14,439 research outputs found

    On Polygons Excluding Point Sets

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    By a polygonization of a finite point set SS in the plane we understand a simple polygon having SS as the set of its vertices. Let BB and RR be sets of blue and red points, respectively, in the plane such that BRB\cup R is in general position, and the convex hull of BB contains kk interior blue points and ll interior red points. Hurtado et al. found sufficient conditions for the existence of a blue polygonization that encloses all red points. We consider the dual question of the existence of a blue polygonization that excludes all red points RR. We show that there is a minimal number K=K(l)K=K(l), which is polynomial in ll, such that one can always find a blue polygonization excluding all red points, whenever kKk\geq K. Some other related problems are also considered.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    On Polygons Excluding Point Sets

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    By a polygonization of a finite point set S in the plane we understand a simple polygon having S as the set of its vertices. Let B and R be sets of blue and red points, respectively, in the plane such that BR{B\cup R} is in general position, and the convex hull of B contains k interior blue points and l interior red points. Hurtado etal. found sufficient conditions for the existence of a blue polygonization that encloses all red points. We consider the dual question of the existence of a blue polygonization that excludes all red points R. We show that there is a minimal number K=K(l), which is bounded from above by a polynomial in l, such that one can always find a blue polygonization excluding all red points, whenever k≥ K. Some other related problems are also considere

    On Polygons Excluding Point Sets

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    By a polygonization of a finite point set S in the plane we understand a simple polygon having S as the set of its vertices. Let B and R be sets of blue and red points, respectively, in the plane such that is in general position, and the convex hull of B contains k interior blue points and l interior red points. Hurtado et al. found sufficient conditions for the existence of a blue polygonization that encloses all red points. We consider the dual question of the existence of a blue polygonization that excludes all red points R. We show that there is a minimal number K = K(l), which is bounded from above by a polynomial in l, such that one can always find a blue polygonization excluding all red points, whenever k a parts per thousand yen K. Some other related problems are also considered

    Escape orbits and Ergodicity in Infinite Step Billiards

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    In a previous paper we defined a class of non-compact polygonal billiards, the infinite step billiards: to a given decreasing sequence of non-negative numbers {pn\{p_{n}, there corresponds a table \Bi := \bigcup_{n\in\N} [n,n+1] \times [0,p_{n}]. In this article, first we generalize the main result of the previous paper to a wider class of examples. That is, a.s. there is a unique escape orbit which belongs to the alpha and omega-limit of every other trajectory. Then, following a recent work of Troubetzkoy, we prove that generically these systems are ergodic for almost all initial velocities, and the entropy with respect to a wide class of ergodic measures is zero.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Computing a rectilinear shortest path amid splinegons in plane

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    We reduce the problem of computing a rectilinear shortest path between two given points s and t in the splinegonal domain \calS to the problem of computing a rectilinear shortest path between two points in the polygonal domain. As part of this, we define a polygonal domain \calP from \calS and transform a rectilinear shortest path computed in \calP to a path between s and t amid splinegon obstacles in \calS. When \calS comprises of h pairwise disjoint splinegons with a total of n vertices, excluding the time to compute a rectilinear shortest path amid polygons in \calP, our reduction algorithm takes O(n + h \lg{n}) time. For the special case of \calS comprising of concave-in splinegons, we have devised another algorithm in which the reduction procedure does not rely on the structures used in the algorithm to compute a rectilinear shortest path in polygonal domain. As part of these, we have characterized few of the properties of rectilinear shortest paths amid splinegons which could be of independent interest