37,406 research outputs found

    FPT Approximation and Subexponential Algorithms for Covering Few or Many Edges

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    We study the ?-Fixed Cardinality Graph Partitioning (?-FCGP) problem, the generic local graph partitioning problem introduced by Bonnet et al. [Algorithmica 2015]. In this problem, we are given a graph G, two numbers k,p and 0 ? ? ? 1, the question is whether there is a set S ? V of size k with a specified coverage function cov_?(S) at least p (or at most p for the minimization version). The coverage function cov_?(?) counts edges with exactly one endpoint in S with weight ? and edges with both endpoints in S with weight 1 - ?. ?-FCGP generalizes a number of fundamental graph problems such as Densest k-Subgraph, Max k-Vertex Cover, and Max (k,n-k)-Cut. A natural question in the study of ?-FCGP is whether the algorithmic results known for its special cases, like Max k-Vertex Cover, could be extended to more general settings. One of the simple but powerful methods for obtaining parameterized approximation [Manurangsi, SOSA 2019] and subexponential algorithms [Fomin et al. IPL 2011] for Max k-Vertex Cover is based on the greedy vertex degree orderings. The main insight of our work is that the idea of greed vertex degree ordering could be used to design fixed-parameter approximation schemes (FPT-AS) for ? > 0 and the subexponential-time algorithms for the problem on apex-minor free graphs for maximization with ? > 1/3 and minimization with ? < 1/3

    Optimal Distributed Covering Algorithms

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    We present a time-optimal deterministic distributed algorithm for approximating a minimum weight vertex cover in hypergraphs of rank f. This problem is equivalent to the Minimum Weight Set Cover problem in which the frequency of every element is bounded by f. The approximation factor of our algorithm is (f+epsilon). Let Delta denote the maximum degree in the hypergraph. Our algorithm runs in the congest model and requires O(log{Delta} / log log Delta) rounds, for constants epsilon in (0,1] and f in N^+. This is the first distributed algorithm for this problem whose running time does not depend on the vertex weights nor the number of vertices. Thus adding another member to the exclusive family of provably optimal distributed algorithms. For constant values of f and epsilon, our algorithm improves over the (f+epsilon)-approximation algorithm of [Fabian Kuhn et al., 2006] whose running time is O(log Delta + log W), where W is the ratio between the largest and smallest vertex weights in the graph. Our algorithm also achieves an f-approximation for the problem in O(f log n) rounds, improving over the classical result of [Samir Khuller et al., 1994] that achieves a running time of O(f log^2 n). Finally, for weighted vertex cover (f=2) our algorithm achieves a deterministic running time of O(log n), matching the randomized previously best result of [Koufogiannakis and Young, 2011]. We also show that integer covering-programs can be reduced to the Minimum Weight Set Cover problem in the distributed setting. This allows us to achieve an (f+epsilon)-approximate integral solution in O((1+f/log n)* ((log Delta)/(log log Delta) + (f * log M)^{1.01}* log epsilon^{-1}* (log Delta)^{0.01})) rounds, where f bounds the number of variables in a constraint, Delta bounds the number of constraints a variable appears in, and M=max {1, ceil[1/a_{min}]}, where a_{min} is the smallest normalized constraint coefficient. This improves over the results of [Fabian Kuhn et al., 2006] for the integral case, which combined with rounding achieves the same guarantees in O(epsilon^{-4}* f^4 * log f * log(M * Delta)) rounds

    Time-approximation trade-offs for inapproximable problems

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    In this paper we focus on problems which do not admit a constant-factor approximation in polynomial time and explore how quickly their approximability improves as the allowed running time is gradually increased from polynomial to (sub-)exponential. We tackle a number of problems: For Min Independent Dominating Set, Max Induced Path, Forest and Tree, for any r(n), a simple, known scheme gives an approximation ratio of r in time roughly rn/r. We show that, for most values of r, if this running time could be significantly improved the ETH would fail. For Max Minimal Vertex Cover we give a nontrivial √r-approximation in time 2n/r. We match this with a similarly tight result. We also give a log r-approximation for Min ATSP in time 2n/r and an r-approximation for Max Grundy Coloring in time rn/r. Furthermore, we show that Min Set Cover exhibits a curious behavior in this superpolynomial setting: for any δ > 0 it admits an mδ-approximation, where m is the number of sets, in just quasi-polynomial time. We observe that if such ratios could be achieved in polynomial time, the ETH or the Projection Games Conjecture would fail. © Édouard Bonnet, Michael Lampis and Vangelis Th. Paschos; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY

    Optimal distributed covering algorithms

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    We present a time-optimal deterministic distributed algorithm for approximating a minimum weight vertex cover in hypergraphs of rank f. This problem is equivalent to the Minimum Weight Set Cover problem in which the frequency of every element is bounded by f. The approximation factor of our algorithm is (f+ε). Let Δ denote the maximum degree in the hypergraph. Our algorithm runs in the CONGEST model and requires O(logΔ/loglogΔ) rounds, for constants ε∈(0,1] and f∈N+. This is the first distributed algorithm for this problem whose running time does not depend on the vertex weights nor the number of vertices. Thus adding another member to the exclusive family of provably optimal distributed algorithms. For constant values of f and ε, our algorithm improves over the (f+ε)-approximation algorithm of Kuhn et al. (SODA, 2006)whose running time is O(logΔ+logW), where W is the ratio between the largest and smallest vertex weights in the graph. Our algorithm also achieves an f-approximation for the problem in O(flogn) rounds, improving over the classical result of Khuller et al. (J Algorithms, 1994) that achieves a running time of O(flog2n). Finally, for weighted vertex cover (f=2) our algorithm achieves a deterministic running time of O(logn), matching the randomized previously best result of Koufogiannakis and Young (Distrib Comput, 2011). We also show that integer covering-programs can be reduced to the Minimum Weight Set Cover problem in the distributed setting. This allows us to achieve an (f⌈log2(M)+1⌉+ε)-approximate integral solution in O((1+f/logn)⋅(logΔloglogΔ+(f⋅logM)1.01⋅logε−1⋅(logΔ)0.01)) rounds, where f bounds the number of variables in a constraint, Δ bounds the number of constraints a variable appears in, and M=max{1,⌈1/amin⌉}, where amin is the smallest normalized constraint coefficient

    Parametric classification of directed acyclic graphs, A

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.We consider four NP-hard optimization problems on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), namely, max clique, min coloring, max independent set and min clique cover. It is well-known that these four problems can be solved in polynomial time on transitive DAGs. It is also known that there can be no polynomial O(n1-ϵ)-approximation algorithms for these problems on the general class of DAGs unless P = NP. We propose a new parameter, β, as a measure of departure from transitivity for DAGs. We define β to be the number of vertices in a longest path in a DAG such that there is no edge from the first to the last vertex of the path, and 2 if the graph is transitive. Different values of β define a hierarchy of classes of DAGs, starting with the class of transitive DAGs. We give a polynomial time algorithm for finding a max clique when β is bounded by a fixed constant. The algorithm is exponential in β, but we also give a polynomial β-approximation algorithm. We prove that the other three decision problems are NP-hard even for β ≥ 4 and give polynomial algorithms with approximation bounds of β or better in each case. Furthermore, generalizing the definition of quasi-transitivity introduced by Ghouilà-Houri, we define β-quasi-transitivity and prove a more generalized version their theorem relating quasi-transitive orientation and transitive orientation

    The parameterised complexity of computing the maximum modularity of a graph

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    The maximum modularity of a graph is a parameter widely used to describe the level of clustering or community structure in a network. Determining the maximum modularity of a graph is known to be NP-complete in general, and in practice a range of heuristics are used to construct partitions of the vertex-set which give lower bounds on the maximum modularity but without any guarantee on how close these bounds are to the true maximum. In this paper we investigate the parameterised complexity of determining the maximum modularity with respect to various standard structural parameterisations of the input graph G. We show that the problem belongs to FPT when parameterised by the size of a minimum vertex cover for G, and is solvable in polynomial time whenever the treewidth or max leaf number of G is bounded by some fixed constant; we also obtain an FPT algorithm, parameterised by treewidth, to compute any constant-factor approximation to the maximum modularity. On the other hand we show that the problem is W[1]-hard (and hence unlikely to admit an FPT algorithm) when parameterised simultaneously by pathwidth and the size of a minimum feedback vertex set
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