7 research outputs found

    Image enhancement and segmentation on simultaneous latent fingerprint detection

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    A simultaneous latent fingerprint (SLF) image consists of multi-print of individual fingerprints that is lifted from a surface, typically at the crime scenes. Due to the nature and the poor quality of latent fingerprint image, segmentation becomes an important and very challenging task. This thesis presents an algorithm to segment individual fingerprints for SLF image. The algorithm aim to separate the fingerprint region of interest from image background, which identifies the distal phalanx portion of each finger that appears in SLF image. The algorithm utilizes ridge orientation and frequency features based on block-wise pixels. A combination of Gabor Filter and Fourier transform is implemented in the normalization stage. In the pre-processing stage, a modified version of Histogram equalization is proposed known as Alteration Histogram Equalization (AltHE). Sliding windows are applied to create bounding boxes in order to find out the distal phalanges region at the segmentation stage. To verify the capability of the proposed segmentation algorithm, the segmentation results is evaluated in two aspects: a comparison with the ground truth foreground and matching performance based on segmented region. The ground truth foreground refers to the manual mark up region of interest area. In order to evaluate the performance of this method, experiments are performed on the Indian Institute of Information Technology Database- Simultaneous Latent Fingerprint (IIITD-SLF). Using the proposed algorithm, the segmented images were supplied as the input image for the matching process via a state art of matcher, VeriFinger SDK. Segmentation of 240 images is performed and compared with manual segmentation methods. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a correct segmentation of 77.5% of the SLF images under test

    Enhanced convnet based Latent Finger Print Recognition

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    Latent finger print recognition plays an important role in forensic, criminal cases etc. The latent images will not be recognised easily since they are impartial images, which find difficult to match with the registered database. Due to noisy images, it is very difficult for recognition. Autoencoder plays an important role in pre-processing the latent image. ConvNetbased method is an efficient approach used for latent image recognition. For each minutiae extraction, ConvNet descriptor is performed. Both minutiae and texture matcher is considered for comparison. This technique is compared with existing methods which shows, that the proposed method provides a higher accuracy than the existing methods like CNN, skeleton approach nonlinear mapping and product quantization. The proposed method provides an accuracy of 76.4%, 80.4% and 86.4% for rank1,5 and 10 respectively

    Experimental Assessment on Latent Fingerprint Matching Using Affine Transformation

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    Abstract-In forensics latent fingerprint identification is critical importance to identifying suspects: latent fingerprints are invisible fingerprint impressions left by fingers on surfaces of objects. The proposed algorithm uses a robust alignment algorithm (mixture contour and Orientation based Descriptor) to align fingerprints and to get the similarity score between fingerprints by considering minutiae points and ridge orientation field information.The texture-based descriptors (local binary patterns and local phase quantization), address important issues related to the dissimilarity representation, such as the impact of the number of references used for verification and identification. However, the overlapped region shape similarity retrieved from minutiae spatial distribution information provides additional important criteria. After finding the overlapping region of a possible affine transform, we can measure to find the shape dissimilarity via the application of the shape context to all interior points.TheHybrid matching algorithm, is to prune outlier minutiae pairs, and secondly to provide more information to use in similarity evaluation

    A Review of Fingerprint Feature Representations and Their Applications for Latent Fingerprint Identification: Trends and Evaluation

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    Latent fingerprint identification is attracting increasing interest because of its important role in law enforcement. Although the use of various fingerprint features might be required for successful latent fingerprint identification, methods based on minutiae are often readily applicable and commonly outperform other methods. However, as many fingerprint feature representations exist, we sought to determine if the selection of feature representation has an impact on the performance of automated fingerprint identification systems. In this paper, we review the most prominent fingerprint feature representations reported in the literature, identify trends in fingerprint feature representation, and observe that representations designed for verification are commonly used in latent fingerprint identification. We aim to evaluate the performance of the most popular fingerprint feature representations over a common latent fingerprint database. Therefore, we introduce and apply a protocol that evaluates minutia descriptors for latent fingerprint identification in terms of the identification rate plotted in the cumulative match characteristic (CMC) curve. From our experiments, we found that all the evaluated minutia descriptors obtained identification rates lower than 10% for Rank-1 and 24% for Rank-100 comparing the minutiae in the database NIST SD27, illustrating the need of new minutia descriptors for latent fingerprint identification.This work was supported in part by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) under Grant PN-720 and Grant 63894