358 research outputs found

    Reconfiguration on sparse graphs

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    A vertex-subset graph problem Q defines which subsets of the vertices of an input graph are feasible solutions. A reconfiguration variant of a vertex-subset problem asks, given two feasible solutions S and T of size k, whether it is possible to transform S into T by a sequence of vertex additions and deletions such that each intermediate set is also a feasible solution of size bounded by k. We study reconfiguration variants of two classical vertex-subset problems, namely Independent Set and Dominating Set. We denote the former by ISR and the latter by DSR. Both ISR and DSR are PSPACE-complete on graphs of bounded bandwidth and W[1]-hard parameterized by k on general graphs. We show that ISR is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by k when the input graph is of bounded degeneracy or nowhere-dense. As a corollary, we answer positively an open question concerning the parameterized complexity of the problem on graphs of bounded treewidth. Moreover, our techniques generalize recent results showing that ISR is fixed-parameter tractable on planar graphs and graphs of bounded degree. For DSR, we show the problem fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by k when the input graph does not contain large bicliques, a class of graphs which includes graphs of bounded degeneracy and nowhere-dense graphs

    Linear Time Subgraph Counting, Graph Degeneracy, and the Chasm at Size Six

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    We consider the problem of counting all k-vertex subgraphs in an input graph, for any constant k. This problem (denoted SUB-CNT_k) has been studied extensively in both theory and practice. In a classic result, Chiba and Nishizeki (SICOMP 85) gave linear time algorithms for clique and 4-cycle counting for bounded degeneracy graphs. This is a rich class of sparse graphs that contains, for example, all minor-free families and preferential attachment graphs. The techniques from this result have inspired a number of recent practical algorithms for SUB-CNT_k. Towards a better understanding of the limits of these techniques, we ask: for what values of k can SUB_CNT_k be solved in linear time? We discover a chasm at k=6. Specifically, we prove that for k < 6, SUB_CNT_k can be solved in linear time. Assuming a standard conjecture in fine-grained complexity, we prove that for all k ? 6, SUB-CNT_k cannot be solved even in near-linear time

    Faster Subgraph Counting in Sparse Graphs

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    A fundamental graph problem asks to compute the number of induced copies of a k-node pattern graph H in an n-node graph G. The fastest algorithm to date is still the 35-years-old algorithm by Nesetril and Poljak [Nesetril and Poljak, 1985], with running time f(k) * O(n^{omega floor[k/3] + 2}) where omega <=2.373 is the matrix multiplication exponent. In this work we show that, if one takes into account the degeneracy d of G, then the picture becomes substantially richer and leads to faster algorithms when G is sufficiently sparse. More precisely, after introducing a novel notion of graph width, the DAG-treewidth, we prove what follows. If H has DAG-treewidth tau(H) and G has degeneracy d, then the induced copies of H in G can be counted in time f(d,k) * O~(n^{tau(H)}); and, under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, no algorithm can solve the problem in time f(d,k) * n^{o(tau(H)/ln tau(H))} for all H. This result characterises the complexity of counting subgraphs in a d-degenerate graph. Developing bounds on tau(H), then, we obtain natural generalisations of classic results and faster algorithms for sparse graphs. For example, when d=O(poly log(n)) we can count the induced copies of any H in time f(k) * O~(n^{floor[k/4] + 2}), beating the Nesetril-Poljak algorithm by essentially a cubic factor in n

    Covering Small Independent Sets and Separators with Applications to Parameterized Algorithms

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    We present two new combinatorial tools for the design of parameterized algorithms. The first is a simple linear time randomized algorithm that given as input a dd-degenerate graph GG and an integer kk, outputs an independent set YY, such that for every independent set XX in GG of size at most kk, the probability that XX is a subset of YY is at least (((d+1)kk)⋅k(d+1))−1\left({(d+1)k \choose k} \cdot k(d+1)\right)^{-1}.The second is a new (deterministic) polynomial time graph sparsification procedure that given a graph GG, a set T={{s1,t1},{s2,t2},…,{sℓ,tℓ}}T = \{\{s_1, t_1\}, \{s_2, t_2\}, \ldots, \{s_\ell, t_\ell\}\} of terminal pairs and an integer kk, returns an induced subgraph G⋆G^\star of GG that maintains all the inclusion minimal multicuts of GG of size at most kk, and does not contain any (k+2)(k+2)-vertex connected set of size 2O(k)2^{{\cal O}(k)}. In particular, G⋆G^\star excludes a clique of size 2O(k)2^{{\cal O}(k)} as a topological minor. Put together, our new tools yield new randomized fixed parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms for Stable ss-tt Separator, Stable Odd Cycle Transversal and Stable Multicut on general graphs, and for Stable Directed Feedback Vertex Set on dd-degenerate graphs, resolving two problems left open by Marx et al. [ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2013]. All of our algorithms can be derandomized at the cost of a small overhead in the running time.Comment: 35 page

    Listing all maximal cliques in sparse graphs in near-optimal time

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    The degeneracy of an nn-vertex graph GG is the smallest number dd such that every subgraph of GG contains a vertex of degree at most dd. We show that there exists a nearly-optimal fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for enumerating all maximal cliques, parametrized by degeneracy. To achieve this result, we modify the classic Bron--Kerbosch algorithm and show that it runs in time O(dn3d/3)O(dn3^{d/3}). We also provide matching upper and lower bounds showing that the largest possible number of maximal cliques in an nn-vertex graph with degeneracy dd (when dd is a multiple of 3 and nged+3nge d+3) is (n−d)3d/3(n-d)3^{d/3}. Therefore, our algorithm matches the Theta(d(n−d)3d/3)Theta(d(n-d)3^{d/3}) worst-case output size of the problem whenever n−d=Omega(n)n-d=Omega(n)

    Counting Subgraphs in Somewhere Dense Graphs

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    We study the problems of counting copies and induced copies of a small pattern graph H in a large host graph G. Recent work fully classified the complexity of those problems according to structural restrictions on the patterns H. In this work, we address the more challenging task of analysing the complexity for restricted patterns and restricted hosts. Specifically we ask which families of allowed patterns and hosts imply fixed-parameter tractability, i.e., the existence of an algorithm running in time f(H)?|G|^O(1) for some computable function f. Our main results present exhaustive and explicit complexity classifications for families that satisfy natural closure properties. Among others, we identify the problems of counting small matchings and independent sets in subgraph-closed graph classes ? as our central objects of study and establish the following crisp dichotomies as consequences of the Exponential Time Hypothesis: - Counting k-matchings in a graph G ? ? is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if ? is nowhere dense. - Counting k-independent sets in a graph G ? ? is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if ? is nowhere dense. Moreover, we obtain almost tight conditional lower bounds if ? is somewhere dense, i.e., not nowhere dense. These base cases of our classifications subsume a wide variety of previous results on the matching and independent set problem, such as counting k-matchings in bipartite graphs (Curticapean, Marx; FOCS 14), in F-colourable graphs (Roth, Wellnitz; SODA 20), and in degenerate graphs (Bressan, Roth; FOCS 21), as well as counting k-independent sets in bipartite graphs (Curticapean et al.; Algorithmica 19). At the same time our proofs are much simpler: using structural characterisations of somewhere dense graphs, we show that a colourful version of a recent breakthrough technique for analysing pattern counting problems (Curticapean, Dell, Marx; STOC 17) applies to any subgraph-closed somewhere dense class of graphs, yielding a unified view of our current understanding of the complexity of subgraph counting
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