3 research outputs found

    Ideas Matchmaking for Supporting Innovators and Entrepreneurs

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    Käesolevas töös esitletakse süsteemi, mis on võimeline sirvima veebist ettevõtluse ja tehnoloogiaga seotud andmeid, mida saab siduda kasutajate poolt Innovvoice platvormil välja pakutud ideedega. Selline teenus on ideabator platvormi väärtuslik osa, mis toetab ettevõtluse uuendajaid ja potentsiaalseid ettevõtjaid.In this paper we show a system able to crawl content from the Web related to entrepreneurship and technology, to be matched with ideas proposed by users in the Innovvoice platform. We argue that such a service is a valuable component of an ideabator platform, supporting innovators and possible entrepreneurs

    Implementing Semantic Search to a Case Management System

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    The amount of information in today’s information society is immense, which creates a need for intuitive and effective search functionalities and applications. In addition to openly available search applications, organizations need internal search functionalities for optimizing their information management. This thesis provides an implementation suggestion for JoutseNet semantic search application. JoutseNet is a case management system used by the authorities and the employees of the city of Turku. Thesis begins by introducing some relevant fundamentals of natural language processing and search engines. Literature review is utilized to find semantic search implementation methods from previous research papers. Case JoutseNet is introduced with some background information on the case management process and with a brief user research and examination on the current state of the system. Learnings from the fundamental guidelines and conducted research are combined to implement the search application. After the implementation documentation, guidelines for optimizing and testing the application are given. The value and performance of the implementation is yet to be determined because the production data of the JoutseNet system could not be used for research purposes. A comprehensive suggestion is provided, but further research and development is still needed before delivering it to the production environment

    Improving Search and Discovery of Geospatial Information in Australia and New Zealand using Semantic Web Techniques

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    This thesis proposes a set of techniques to make it easier for end users of spatial catalogue systems to locate datasets which they can then use for their own purposes. While other methods are used to locate spatial datasets, catalogue systems continue to be a common choice and are actively supported by those with jurisdiction over datasets in both the public and private sectors