1,093 research outputs found

    Multigrid methods for two-player zero-sum stochastic games

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    We present a fast numerical algorithm for large scale zero-sum stochastic games with perfect information, which combines policy iteration and algebraic multigrid methods. This algorithm can be applied either to a true finite state space zero-sum two player game or to the discretization of an Isaacs equation. We present numerical tests on discretizations of Isaacs equations or variational inequalities. We also present a full multi-level policy iteration, similar to FMG, which allows to improve substantially the computation time for solving some variational inequalities.Comment: 31 page

    Boundary Treatment and Multigrid Preconditioning for Semi-Lagrangian Schemes Applied to Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations

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    We analyse two practical aspects that arise in the numerical solution of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations by a particular class of monotone approximation schemes known as semi-Lagrangian schemes. These schemes make use of a wide stencil to achieve convergence and result in discretization matrices that are less sparse and less local than those coming from standard finite difference schemes. This leads to computational difficulties not encountered there. In particular, we consider the overstepping of the domain boundary and analyse the accuracy and stability of stencil truncation. This truncation imposes a stricter CFL condition for explicit schemes in the vicinity of boundaries than in the interior, such that implicit schemes become attractive. We then study the use of geometric, algebraic and aggregation-based multigrid preconditioners to solve the resulting discretised systems from implicit time stepping schemes efficiently. Finally, we illustrate the performance of these techniques numerically for benchmark test cases from the literature

    A Multigrid Optimization Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Quasilinear Variational Inequalities Involving the pp-Laplacian

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    In this paper we propose a multigrid optimization algorithm (MG/OPT) for the numerical solution of a class of quasilinear variational inequalities of the second kind. This approach is enabled by the fact that the solution of the variational inequality is given by the minimizer of a nonsmooth energy functional, involving the pp-Laplace operator. We propose a Huber regularization of the functional and a finite element discretization for the problem. Further, we analyze the regularity of the discretized energy functional, and we are able to prove that its Jacobian is slantly differentiable. This regularity property is useful to analyze the convergence of the MG/OPT algorithm. In fact, we demostrate that the algorithm is globally convergent by using a mean value theorem for semismooth functions. Finally, we apply the MG/OPT algorithm to the numerical simulation of the viscoplastic flow of Bingham, Casson and Herschel-Bulkley fluids in a pipe. Several experiments are carried out to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm when solving this kind of fluid mechanics problems

    Adaptive monotone multigrid methods for nonlinear variational problems

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    A wide range of problems occurring in engineering and industry is characterized by the presence of a free (i.e. a priori unknown) boundary where the underlying physical situation is changing in a discontinuous way. Mathematically, such phenomena can be often reformulated as variational inequalities or related non–smooth minimization problems. In these research notes, we will describe a new and promising way of constructing fast solvers for the corresponding discretized problems providing globally convergent iterative schemes with (asymptotic) multigrid convergence speed. The presentation covers physical modelling, existence and uniqueness results, finite element approximation and adaptive mesh–refinement based on a posteriori error estimation. The numerical properties of the resulting adaptive multilevel algorithm are illustrated by typical applications, such as semiconductor device simulation or continuous casting

    A full approximation scheme multilevel method for nonlinear variational inequalities

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    We present the full approximation scheme constraint decomposition (FASCD) multilevel method for solving variational inequalities (VIs). FASCD is a common extension of both the full approximation scheme (FAS) multigrid technique for nonlinear partial differential equations, due to A.~Brandt, and the constraint decomposition (CD) method introduced by X.-C.~Tai for VIs arising in optimization. We extend the CD idea by exploiting the telescoping nature of certain function space subset decompositions arising from multilevel mesh hierarchies. When a reduced-space (active set) Newton method is applied as a smoother, with work proportional to the number of unknowns on a given mesh level, FASCD V-cycles exhibit nearly mesh-independent convergence rates, and full multigrid cycles are optimal solvers. The example problems include differential operators which are symmetric linear, nonsymmetric linear, and nonlinear, in unilateral and bilateral VI problems.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Multigrid methods for obstacle problems

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    In this review, we intend to clarify the underlying ideas and the relations between various multigrid methods ranging from subset decomposition, to projected subspace decomposition and truncated multigrid. In addition, we present a novel globally convergent inexact active set method which is closely related to truncated multigrid. The numerical properties of algorithms are carefully assessed by means of a degenerate problem and a problem with a complicated coincidence set

    Monotone multigrid methods for elliptic variational inequalities II

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    We derive globally convergent multigrid methods for discrete elliptic variational inequalities of the second kind as obtained from the approximation of related continuous problems by piecewise linear finite elements. The coarse grid corrections are computed from certain obstacle problems. The actual constraints are fixed by the preceding nonlinear fine grid smoothing. This new approach allows the implementation as a classical V-cycle and preserves the usual multigrid efficiency. We give 1−O(j−3) estimates for the asymptotic convergence rates. The numerical results indicate a significant improvement as compared with previous multigrid approaches
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