6 research outputs found

    An improved multiple classifier combination scheme for pattern classification

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    Combining multiple classifiers are considered as a new direction in the pattern recognition to improve classification performance. The main problem of multiple classifier combination is that there is no standard guideline for constructing an accurate and diverse classifier ensemble. This is due to the difficulty in identifying the number of homogeneous classifiers and how to combine the classifier outputs. The most commonly used ensemble method is the random strategy while the majority voting technique is used as the combiner. However, the random strategy cannot determine the number of classifiers and the majority voting technique does not consider the strength of each classifier, thus resulting in low classification accuracy. In this study, an improved multiple classifier combination scheme is proposed. The ant system (AS) algorithm is used to partition feature set in developing feature subsets which represent the number of classifiers. A compactness measure is introduced as a parameter in constructing an accurate and diverse classifier ensemble. A weighted voting technique is used to combine the classifier outputs by considering the strength of the classifiers prior to voting. Experiments were performed using four base classifiers, which are Nearest Mean Classifier (NMC), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) on benchmark datasets, to test the credibility of the proposed multiple classifier combination scheme. The average classification accuracy of the homogeneous NMC, NBC, k-NN and LDA ensembles are 97.91%, 98.06%, 98.09% and 98.12% respectively. The accuracies are higher than those obtained through the use of other approaches in developing multiple classifier combination. The proposed multiple classifier combination scheme will help to develop other multiple classifier combination for pattern recognition and classification

    Designing multiple classifier combinations a survey

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    Classification accuracy can be improved through multiple classifier approach. It has been proven that multiple classifier combinations can successfully obtain better classification accuracy than using a single classifier. There are two main problems in designing a multiple classifier combination which are determining the classifier ensemble and combiner construction. This paper reviews approaches in constructing the classifier ensemble and combiner. For each approach, methods have been reviewed and their advantages and disadvantages have been highlighted. A random strategy and majority voting are the most commonly used to construct the ensemble and combiner, respectively. The results presented in this review are expected to be a road map in designing multiple classifier combinations

    Document analysis at DFKI. - Part 1: Image analysis and text recognition

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    Document analysis is responsible for an essential progress in office automation. This paper is part of an overview about the combined research efforts in document analysis at the DFKI. Common to all document analysis projects is the global goal of providing a high level electronic representation of documents in terms of iconic, structural, textual, and semantic information. These symbolic document descriptions enable an "intelligent\u27; access to a document database. Currently there are three ongoing document analysis projects at DFKI: INCA, OMEGA, and PASCAL2000/PASCAL+. Though the projects pursue different goals in different application domains, they all share the same problems which have to be resolved with similar techniques. For that reason the activities in these projects are bundled to avoid redundant work. At DFKI we have divided the problem of document analysis into two main tasks, text recognition and text analysis, which themselves are divided into a set of subtasks. In a series of three research reports the work of the document analysis and office automation department at DFKI is presented. The first report discusses the problem of text recognition, the second that of text analysis. In a third report we describe our concept for a specialized document analysis knowledge representation language. The report in hand describes the activities dealing with the text recognition task. Text recognition covers the phase starting with capturing a document image up to identifying the written words. This comprises the following subtasks: preprocessing the pictorial information, segmenting into blocks, lines, words, and characters, classifying characters, and identifying the input words. For each subtask several competing solution algorithms, called specialists or knowledge sources, may exist. To efficiently control and organize these specialists an intelligent situation-based planning component is necessary, which is also described in this report. It should be mentioned that the planning component is also responsible to control the overall document analysis system instead of the text recognition phase onl

    An investigation into the use of linguistic context in cursive script recognition by computer

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    The automatic recognition of hand-written text has been a goal for over thirty five years. The highly ambiguous nature of cursive writing (with high variability between not only different writers, but even between different samples from the same writer), means that systems based only on visual information are prone to errors. It is suggested that the application of linguistic knowledge to the recognition task may improve recognition accuracy. If a low-level (pattern recognition based) recogniser produces a candidate lattice (i.e. a directed graph giving a number of alternatives at each word position in a sentence), then linguistic knowledge can be used to find the 'best' path through the lattice. There are many forms of linguistic knowledge that may be used to this end. This thesis looks specifically at the use of collocation as a source of linguistic knowledge. Collocation describes the statistical tendency of certain words to co-occur in a language, within a defined range. It is suggested that this tendency may be exploited to aid automatic text recognition. The construction and use of a post-processing system incorporating collocational knowledge is described, as are a number of experiments designed to test the effectiveness of collocation as an aid to text recognition. The results of these experiments suggest that collocational statistics may be a useful form of knowledge for this application and that further research may produce a system of real practical use