3 research outputs found

    3D Walking Biped: Optimal Swing of the Arms

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    International audienceA ballistic walking gait is designed for a 3D biped with two identical two-link legs, a torso, and two identical one-link arms. In the single support phase, the biped moves due to the existence of a momentum, produced mechanically, without applying active torques in the inter-link joints. This biped is controlled with impulsive torques at the instantaneous double support to obtain a cyclic gait. The impulsive torques are applied in the seven inter-link joints. Then an infinity of solutions exists to find the impulsive torques. An effort cost functional of these impulsive torques is minimized to determine a unique solution. Numerical results show that for a given time period and a given length of the walking gait step, there is an optimal swinging amplitude of the arms. For this optimal motion of the arms, the cost functional is minimum


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    En este artículo, inicialmente, se establece una marcha cíclica para un robot bípedo planosobre una superficie horizontal. El objetivo principal es proporcionar un mecanismo de soporte a la marcha deun bípedo. El aspecto más interesante que se exponeen este artículo,esel desarrollo del modeladopara el conjunto: bípedo (humano) + dispositivo robótico exoesqueleto. También será interesante estudiar si el uso de este mecanismo de ayuda a la marchareduce el esfuerzo que el bípedo debe hacer para este tipo de movimient

    On optimal swinging of the biped arms

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    Abstract — A ballistic walking gait is designed for a planar biped with two identical two-link legs, a trunk and two onelink arms. This seven-link biped is controlled via impulsive torques at the instantaneous double support to obtain a cyclic gait. These impulsive torques are applied in six inter-link joints. Then infinity of solutions exists to find the impulsive torques. An energy cost functional of these impulsive torques is calculated to choose a unique solution by its minimization. Numerical results show that for a given time period of the walking gait step and a length of the step, there exists an optimal swinging amplitude of arms. For this optimal motion of the arms, mentioned above cost functional is minimum. I