1,996 research outputs found

    Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Reflexive Digraphs

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    For digraphs GG and HH, a homomorphism of GG to HH is a mapping $f:\ V(G)\dom V(H)suchthat such that uv\in A(G)implies implies f(u)f(v)\in A(H).Ifmoreovereachvertex. If moreover each vertex u \in V(G)isassociatedwithcosts is associated with costs c_i(u), i \in V(H),thenthecostofahomomorphism, then the cost of a homomorphism fis is \sum_{u\in V(G)}c_{f(u)}(u).Foreachfixeddigraph. For each fixed digraph H, the {\em minimum cost homomorphism problem} for H,denotedMinHOM(, denoted MinHOM(H),isthefollowingproblem.Givenaninputdigraph), is the following problem. Given an input digraph G,togetherwithcosts, together with costs c_i(u),, u\in V(G),, i\in V(H),andaninteger, and an integer k,decideif, decide if Gadmitsahomomorphismto admits a homomorphism to Hofcostnotexceeding of cost not exceeding k. We focus on the minimum cost homomorphism problem for {\em reflexive} digraphs H(everyvertexof (every vertex of Hhasaloop).ItisknownthattheproblemMinHOM( has a loop). It is known that the problem MinHOM(H)ispolynomialtimesolvableifthedigraph) is polynomial time solvable if the digraph H has a {\em Min-Max ordering}, i.e., if its vertices can be linearly ordered by <sothat so that i<j, s<rand and ir, js \in A(H)implythat imply that is \in A(H)and and jr \in A(H).WegiveaforbiddeninducedsubgraphcharacterizationofreflexivedigraphswithaMin−Maxordering;ourcharacterizationimpliesapolynomialtimetestfortheexistenceofaMin−Maxordering.Usingthischaracterization,weshowthatforareflexivedigraph. We give a forbidden induced subgraph characterization of reflexive digraphs with a Min-Max ordering; our characterization implies a polynomial time test for the existence of a Min-Max ordering. Using this characterization, we show that for a reflexive digraph H$ which does not admit a Min-Max ordering, the minimum cost homomorphism problem is NP-complete. Thus we obtain a full dichotomy classification of the complexity of minimum cost homomorphism problems for reflexive digraphs

    Improved Time Bounds for All Pairs Non-decreasing Paths in General Digraphs

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    We present improved algorithms for solving the All Pairs Non-decreasing Paths (APNP) problem on weighted digraphs. Currently, the best upper bound on APNP is O~(n^{(9+omega)/4})=O(n^{2.844}), obtained by Vassilevska Williams [TALG 2010 and SODA\u2708], where omega<2.373 is the usual exponent of matrix multiplication. Our first algorithm improves the time bound to O~(n^{2+omega/3})=O(n^{2.791}). The algorithm determines, for every pair of vertices s, t, the minimum last edge weight on a non-decreasing path from s to t, where a non-decreasing path is a path on which the edge weights form a non-decreasing sequence. The algorithm proposed uses the combinatorial properties of non-decreasing paths. Also a slightly improved algorithm with running time O(n^{2.78}) is presented

    Computing k-Modal Embeddings of Planar Digraphs

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    Given a planar digraph G and a positive even integer k, an embedding of G in the plane is k-modal, if every vertex of G is incident to at most k pairs of consecutive edges with opposite orientations, i.e., the incoming and the outgoing edges at each vertex are grouped by the embedding into at most k sets of consecutive edges with the same orientation. In this paper, we study the k-Modality problem, which asks for the existence of a k-modal embedding of a planar digraph. This combinatorial problem is at the very core of a variety of constrained embedding questions for planar digraphs and flat clustered networks. First, since the 2-Modality problem can be easily solved in linear time, we consider the general k-Modality problem for any value of k>2 and show that the problem is NP-complete for planar digraphs of maximum degree Delta <= k+3. We relate its computational complexity to that of two notions of planarity for flat clustered networks: Planar Intersection-Link and Planar NodeTrix representations. This allows us to answer in the strongest possible way an open question by Di Giacomo [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73915-1_37], concerning the complexity of constructing planar NodeTrix representations of flat clustered networks with small clusters, and to address a research question by Angelini et al. [https://doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00437], concerning intersection-link representations based on geometric objects that determine complex arrangements. On the positive side, we provide a simple FPT algorithm for partial 2-trees of arbitrary degree, whose running time is exponential in k and linear in the input size. Second, motivated by the recently-introduced planar L-drawings of planar digraphs [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73915-1_36], which require the computation of a 4-modal embedding, we focus our attention on k=4. On the algorithmic side, we show a complexity dichotomy for the 4-Modality problem with respect to Delta, by providing a linear-time algorithm for planar digraphs with Delta <= 6. This algorithmic result is based on decomposing the input digraph into its blocks via BC-trees and each of these blocks into its triconnected components via SPQR-trees. In particular, we are able to show that the constraints imposed on the embedding by the rigid triconnected components can be tackled by means of a small set of reduction rules and discover that the algorithmic core of the problem lies in special instances of NAESAT, which we prove to be always NAE-satisfiable - a result of independent interest that improves on Porschen et al. [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-24605-3_14]. Finally, on the combinatorial side, we consider outerplanar digraphs and show that any such a digraph always admits a k-modal embedding with k=4 and that this value of k is best possible for the digraphs in this family
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