5 research outputs found

    Maximizing Crosstalk-Induced Slowdown During Path Delay Test

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    Capacitive crosstalk between adjacent signal wires in integrated circuits may lead to noise or a speedup or slowdown in signal transitions. These in turn may lead to circuit failure or reduced operating speed. This thesis focuses on generating test patterns to induce crosstalk-induced signal delays, in order to determine whether the circuit can still meet its timing specification. A timing-driven test generator is developed to sensitize multiple aligned aggressors coupled to a delay-sensitive victim path to detect the combination of a delay spot defect and crosstalk-induced slowdown. The framework uses parasitic capacitance information, timing windows and crosstalk-induced delay estimates to screen out unaligned or ineffective aggressors coupled to a victim path, speeding up crosstalk pattern generation. In order to induce maximum crosstalk slowdown along a path, aggressors are prioritized based on their potential delay increase and timing alignment. The test generation engine introduces the concept of alignment-driven path sensitization to generate paths from inputs to coupled aggressor nets that meet timing alignment and direction requirements. By using path delay information obtained from circuit preprocessing, preferred paths can be chosen during aggressor path propagation processes. As the test generator sensitizes aggressors in the presence of victim path necessary assignments, the search space is effectively reduced for aggressor path generation. This helps in reducing the test generation time for aligned aggressors. In addition, two new crosstalk-driven dynamic test compaction algorithms are developed to control the increase in test pattern count. The proposed test generation algorithm is applied to ISCAS85 and ISCAS89 benchmark circuits. SPICE simulation results demonstrate the ability of the alignment-driven test generator to increase crosstalk-induced delays along victim paths

    Modelling and Test Generation for Crosstalk Faults in DSM Chips

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    In the era of deep submicron technology (DSM), many System-on-Chip (SoC) applications require the components to be operating at high clock speeds. With the shrinking feature size and ever increasing clock frequencies, the DSM technology has led to a well-known problem of Signal Integrity (SI) more especially in the connecting layout design. The increasing aspect ratios of metal wires and also the ratio of coupling capacitance over substrate capacitance result in electrical coupling of interconnects which leads to crosstalk problems. In this thesis, first the work carried out to model the crosstalk behaviour between aggressor and victim by considering the distributed RLGC parameters of interconnect and the coupling capacitance and mutual conductance between the two nets is presented. The proposed model also considers the RC linear models of the CMOS drivers and receivers. The behaviour of crosstalk in case of under etching problem has been studied and modelled by distributing and approximating the defect behaviour throughout the nets. Next, the proposed model has also been extended to model the behaviour of crosstalk in case of one victim is influenced by several aggressors by considering all aggressors have similar effect (worst-case) on victim. In all the above cases simulation experiments were also carried out and compared with well-known circuit simulation tool PSPICE. It has been proved that the generated crosstalk model is faster and the results generated are within 10% of error margin compared to latter simulation tool. Because of the accuracy and speed of the proposed model, the model is very useful for both SoC designers and test engineers to analyse the crosstalk behaviour. Each manufactured device needs to be tested thoroughly to ensure the functionality before its delivery. The test pattern generation for crosstalk faults is also necessary to test the corresponding crosstalk faults. In this thesis, the well-known PODEM algorithm for stuck-at faults is extended to generate the test patterns for crosstalk faults between single aggressor and single victim. To apply modified PODEM for crosstalk faults, the transition behaviour has been divided into two logic parts as before transition and after transition. After finding individually required test patterns for before transition and after transition, the generated logic vectors are appended to create transition test patterns for crosstalk faults. The developed algorithm is also applied for a few ISCAS 85 benchmark circuits and the fault coverage is found excellent in most circuits. With the incorporation of proposed algorithm into the ATPG tools, the efficiency of testing will be improved by generating the test patterns for crosstalk faults besides for the conventional stuck-at faults. In generating test patterns for crosstalk faults on single victim due to multiple aggressors, the modified PODEM algorithm is found to be more time consuming. The search capability of Genetic Algorithms in finding the required combination of several input factors for any optimized problem fascinated to apply GA for generating test patterns as generating the test pattern is also similar to finding the required vector out of several input transitions. Initially the GA is applied for generating test patterns for stuck-at faults and compared the results with PODEM algorithm. As the fault coverage is almost similar to the deterministic algorithm PODEM, the GA developed for stuck-at faults is extended to find test patterns for crosstalk faults between single aggressor and single victim. The elitist GA is also applied for a few ISCAS 85 benchmark circuits. Later the algorithm is extended to generate test patterns for worst-case crosstalk faults. It has been proved that elitist GA developed in this thesis is also very useful in generating test patterns for crosstalk faults especially for multiple aggressor and single victim crosstalk faults

    Power supply noise in delay testing

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    As technology scales into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime, circuit designs have become more and more sensitive to power supply noise. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of DSM designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This will eventually result in delay test overkill. To reduce this overkill, we propose a low-cost pattern-dependent approach to analyze noise-induced delay variation for each delay test pattern applied to the design. Two noise models have been proposed to address array bond and wire bond power supply networks, and they are experimentally validated and compared. Delay model is then applied to calculate path delay under noise. This analysis approach can be integrated into static test compaction or test fill tools to control supply noise level of delay tests. We also propose an algorithm to predict transition count of a circuit, which can be applied to control switching activity during dynamic compaction. Experiments have been performed on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits. Results show that compacted delay test patterns generated by our compaction tool can meet a moderate noise or delay constraint with only a small increase in compacted test set size. Take the benchmark circuit s38417 for example: a 10% delay increase constraint only results in 1.6% increase in compacted test set size in our experiments. In addition, different test fill techniques have a significant impact on path delay. In our work, a test fill tool with supply noise analysis has been developed to compare several test fill techniques, and results show that the test fill strategy significant affect switching activity, power supply noise and delay. For instance, patterns with minimum transition fill produce less noise-induced delay than random fill. Silicon results also show that test patterns filled in different ways can cause as much as 14% delay variation on target paths. In conclusion, we must take noise into consideration when delay test patterns are generated