42 research outputs found

    On linear genetic programming

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    The thesis is about linear genetic programming (LGP), a machine learning approach that evolves computer programs as sequences of imperative instructions. Two fundamental differences to the more commontree-based variant (TGP) may be identified. These are the graph-based functional structure of linear genetic programs, on the one hand, and the existence of structurally noneffective code, on the other hand.The two major objectives of this work comprise(1) the development of more advanced methods and variation operators to produce better and more compact program solutions and (2) the analysis of general EA/GP phenomena in linear GP, including intron code, neutral variations, and code growth, among others.First, we introduce efficient algorithms for extracting features of the imperative and functional structure of linear genetic programs.In doing so, especially the detection and elimination of noneffective code during runtime will turn out as a powerful tool to accelerate the time-consuming step of fitness evaluation in GP.Variation operators are discussed systematically for the linear program representation. We will demonstrate that so called effective instruction mutations achieve the best performance in terms of solution quality.These mutations operate only on the (structurally) effective codeand restrict the mutation step size to one instruction.One possibility to further improve their performance is to explicitly increase the probability of neutral variations. As a second, more time-efficient alternative we explicitly controlthe mutation step size on the effective code (effective step size).Minimum steps do not allow more than one effective instruction to change its effectiveness status. That is, only a single node may beconnected to or disconnected from the effective graph component. It is an interesting phenomenon that, to some extent, the effective code becomes more robust against destructions over the generations already implicitly. A special concern of this thesis is to convince the reader that thereare some serious arguments for using a linear representation.In a crossover-based comparison LGP has been found superior to TGPover a set of benchmark problems. Furthermore, linear solutions turned out to be more compact than tree solutions due to (1) multiple usage of subgraph results and (2) implicit parsimony pressure by structurally noneffective code.The phenomenon of code growth is analyzed for different lineargenetic operators. When applying instruction mutations exclusivelyalmost only neutral variations may be held responsible for the emergence and propagation of intron code. It is noteworthy that linear geneticprograms may not grow if all neutral variation effects are rejected and if the variation step size is minimum.For the same reasons effective instruction mutations realize an implicit complexity control in linear GP which reduces a possible negative effect of code growth to a minimum.Another noteworthy result in this context is that program size is strongly increased by crossover while it is hardly influenced by mutation even if step sizes are not explicitly restricted. Finally, we investigate program teams as one possibility to increasethe dimension of genetic programs. It will be demonstrated that muchmore powerful solutions may be found by teams than by individuals. Moreover, the complexity of team solutions remains surprisingly small compared to individual programs. Both is the result of specialization and cooperation of team members

    Constrained and unconstrained evolution of “ LCR” low-pass filters with oscillating length representation

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    The unconstrained evolution has already been applied in the past towards design of digital circuits, and extraordinary results have been obtained, including generation of circuits with smaller number of electronic components. In this paper both constrained and unconstrained evolutions, blended with oscillating length genotype sweeping strategy, are applied towards design of analogue “ LCR” circuits. The comparison of both evolutions is made and the promising results are obtained. The new algorithm has produced the best results in terms of quality of the circuits evolved and evolutionary resources required. It differs from previous ones by its simplicity and represents one of the first attempts to apply Evolutionary Strategy towards the analogue circuit design. The obtained results are compared in details with low-pass filters previously designed

    SPAM detection: NaĂŻve bayesian classification and RPN expression-based LGP approaches compared

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    An investigation is performed of a machine learning algorithm and the Bayesian classifier in the spam-filtering context. The paper shows the advantage of the use of Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) expressions with feature extraction compared to the traditional Naïve Bayesian classifier used for spam detection assuming the same features. The performance of the two is investigated using a public corpus and a recent private spam collection, concluding that the system based on RPN LGP (Linear Genetic Programming) gave better results compared to two popularly used open source Bayesian spam filters. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

    Genetic programming for predictions of effectiveness of rolling dynamic compaction with dynamic cone penetrometer test results

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    Rolling dynamic compaction (RDC), which employs non-circular module towed behind a tractor, is an innovative soil compaction method that has proven to be successful in many ground improvement applications. RDC involves repeatedly delivering high-energy impact blows onto the ground surface, which improves soil density and thus soil strength and stiffness. However, there exists a lack of methods to predict the effectiveness of RDC in different ground conditions, which has become a major obstacle to its adoption. For this, in this context, a prediction model is developed based on linear genetic programming (LGP), which is one of the common approaches in application of artificial intelligence for nonlinear forecasting. The model is based on in situ density-related data in terms of dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) results obtained from several projects that have employed the 4-sided, 8-t impact roller (BH-1300). It is shown that the model is accurate and reliable over a range of soil types. Furthermore, a series of parametric studies confirms its robustness in generalizing data. In addition, the results of the comparative study indicate that the optimal LGP model has a better predictive performance than the existing artificial neural network (ANN) model developed earlier by the authors.R.A.T.M.Ranasinghe, M.B.Jaks, F.Pooya Nejad, Y.L.Ku

    Learning-Based Automatic Synthesis of Software Code and Configuration

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    Increasing demands in software industry and scarcity of software engineers motivates researchers and practitioners to automate the process of software generation and configuration. Large scale automatic software generation and configuration is a very complex and challenging task. In this proposal, we set out to investigate this problem by breaking down automatic software generation and configuration into two different tasks. In first task, we propose to synthesize software automatically with input output specifications. This task is further broken down into two sub-tasks. The first sub-task is about synthesizing programs with a genetic algorithm which is driven by a neural network based fitness function trained with program traces and specifications. For the second sub-task, we formulate program synthesis as a continuous optimization problem and synthesize programs with covariance matrix adaption evolutionary strategy (a state-of-the-art continuous optimization method). Finally, for the second task, we propose to synthesize configurations of large scale software from different input files (e.g. software manuals, configurations files, online blogs, etc.) using a sequence-to-sequence deep learning mechanism.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.0082

    Synthesizing Programs with Continuous Optimization

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    Automatic software generation based on some specification is known as program synthesis. Most existing approaches formulate program synthesis as a search problem with discrete parameters. In this paper, we present a novel formulation of program synthesis as a continuous optimization problem and use a state-of-the-art evolutionary approach, known as Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy to solve the problem. We then propose a mapping scheme to convert the continuous formulation into actual programs. We compare our system, called GENESYS, with several recent program synthesis techniques (in both discrete and continuous domains) and show that GENESYS synthesizes more programs within a fixed time budget than those existing schemes. For example, for programs of length 10, GENESYS synthesizes 28% more programs than those existing schemes within the same time budget