44 research outputs found

    Chromatic polynomials of some sunflower mixed hypergraphs

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    The theory of mixed hypergraphs coloring has been first introduced by Voloshin in 1993 and it has been growing ever since. The proper coloring of a mixed hypergraph H =Ā (X; C;D) is the coloring of the vertex set X so that no D-hyperedge is monochromatic and no C-hyperedge is polychromatic. A mixed hypergraph with hyperedges of type D, C or B is commonly known as a D-, C-, or B-hypergraph respectively, whereĀ B = C = D. D-hypergraph colorings are the classic hypergraph colorings which have been widely studied. The chromatic polynomial P(H;Ī») of a mixed hypergraph H is theĀ function that counts the number of proper Ī»-colorings, which are mappings. Recently, Walter published [15] someĀ results concerning the chromatic polynomial of some non-uniform D-sunflower. In this paper, we present an alternative proof of his result and extend his formula to thoseĀ of non-uniform C-sunflowers and B-sunflowers. Some results of a new but related member of sunflowers are also presented

    An Abstraction of Whitney's Broken Circuit Theorem

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    We establish a broad generalization of Whitney's broken circuit theorem on the chromatic polynomial of a graph to sums of type āˆ‘AāŠ†Sf(A)\sum_{A\subseteq S} f(A) where SS is a finite set and ff is a mapping from the power set of SS into an abelian group. We give applications to the domination polynomial and the subgraph component polynomial of a graph, the chromatic polynomial of a hypergraph, the characteristic polynomial and Crapo's beta invariant of a matroid, and the principle of inclusion-exclusion. Thus, we discover several known and new results in a concise and unified way. As further applications of our main result, we derive a new generalization of the maximums-minimums identity and of a theorem due to Blass and Sagan on the M\"obius function of a finite lattice, which generalizes Rota's crosscut theorem. For the classical M\"obius function, both Euler's totient function and its Dirichlet inverse, and the reciprocal of the Riemann zeta function we obtain new expansions involving the greatest common divisor resp. least common multiple. We finally establish an even broader generalization of Whitney's broken circuit theorem in the context of convex geometries (antimatroids).Comment: 18 page

    Chromatic polynomials of some sunflower mixed hypergraphs

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    The theory of mixed hypergraphs coloring has been first introduced by Voloshin in 1993 and it has been growing ever since. The proper coloring of a mixed hypergraph H = (X; C;D) is the coloring ofthe vertex set X so that no D??hyperedge is monochromatic and no C-hyperedge is polychromatic. A mixed hypergraph with hyperedges of type D, C or B is commonly known as a D-, C-, or B-hypergraphrespectively where B = C = D. D-hypergraph colorings are the classichypergraph colorings which have been widely studied. The chro-matic polynomial P(H;) of a mixed hypergraph H is the function thatcounts the number of proper ??colorings, which are mappings f : X !f1; 2; : : : ; g. A sunfower (hypergraph) with l petals and a core S is a collection of sets e1; : : : ; el such that ei \ ej = S for all i 6= j. Recently, Walter published [14] some results concerning the chromatic polynomial of some non-uniform D-sunfower. In this paper, we present an alternative proof of his result and extend his formula to those of non-uniform C-sunowers and B-sunowers. Some results of a new but related member of sunfowers are also presented