5 research outputs found

    An explicit construction for large sets of infinite dimensional qq-Steiner systems

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    Let VV be a vector space over the finite field Fq{\mathbb F}_q. A qq-Steiner system, or an S(t,k,V)qS(t,k,V)_q, is a collection B{\mathcal B} of kk-dimensional subspaces of VV such that every tt-dimensional subspace of VV is contained in a unique element of B{\mathcal B}. A large set of qq-Steiner systems, or an LS(t,k,V)qLS(t,k,V)_q, is a partition of the kk-dimensional subspaces of VV into S(t,k,V)qS(t,k,V)_q systems. In the case that VV has infinite dimension, the existence of an LS(t,k,V)qLS(t,k,V)_q for all finite t,kt,k with 1<t<k1<t<k was shown by Cameron in 1995. This paper provides an explicit construction of an LS(t,t+1,V)qLS(t,t+1,V)_q for all prime powers qq, all positive integers tt, and where VV has countably infinite dimension.Comment: 5 page

    Some examples related to Conway Groupoids

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    We discuss the recently introduced notion of a Conway Groupoid. In particular we consider various generalisations of the concept including infinite analogues

    Resolvability of infinite designs

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    In this paper we examine the resolvability of infinite designs. We show that in stark contrast to the finite case, resolvability for infinite designs is fairly commonplace. We prove that every t-(v,k,Λ) design with t finite, v infinite and k,λ<v is resolvable and, in fact, has α orthogonal resolutions for each α<v. We also show that, while a t-(v,k,Λ) design with t and λ finite, v infinite and k=v may or may not have a resolution, any resolution of such a design must have v parallel classes containing v blocks and at most λ−1 parallel classes containing fewer than v blocks. Further, a resolution into parallel classes of any specified sizes obeying these conditions is realisable in some design. When k<v and λ=v and when k=v and λ is infinite, we give various examples of resolvable and non-resolvable t-(v,k,Λ) designs

    Some examples related to Conway Groupoids and their generalisations

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    We discuss the recently introduced notion of a Conway Groupoid. In particular we consider various generalisations of the concept including infinite analogues

    Infinite Jordan Permutation Groups

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    Abstract If G is a transitive permutation group on a set X, then G is a Jordan group if there is a partition of X into non-empty subsets Y and Z with |Z| > 1, such that the pointwise stabilizer in G of Y acts transitively on Z (plus other non-degeneracy conditions). There is a classification theorem by Adeleke and Macpherson for the infinite primitive Jordan permutation groups: such group preserves linear-like structures, or tree-like structures, or Steiner systems or a ‘limit’ of Steiner systems, or a ‘limit’ of betweenness relations or D-relations. In this thesis we build a structure M whose automorphism group is an infinite oligomorphic primitive Jordan permutation group preserving a limit of D-relations. In Chapter 2 we build a class of finite structures, each of which is essentially a finite lower semilinear order with vertices labelled by finite D-sets, with coherence conditions. These are viewed as structures in a relational language with relations L,L',S,S',Q,R. We describe possible one point extensions, and prove an amalgamation theorem. We obtain by Fra¨ıss´e’s Theorem a Fra¨ıss´e limit M. In Chapter 3, we describe in detail the structure M and its automorphism group. We show that there is an associated dense lower semilinear order, again with vertices labelled by (dense) D-sets, again with coherence conditions. By a method of building an iterated wreath product described by Cameron which is based on Hall’s wreath power, we build in Chapter 4 a group K < Aut(M) which is a Jordan group with a pre-direction as its Jordan set. Then we find, by properties of Jordan sets, that a pre-D-set is a Jordan set for Aut(M). Finally we prove that the Jordan group G = Aut(M) preserves a limit of D-relations as a main result of this thesis