4 research outputs found

    The InterMesh Network Architecture

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    The rapid spread of mobile devices, the emergence of key wireless technologies, and the nomadic user and computing lifestyles on current networks are continuously evolving in synergy. MANETs, WSNs, and WMNs are examples of self-organizing unstructured networks that have their local communication paradigms and are optimized to perform under their particular physical constraints. Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are particularly interesting because of their ability to operate in a pure ad-hoc mode or to include some infrastructural components, making them suitable for a multitude of applications. Inter-networking among the heterogeneous access networks is currently offered by the Internet Protocol (IP). However, the evolution of and the innovation within these networks is greatly hindered by the rigidity of the current Internet implementation and its lag in efficiently supporting flexible unstructured communication paradigms. To broaden the user\u27s innovation space and to efficiently embrace the characteristics of emerging networks, clean-slate architectural approaches are being pursued. In this paper, we propose InterMesh, a novel iner-networking platform for wireless mesh networks. InterMesh enables heterogeneous access networks to converge at novel Persistent Identification and Networking Layer (PINL), providing a seamless service to individual network entities. This paper identifies the key concepts behind the InterMesh network platform, presents an interesting prototype implementation that can coexist with today\u27s Internet while still be able to evolve separately, and discusses some preliminary performance results of the prototype

    Performance modelling of network management schemes for mobile wireless networks

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    Amélioration de la performance des réseaux maillés sans fil cognitifs

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    Les rĂ©seaux maillĂ©s sans fil (WMN) sont une solution peu coĂ»teuse et efficace afin de dĂ©ployer rapidement des services d’accĂšs Ă  large bande dans des environnements dĂ©pourvus d’infrastructure. Toutefois, pour devenir un succĂšs commercial, les WMN doivent supporter des applications en temps rĂ©el, telles que celles pour le multimĂ©dia et les services d’urgence. Or, ces applications gĂ©nĂšrent du trafic critique qui requiert la mise en place de mĂ©canismes de qualitĂ© de service (QoS). Alors que la capacitĂ© et la disponibilitĂ© de la bande passante des WMN monoradios limitent sĂ©vĂšrement la QoS pour ce type de trafic, les WMN cognitifs (CWMN) multiradios peuvent compenser ces limitations et offrir de meilleurs mĂ©canismes de QoS. Ce projet de recherche propose d’amĂ©liorer la performance des WMN afin qu’ils puissent supporter la QoS requise pour satisfaire aux exigences strictes du trafic gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par des applications en temps rĂ©el

    Architecture d'interopérabilité et mécanismes de relÚve pour les réseaux sans fil de prochaine génération

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    Intégration, interopéribilité et mobilité -- An analytical framework for performance evaluation of IPV6-Based mobility management protocols -- An architecture for seamless mobility support in Ip-Based next generation wireless networks -- Adaptive handoff scheme for heterogeneous ip wireless networks -- Enhanced fast handoff scheme for heterogeneous wireless networks