38,146 research outputs found

    The typical structure of maximal triangle-free graphs

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    Recently, settling a question of Erd\H{o}s, Balogh and Pet\v{r}\'{i}\v{c}kov\'{a} showed that there are at most 2n2/8+o(n2)2^{n^2/8+o(n^2)} nn-vertex maximal triangle-free graphs, matching the previously known lower bound. Here we characterize the typical structure of maximal triangle-free graphs. We show that almost every maximal triangle-free graph GG admits a vertex partition XYX\cup Y such that G[X]G[X] is a perfect matching and YY is an independent set. Our proof uses the Ruzsa-Szemer\'{e}di removal lemma, the Erd\H{o}s-Simonovits stability theorem, and recent results of Balogh-Morris-Samotij and Saxton-Thomason on characterization of the structure of independent sets in hypergraphs. The proof also relies on a new bound on the number of maximal independent sets in triangle-free graphs with many vertex-disjoint P3P_3's, which is of independent interest.Comment: 17 page

    Three remarks on W2\mathbf{W_2} graphs

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    Let k1k \geq 1. A graph GG is Wk\mathbf{W_k} if for any kk pairwise disjoint independent vertex subsets A1,,AkA_1, \dots, A_k in GG, there exist kk pairwise disjoint maximum independent sets S1,,SkS_1, \dots, S_k in GG such that AiSiA_i \subseteq S_i for i[k]i \in [k]. Recognizing W1\mathbf{W_1} graphs is co-NP-hard, as shown by Chv\'atal and Hartnell (1993) and, independently, by Sankaranarayana and Stewart (1992). Extending this result and answering a recent question of Levit and Tankus, we show that recognizing Wk\mathbf{W_k} graphs is co-NP-hard for k2k \geq 2. On the positive side, we show that recognizing Wk\mathbf{W_k} graphs is, for each k2k\geq 2, FPT parameterized by clique-width and by tree-width. Finally, we construct graphs GG that are not W2\mathbf{W_2} such that, for every vertex vv in GG and every maximal independent set SS in GN[v]G - N[v], the largest independent set in N(v)SN(v) \setminus S consists of a single vertex, thereby refuting a conjecture of Levit and Tankus.Comment: 6 page

    Vertex decomposability and regularity of very well-covered graphs

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    A graph GG is well-covered if it has no isolated vertices and all the maximal independent sets have the same cardinality. If furthermore two times this cardinality is equal to V(G)|V(G)|, the graph GG is called very well-covered. The class of very well-covered graphs contains bipartite well-covered graphs. Recently in \cite{CRT} it is shown that a very well-covered graph GG is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if it is pure shellable. In this article we improve this result by showing that GG is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if it is pure vertex decomposable. In addition, if I(G)I(G) denotes the edge ideal of GG, we show that the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of R/I(G)R/I(G) is equal to the maximum number of pairwise 3-disjoint edges of GG. This improves Kummini's result on unmixed bipartite graphs.Comment: 11 page

    Maximal independent sets and separating covers

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    In 1973, Katona raised the problem of determining the maximum number of subsets in a separating cover on n elements. The answer to Katona's question turns out to be the inverse to the answer to a much simpler question: what is the largest integer which is the product of positive integers with sum n? We give a combinatorial explanation for this relationship, via Moon and Moser's answer to a question of Erdos: how many maximal independent sets can a graph on n vertices have? We conclude by showing how Moon and Moser's solution also sheds light on a problem of Mahler and Popken's about the complexity of integers.Comment: To appear in the Monthl

    Large induced subgraphs via triangulations and CMSO

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    We obtain an algorithmic meta-theorem for the following optimization problem. Let \phi\ be a Counting Monadic Second Order Logic (CMSO) formula and t be an integer. For a given graph G, the task is to maximize |X| subject to the following: there is a set of vertices F of G, containing X, such that the subgraph G[F] induced by F is of treewidth at most t, and structure (G[F],X) models \phi. Some special cases of this optimization problem are the following generic examples. Each of these cases contains various problems as a special subcase: 1) "Maximum induced subgraph with at most l copies of cycles of length 0 modulo m", where for fixed nonnegative integers m and l, the task is to find a maximum induced subgraph of a given graph with at most l vertex-disjoint cycles of length 0 modulo m. 2) "Minimum \Gamma-deletion", where for a fixed finite set of graphs \Gamma\ containing a planar graph, the task is to find a maximum induced subgraph of a given graph containing no graph from \Gamma\ as a minor. 3) "Independent \Pi-packing", where for a fixed finite set of connected graphs \Pi, the task is to find an induced subgraph G[F] of a given graph G with the maximum number of connected components, such that each connected component of G[F] is isomorphic to some graph from \Pi. We give an algorithm solving the optimization problem on an n-vertex graph G in time O(#pmc n^{t+4} f(t,\phi)), where #pmc is the number of all potential maximal cliques in G and f is a function depending of t and \phi\ only. We also show how a similar running time can be obtained for the weighted version of the problem. Pipelined with known bounds on the number of potential maximal cliques, we deduce that our optimization problem can be solved in time O(1.7347^n) for arbitrary graphs, and in polynomial time for graph classes with polynomial number of minimal separators

    On the order of countable graphs

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    A set of graphs is said to be independent if there is no homomorphism between distinct graphs from the set. We consider the existence problems related to the independent sets of countable graphs. While the maximal size of an independent set of countable graphs is 2^omega the On Line problem of extending an independent set to a larger independent set is much harder. We prove here that singletons can be extended (``partnership theorem''). While this is the best possible in general, we give structural conditions which guarantee independent extensions of larger independent sets. This is related to universal graphs, rigid graphs and to the density problem for countable graphs