621 research outputs found

    The anti-Ramsey threshold of complete graphs

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    For graphs GG and HH, let G {\displaystyle\smash{\begin{subarray}{c} \hbox{\tiny\rm rb} \\ \longrightarrow \\ \hbox{\tiny\rm p} \end{subarray}}}H denote the property that for every proper edge-colouring of GG there is a rainbow HH in GG. It is known that, for every graph HH, an asymptotic upper bound for the threshold function pHrb=pHrb(n)p^{\rm rb}_H=p^{\rm rb}_H(n) of this property for the random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) is n−1/m(2)(H)n^{-1/m^{(2)}(H)}, where m(2)(H)m^{(2)}(H) denotes the so-called maximum 22-density of HH. Extending a result of Nenadov, Person, \v{S}kori\'c, and Steger [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 124 (2017),1-38] we prove a matching lower bound for pKkrbp^{\rm rb}_{K_k} for k≥5k\geq 5. Furthermore, we show that pK4rb=n−7/15p^{\rm rb}_{K_4} = n^{-7/15}.Comment: 19 page

    Graph removal lemmas

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    The graph removal lemma states that any graph on n vertices with o(n^{v(H)}) copies of a fixed graph H may be made H-free by removing o(n^2) edges. Despite its innocent appearance, this lemma and its extensions have several important consequences in number theory, discrete geometry, graph theory and computer science. In this survey we discuss these lemmas, focusing in particular on recent improvements to their quantitative aspects.Comment: 35 page

    Thresholds for constrained Ramsey and anti-Ramsey problems

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    Let H1H_1 and H2H_2 be graphs. A graph GG has the constrained Ramsey property for (H1,H2)(H_1,H_2) if every edge-colouring of GG contains either a monochromatic copy of H1H_1 or a rainbow copy of H2H_2. Our main result gives a 0-statement for the constrained Ramsey property in G(n,p)G(n,p) whenever H1=K1,kH_1 = K_{1,k} for some k≥3k \ge 3 and H2H_2 is not a forest. Along with previous work of Kohayakawa, Konstadinidis and Mota, this resolves the constrained Ramsey property for all non-trivial cases with the exception of H1=K1,2H_1 = K_{1,2}, which is equivalent to the anti-Ramsey property for H2H_2. For a fixed graph HH, we say that GG has the anti-Ramsey property for HH if any proper edge-colouring of GG contains a rainbow copy of HH. We show that the 0-statement for the anti-Ramsey problem in G(n,p)G(n,p) can be reduced to a (necessary) colouring statement, and use this to find the threshold for the anti-Ramsey property for some particular families of graphs.Comment: 27 page

    Large rainbow cliques in randomly perturbed dense graphs

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    For two graphs GG and HH, write G⟶rbwHG \stackrel{\mathrm{rbw}}{\longrightarrow} H if GG has the property that every {\sl proper} colouring of its edges yields a {\sl rainbow} copy of HH. We study the thresholds for such so-called {\sl anti-Ramsey} properties in randomly perturbed dense graphs, which are unions of the form G∪G(n,p)G \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p), where GG is an nn-vertex graph with edge-density at least dd, and dd is a constant that does not depend on nn. Our results in this paper, combined with our results in a companion paper, determine the threshold for the property G∪G(n,p)⟶rbwKsG \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p) \stackrel{\mathrm{rbw}}{\longrightarrow} K_s for every ss. In this paper, we show that for s≥9s \geq 9 the threshold is n−1/m2(K⌈s/2⌉)n^{-1/m_2(K_{\left\lceil s/2 \right\rceil})}; in fact, our 11-statement is a supersaturation result. This turns out to (almost) be the threshold for s=8s=8 as well, but for every 4≤s≤74 \leq s \leq 7, the threshold is lower; see our companion paper for more details. In this paper, we also consider the property G∪G(n,p)⟶rbwC2ℓ−1G \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p) \stackrel{\mathrm{rbw}}{\longrightarrow} C_{2\ell - 1}, and show that the threshold for this property is n−2n^{-2} for every ℓ≥2\ell \geq 2; in particular, it does not depend on the length of the cycle C2ℓ−1C_{2\ell - 1}. It is worth mentioning that for even cycles, or more generally for any fixed bipartite graph, no random edges are needed at all.Comment: 21 pages; some typos fixed in the last versio

    On the Anti-Ramsey Threshold for Non-Balanced Graphs

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    For graphs G,H, we write Grb⟶H if for every proper edge-coloring of G there is a rainbow copy of H, i.e., a copy where no color appears more than once. Kohayakawa, Konstadinidis and the last author proved that the threshold for G(n,p)rb⟶H is at most n−1/m2(H). Previous results have matched the lower bound for this anti-Ramsey threshold for cycles and complete graphs with at least 5 vertices. Kohayakawa, Konstadinidis and the last author also presented an infinite family of graphs H for which the anti-Ramsey threshold is asymptotically smaller than n−1/m2(H). In this paper, we devise a framework that provides a richer family of such graphs

    Small rainbow cliques in randomly perturbed dense graphs

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    For two graphs GG and HH, write G⟶rbwHG \stackrel{\mathrm{rbw}}{\longrightarrow} H if GG has the property that every \emph{proper} colouring of its edges yields a \emph{rainbow} copy of HH. We study the thresholds for such so-called \emph{anti-Ramsey} properties in randomly perturbed dense graphs, which are unions of the form G∪G(n,p)G \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p), where GG is an nn-vertex graph with edge-density at least d>0d >0, and dd is independent of nn. In a companion article, we proved that the threshold for the property G∪G(n,p)⟶rbwKℓG \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p) \stackrel{\mathrm{rbw}}{\longrightarrow} K_\ell is n−1/m2(K⌈ℓ/2⌉)n^{-1/m_2(K_{\left\lceil \ell/2 \right\rceil})}, whenever ℓ≥9\ell \geq 9. For smaller ℓ\ell, the thresholds behave more erratically, and for 4≤ℓ≤74 \le \ell \le 7 they deviate downwards significantly from the aforementioned aesthetic form capturing the thresholds for \emph{large} cliques. In particular, we show that the thresholds for ℓ∈{4,5,7}\ell \in \{4, 5, 7\} are n−5/4n^{-5/4}, n−1n^{-1}, and n−7/15n^{-7/15}, respectively. For ℓ∈{6,8}\ell \in \{6, 8\} we determine the threshold up to a (1+o(1))(1 + o(1))-factor in the exponent: they are n−(2/3+o(1))n^{-(2/3 + o(1))} and n−(2/5+o(1))n^{-(2/5 + o(1))}, respectively. For ℓ=3\ell = 3, the threshold is n−2n^{-2}; this follows from a more general result about odd cycles in our companion paper.Comment: 37 pages, several figures; update following reviewer(s) comment

    Small rainbow cliques in randomly perturbed dense graphs

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    For two graphs G and H, write G rbw −→ H if G has the property that every proper colouring of its edges yields a rainbow copy of H. We study the thresholds for such so-called anti-Ramsey properties in randomly perturbed dense graphs, which are unions of the form G ∪ G(n, p), where G is an n-vertex graph with edge-density at least d > 0, and d is independent of n. In a companion paper, we proved that the threshold for the property G ∪ G(n, p) rbw −→ K` is n −1/m2(Kd`/2e) , whenever ` ≥ 9. For smaller `, the thresholds behave more erratically, and for 4 ≤ ` ≤ 7 they deviate downwards significantly from the aforementioned aesthetic form capturing the thresholds for large cliques. In particular, we show that the thresholds for ` ∈ {4, 5, 7} are n −5/4 , n −1 , and n −7/15, respectively. For ` ∈ {6, 8} we determine the threshold up to a (1 + o(1))-factor in the exponent: they are n −(2/3+o(1)) and n −(2/5+o(1)), respectively. For ` = 3, the threshold is n −2 ; this follows from a more general result about odd cycles in our companion paper
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