494 research outputs found

    Training a perceptron by a bit sequence: Storage capacity

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    A perceptron is trained by a random bit sequence. In comparison to the corresponding classification problem, the storage capacity decreases to alpha_c=1.70\pm 0.02 due to correlations between input and output bits. The numerical results are supported by a signal to noise analysis of Hebbian weights.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages incl. 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Active Sampling-based Binary Verification of Dynamical Systems

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    Nonlinear, adaptive, or otherwise complex control techniques are increasingly relied upon to ensure the safety of systems operating in uncertain environments. However, the nonlinearity of the resulting closed-loop system complicates verification that the system does in fact satisfy those requirements at all possible operating conditions. While analytical proof-based techniques and finite abstractions can be used to provably verify the closed-loop system's response at different operating conditions, they often produce conservative approximations due to restrictive assumptions and are difficult to construct in many applications. In contrast, popular statistical verification techniques relax the restrictions and instead rely upon simulations to construct statistical or probabilistic guarantees. This work presents a data-driven statistical verification procedure that instead constructs statistical learning models from simulated training data to separate the set of possible perturbations into "safe" and "unsafe" subsets. Binary evaluations of closed-loop system requirement satisfaction at various realizations of the uncertainties are obtained through temporal logic robustness metrics, which are then used to construct predictive models of requirement satisfaction over the full set of possible uncertainties. As the accuracy of these predictive statistical models is inherently coupled to the quality of the training data, an active learning algorithm selects additional sample points in order to maximize the expected change in the data-driven model and thus, indirectly, minimize the prediction error. Various case studies demonstrate the closed-loop verification procedure and highlight improvements in prediction error over both existing analytical and statistical verification techniques.Comment: 23 page

    The dynamical hierarchy for Roelcke precompact Polish groups

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    We study several distinguished function algebras on a Polish group GG, under the assumption that GG is Roelcke precompact. We do this by means of the model-theoretic translation initiated by Ben Yaacov and Tsankov: we investigate the dynamics of ℵ0\aleph_0-categorical metric structures under the action of their automorphism group. We show that, in this context, every strongly uniformly continuous function (in particular, every Asplund function) is weakly almost periodic. We also point out the correspondence between tame functions and NIP formulas, deducing that the isometry group of the Urysohn sphere is \Tame\cap\UC-trivial.Comment: 25 page

    Extrapolation of Stationary Random Fields

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    We introduce basic statistical methods for the extrapolation of stationary random fields. For square integrable fields, we set out basics of the kriging extrapolation techniques. For (non--Gaussian) stable fields, which are known to be heavy tailed, we describe further extrapolation methods and discuss their properties. Two of them can be seen as direct generalizations of kriging.Comment: 52 pages, 25 figures. This is a review article, though Section 4 of the article contains new results on the weak consistency of the extrapolation methods as well as new extrapolation methods for α\alpha-stable fields with $0<\alpha\leq 1
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