26,539 research outputs found

    Reliability assessment of water distribution systems with statistical entropy and other surrogate measures

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    There is ever increasing commercial and regulatory pressure to minimise the cost of water distribution networks even as the demand for them keeps on growing. But cost minimizing is only one of the demands placed on network design. Satisfactory networks are required to operate above a minimum level even if they experience failure of components. Reliable hydraulic performance can be achieved if sufficient redundancy is built in the network. This has given rise to various water distribution system optimization methods including genetic algorithms and other evolutionary computing methods. Evolutionary computing approaches frequently assess the suitability of enormous numbers of potential solutions for which the calculation of accurate reliability measures could be computationally prohibitive. Therefore, surrogate reliability measures are frequently used to ease the computational burden. The aim of this paper is to assess the correlation of surrogate reliability measures in relation to more accurate measures. The surrogate measures studied are statistical entropy, network resilience, resilience index and modified resilience index. The networks were simulated with the prototype software PRAAWDS that produces more realistic results for pressure-deficient water distribution systems. Statistical entropy outperformed resilience index in this study. The results also demonstrate there is a strong correlation between entropy and failure tolerance

    Effects of near wall modeling in the Improved-Delayed-Detached-Eddy-Simulation (IDDES) methodology

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    The present study aims to assess the effects of two different underlying RANS models on overall behavior of the IDDES methodology when applied to different flow configurations ranging from fully attached (plane channel flow) to separated flows (periodic hill flow). This includes investigating prediction accuracy of first and second order statistics, response to grid refinement, grey area dynamics and triggering mechanism. Further, several criteria have been investigated to assess reliability and quality of the methodology when operating in scale resolving mode. It turns out that irrespective of the near wall modeling strategy, the IDDES methodology does not satisfy all criteria required to make this methodology reliable when applied to various flow configurations at different Reynolds numbers with different grid resolutions. Further, it is found that using more advanced underlying RANS model to improve prediction accuracy of the near wall dynamics results in extension of the grey area, which may delay the transition to scale resolving mode. This systematic study for attached and separated flows suggests that the shortcomings of IDDES methodology mostly lie in inaccurate prediction of the dynamics inside the grey area and demands further investigation in this direction to make this methodology capable of dealing with different flow situations reliably

    A Shift-Dependent Measure of Extended Cumulative Entropy and Its Applications in Blind Image Quality Assessment

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    Recently, Tahmasebi and Eskandarzadeh introduced a new extended cumulative entropy (ECE). In this paper, we present results on shift-dependent measure of ECE and its dynamic past version. These results contain stochastic order, upper and lower bounds, the symmetry property and some relationships with other reliability functions. We also discuss some properties of conditional weighted ECE under some assumptions. Finally, we propose a nonparametric estimator of this new measure and study its practical results in blind image quality assessment

    Error Exponents for Variable-length Block Codes with Feedback and Cost Constraints

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    Variable-length block-coding schemes are investigated for discrete memoryless channels with ideal feedback under cost constraints. Upper and lower bounds are found for the minimum achievable probability of decoding error Pe,minP_{e,\min} as a function of constraints R, \AV, and τˉ\bar \tau on the transmission rate, average cost, and average block length respectively. For given RR and \AV, the lower and upper bounds to the exponent (lnPe,min)/τˉ-(\ln P_{e,\min})/\bar \tau are asymptotically equal as τˉ\bar \tau \to \infty. The resulting reliability function, limτˉ(lnPe,min)/τˉ\lim_{\bar \tau\to \infty} (-\ln P_{e,\min})/\bar \tau, as a function of RR and \AV, is concave in the pair (R, \AV) and generalizes the linear reliability function of Burnashev to include cost constraints. The results are generalized to a class of discrete-time memoryless channels with arbitrary alphabets, including additive Gaussian noise channels with amplitude and power constraints