34 research outputs found

    Upper Bound on the Capacity of Discrete-Time Wiener Phase Noise Channels

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    A discrete-time Wiener phase noise channel with an integrate-and-dump multi-sample receiver is studied. An upper bound to the capacity with an average input power constraint is derived, and a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) analysis is performed. If the oversampling factor grows as SNRα\text{SNR}^\alpha for 0≤α≤10\le \alpha \le 1, then the capacity pre-log is at most (1+α)/2(1+\alpha)/2 at high SNR.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To be presented at IEEE Inf. Theory Workshop (ITW) 201

    Capacity Outer Bound and Degrees of Freedom of Wiener Phase Noise Channels with Oversampling

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    The discrete-time Wiener phase noise channel with an integrate-and-dump multi-sample receiver is studied. A novel outer bound on the capacity with an average input power constraint is derived as a function of the oversampling factor. This outer bound yields the degrees of freedom for the scenario in which the oversampling factor grows with the transmit power PP as PαP^{\alpha}. The result shows, perhaps surprisingly, that the largest pre-log that can be attained with phase modulation at high signal-to-noise ratio is at most 1/41/4.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Submitted to Intern. Workshop Inf. Theory (ITW) 201

    Constellation Design for Channels Affected by Phase Noise

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    In this paper we optimize constellation sets to be used for channels affected by phase noise. The main objective is to maximize the achievable mutual information of the constellation under a given power constraint. The mutual information and pragmatic mutual information of a given constellation is calculated approximately assuming that both the channel and phase noise are white. Then a simulated annealing algorithm is used to jointly optimize the constellation and the binary labeling. The performance of optimized constellations is compared with conventional constellations showing considerable gains in all system scenarios.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC) 201

    Tight Upper and Lower Bounds to the Information Rate of the Phase Noise Channel

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    Numerical upper and lower bounds to the information rate transferred through the additive white Gaussian noise channel affected by discrete-time multiplicative autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) phase noise are proposed in the paper. The state space of the ARMA model being multidimensional, the problem cannot be approached by the conventional trellis-based methods that assume a first-order model for phase noise and quantization of the phase space, because the number of state of the trellis would be enormous. The proposed lower and upper bounds are based on particle filtering and Kalman filtering. Simulation results show that the upper and lower bounds are so close to each other that we can claim of having numerically computed the actual information rate of the multiplicative ARMA phase noise channel, at least in the cases studied in the paper. Moreover, the lower bound, which is virtually capacity-achieving, is obtained by demodulation of the incoming signal based on a Kalman filter aided by past data. Thus we can claim of having found the virtually optimal demodulator for the multiplicative phase noise channel, at least for the cases considered in the paper.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for presentation at ISIT 201

    Capacity bounds for MIMO microwave backhaul links affected by phase noise

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    We present bounds and a closed-form high-SNR expression for the capacity of multiple-antenna systems affected by Wiener phase noise. Our results are developed for the scenario where a single oscillator drives all the radio-frequency circuitries at each transceiver (common oscillator setup), the input signal is subject to a peak-power constraint, and the channel matrix is deterministic. This scenario is relevant for line-of-sight multiple-antenna microwave backhaul links with sufficiently small antenna spacing at the transceivers. For the 2 by 2 multiple-antenna case, for a Wiener phase-noise process with standard deviation equal to 6 degrees, and at the medium/high SNR values at which microwave backhaul links operate, the upper bound reported in the paper exhibits a 3 dB gap from a lower bound obtained using 64-QAM. Furthermore, in this SNR regime the closed-form high-SNR expression is shown to be accurate.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    The Noncoherent Rician Fading Channel -- Part I : Structure of the Capacity-Achieving Input

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    Transmission of information over a discrete-time memoryless Rician fading channel is considered where neither the receiver nor the transmitter knows the fading coefficients. First the structure of the capacity-achieving input signals is investigated when the input is constrained to have limited peakedness by imposing either a fourth moment or a peak constraint. When the input is subject to second and fourth moment limitations, it is shown that the capacity-achieving input amplitude distribution is discrete with a finite number of mass points in the low-power regime. A similar discrete structure for the optimal amplitude is proven over the entire SNR range when there is only a peak power constraint. The Rician fading with phase-noise channel model, where there is phase uncertainty in the specular component, is analyzed. For this model it is shown that, with only an average power constraint, the capacity-achieving input amplitude is discrete with a finite number of levels. For the classical average power limited Rician fading channel, it is proven that the optimal input amplitude distribution has bounded support.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    On the Capacity of the Wiener Phase-Noise Channel: Bounds and Capacity Achieving Distributions

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    In this paper, the capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, affected by time-varying Wiener phase noise is investigated. Tight upper and lower bounds on the capacity of this channel are developed. The upper bound is obtained by using the duality approach, and considering a specific distribution over the output of the channel. In order to lower-bound the capacity, first a family of capacity-achieving input distributions is found by solving a functional optimization of the channel mutual information. Then, lower bounds on the capacity are obtained by drawing samples from the proposed distributions through Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed capacity-achieving input distributions are circularly symmetric, non-Gaussian, and the input amplitudes are correlated over time. The evaluated capacity bounds are tight for a wide range of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) values, and thus they can be used to quantify the capacity. Specifically, the bounds follow the well-known AWGN capacity curve at low SNR, while at high SNR, they coincide with the high-SNR capacity result available in the literature for the phase-noise channel.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 201

    On continuous-time white phase noise channels

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    A continuous-time model for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel in the presence of white (memoryless) phase noise is proposed and discussed. It is shown that for linear modulation the output of the baud-sampled filter matched to the shaping waveform represents a sufficient statistic. The analysis shows that the phase noise channel has the same information rate as an AWGN channel but with a penalty on the average signal-to-noise ratio, the amount of penalty depending on the phase noise statistic. © 2014 IEEE

    On the capacity of the block-memoryless phase-noise channel

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    Bounds are presented on the capacity of the block-memoryless phase-noise channel. The bounds capture the first two terms in the asymptotic expansion of capacity for SNR going to infinity and turn out to be tight for a large range of SNR values of practical interest. Through these bounds, the capacity dependency on the coherence time of the phase-noise process is determined