheme for multi-robot systems utilizing the Negative Imaginary (NI) theory. The proposed scheme applies to a class of networked robotic systems that can be modelled as a group of single integrator agents with stable uncertainties connected via an undirected graph. NI/SNI property of networked agents facilitates the design of a distributed Strictly Negative Imaginary (SNI) controller to achieve the desired formation tracking. A new theoretical proof of asymptotic convergence of the formation tracking trajectories is derived based on the integral controllability of a networked SNI systems. The proposed scheme is an alternative to the conventional Lyapunov-based formation tracking schemes. It offers robustness to NI/SNI-type model uncertainties and fault-tolerance to a sudden loss of robots due to hardware/communication fault. The feasibility and usefulness of the proposed formation tracking scheme were validated by lab-based real-time hardware experiments involving miniature mobile robots

    Synchronization of Diverse Agents via Phase Analysis

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    In this paper, the synchronization of heterogeneous agents interacting over a dynamical network is studied. The edge dynamics can model the inter-agent communications which are often heterogeneous by nature. They can also model the controllers of the agents which may be different for each agent or uniform for all the agents. Novel synchronization conditions are obtained for both cases from a phase perspective by exploiting a recently developed small phase theorem. The conditions scale well with the network and reveal the trade-off between the phases of node dynamics and edge dynamics. We also study the synchronizability problem which aims to characterize the allowable diversity of the agents for which controllers can be designed so as to achieve synchronization. The allowable diversity is captured in terms of phase conditions engaging the residue matrices of the agents at their persistent modes. Controller design algorithms are provided for the cases of agent-dependent and uniform controllers, respectively

    New Results on Negative Imaginary Systems Theory with Application to Flexible Structures and Nano-Positioning

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    Flexible structure systems arise in many important applications such as ground and aerospace vehicles, atomic force microscopes, rotating flexible spacecraft, rotary cranes, robotics and flexible link manipulators, hard disk drives and other nano-positioning systems. In control systems design for these flexible systems, it is important to consider the effect of highly resonant modes. Such resonant modes are known to adversely affect the stability and performance of flexible structure control systems, and are often very sensitive to changes in environmental variables. These can lead to vibrational effects which limit the ability of control systems in achieving desired levels of performance. These problems are simplified to some extend by using force actuators combined with colocated measurements of velocity, position, or acceleration. Using force actuators combined with colocated measurements of velocity can be studied using positive real systems theory, which has received a great attention since 1962. Using force actuators combined with colocated measurements of position and acceleration can be studied using negative imaginary (NI) systems theory. In this thesis, we provide a generalization and development of negative imaginary systems theory to include a wider class of systems. In the generalization of NI systems theory, we provide a new negative imaginary definition that allows for flexible systems with free body motion. Also, we provide a new stability condition for a positive feedback control system where the plant is NI according to the new definition and the controller is strictly negative imaginary (SNI). This general stability result captures all previous NI stability results which have been developed. This thesis also presents analytical tools for negative imaginary systems theory, which can be useful in the practical applications of the theory. Two methods that can be used for checking the negative imaginary property for a given system are presented. Also, methods for enforcing NI dynamics on mathematical system models to satisfy an NI Property are explored. A systematic method to design controllers for NI systems with guaranteed robust stability also is presented. A practical application of control system design for a three-mirror cavity locking system is presented in the end of the thesis