171 research outputs found

    Identity based cryptography from bilinear pairings

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    This report contains an overview of two related areas of research in cryptography which have been prolific in significant advances in recent years. The first of these areas is pairing based cryptography. Bilinear pairings over elliptic curves were initially used as formal mathematical tools and later as cryptanalysis tools that rendered supersingular curves insecure. In recent years, bilinear pairings have been used to construct many cryptographic schemes. The second area covered by this report is identity based cryptography. Digital certificates are a fundamental part of public key cryptography, as one needs a secure way of associating an agent’s identity with a random (meaningless) public key. In identity based cryptography, public keys can be arbitrary bit strings, including readable representations of one’s identity.Fundação para a Ci~Encia e Tecnologia - SFRH/BPD/20528/2004

    On the Efficiency and Security of Cryptographic Pairings

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    Pairing-based cryptography has been employed to obtain several advantageous cryptographic protocols. In particular, there exist several identity-based variants of common cryptographic schemes. The computation of a single pairing is a comparatively expensive operation, since it often requires many operations in the underlying elliptic curve. In this thesis, we explore the efficient computation of pairings. Computation of the Tate pairing is done in two steps. First, a Miller function is computed, followed by the final exponentiation. We discuss the state-of-the-art optimizations for Miller function computation under various conditions. We are able to shave off a fixed number of operations in the final exponentiation. We consider methods to effectively parallelize the computation of pairings in a multi-core setting and discover that the Weil pairing may provide some advantage under certain conditions. This work is extended to the 192-bit security level and some unlikely candidate curves for such a setting are discovered. Electronic Toll Pricing (ETP) aims to improve road tolling by collecting toll fares electronically and without the need to slow down vehicles. In most ETP schemes, drivers are charged periodically based on the locations, times, distances or durations travelled. Many ETP schemes are currently deployed and although these systems are efficient, they require a great deal of knowledge regarding driving habits in order to operate correctly. We present an ETP scheme where pairing-based BLS signatures play an important role. Finally, we discuss the security of pairings in the presence of an efficient algorithm to invert the pairing. We generalize previous results to the setting of asymmetric pairings as well as give a simplified proof in the symmetric setting

    Type 2 Structure-Preserving Signature Schemes Revisited

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    Abstract. Abe, Groth, Ohkubo and Tibouchi recently presented structure-preserving signature schemes using Type 2 pairings. The schemes are claimed to enjoy the fastest signature verification. By properly accounting for subgroup membership testing of group elements in signatures, we show that the schemes are not as efficient as claimed. We presen

    Automated Analysis in Generic Groups

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    This thesis studies automated methods for analyzing hardness assumptions in generic group models, following ideas of symbolic cryptography. We define a broad class of generic and symbolic group models for different settings---symmetric or asymmetric (leveled) k-linear groups - and prove \u27\u27computational soundness\u27\u27 theorems for the symbolic models. Based on this result, we formulate a master theorem that relates the hardness of an assumption to solving problems in polynomial algebra. We systematically analyze these problems identifying different classes of assumptions and obtain decidability and undecidability results. Then, we develop automated procedures for verifying the conditions of our master theorems, and thus the validity of hardness assumptions in generic group models. The concrete outcome is an automated tool, the Generic Group Analyzer, which takes as input the statement of an assumption, and outputs either a proof of its generic hardness or shows an algebraic attack against the assumption. Structure-preserving signatures are signature schemes defined over bilinear groups in which messages, public keys and signatures are group elements, and the verification algorithm consists of evaluating \u27\u27pairing-product equations\u27\u27. Recent work on structure-preserving signatures studies optimality of these schemes in terms of the number of group elements needed in the verification key and the signature, and the number of pairing-product equations in the verification algorithm. While the size of keys and signatures is crucial for many applications, another aspect of performance is the time it takes to verify a signature. The most expensive operation during verification is the computation of pairings. However, the concrete number of pairings is not captured by the number of pairing-product equations considered in earlier work. We consider the question of what is the minimal number of pairing computations needed to verify structure-preserving signatures. We build an automated tool to search for structure-preserving signatures matching a template. Through exhaustive search we conjecture lower bounds for the number of pairings required in the Type~II setting and prove our conjecture to be true. Finally, our tool exhibits examples of structure-preserving signatures matching the lower bounds, which proves tightness of our bounds, as well as improves on previously known structure-preserving signature schemes

    Certificate Transparency with Enhancements and Short Proofs

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    Browsers can detect malicious websites that are provisioned with forged or fake TLS/SSL certificates. However, they are not so good at detecting malicious websites if they are provisioned with mistakenly issued certificates or certificates that have been issued by a compromised certificate authority. Google proposed certificate transparency which is an open framework to monitor and audit certificates in real time. Thereafter, a few other certificate transparency schemes have been proposed which can even handle revocation. All currently known constructions use Merkle hash trees and have proof size logarithmic in the number of certificates/domain owners. We present a new certificate transparency scheme with short (constant size) proofs. Our construction makes use of dynamic bilinear-map accumulators. The scheme has many desirable properties like efficient revocation, low verification cost and update costs comparable to the existing schemes. We provide proofs of security and evaluate the performance of our scheme.Comment: A preliminary version of the paper was published in ACISP 201

    Certificate Transparency with Enhancements and Short Proofs

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    Browsers can detect malicious websites that are provisioned with forged or fake TLS/SSL certificates. However, they are not so good at detecting malicious websites if they are provisioned with mistakenly issued certificates or certificates that have been issued by a compromised certificate authority. Google proposed certificate transparency which is an open framework to monitor and audit certificates in real time. Thereafter, a few other certificate transparency schemes have been proposed which can even handle revocation. All currently known constructions use Merkle hash trees and have proof size logarithmic in the number of certificates/domain owners. We present a new certificate transparency scheme with short (constant size) proofs. Our construction makes use of dynamic bilinear-map accumulators. The scheme has many desirable properties like efficient revocation, low verification cost and update costs comparable to the existing schemes. We provide proofs of security and evaluate the performance of our scheme.Comment: A preliminary version of the paper was published in ACISP 201
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