4,289 research outputs found

    Locally adaptive factor processes for multivariate time series

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    In modeling multivariate time series, it is important to allow time-varying smoothness in the mean and covariance process. In particular, there may be certain time intervals exhibiting rapid changes and others in which changes are slow. If such time-varying smoothness is not accounted for, one can obtain misleading inferences and predictions, with over-smoothing across erratic time intervals and under-smoothing across times exhibiting slow variation. This can lead to mis-calibration of predictive intervals, which can be substantially too narrow or wide depending on the time. We propose a locally adaptive factor process for characterizing multivariate mean-covariance changes in continuous time, allowing locally varying smoothness in both the mean and covariance matrix. This process is constructed utilizing latent dictionary functions evolving in time through nested Gaussian processes and linearly related to the observed data with a sparse mapping. Using a differential equation representation, we bypass usual computational bottlenecks in obtaining MCMC and online algorithms for approximate Bayesian inference. The performance is assessed in simulations and illustrated in a financial application

    On parameter estimation for locally stationary long-memory processes

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    We consider parameter estimation for time-dependent locally stationary long-memory processes. The asymptotic distribution of an estimator based on the local infinite autoregressive representation is derived, and asymptotic formulas for the mean squared error of the estimator, and the asymptotically optimal bandwidth are obtained. In spite of long memory, the optimal bandwidth turns out to be of the order n^(-1/5) and inversely proportional to the square of the second derivative of d. In this sense, local estimation of d is comparable to regression smoothing with iid residuals.long memory, fractional ARIMA process, local stationarity, bandwidth selection

    The spectral analysis of nonstationary categorical time series using local spectral envelope

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    Most classical methods for the spectral analysis are based on the assumption that the time series is stationary. However, many time series in practical problems shows nonstationary behaviors. The data from some fields are huge and have variance and spectrum which changes over time. Sometimes,we are interested in the cyclic behavior of the categorical-valued time series such as EEG sleep state data or DNA sequence, the general method is to scale the data, that is, assign numerical values to the categories and then use the periodogram to find the cyclic behavior. But there exists numerous possible scaling. If we arbitrarily assign the numerical values to the categories and proceed with a spectral analysis, then the results will depend on the particular assignment. We would like to find the all possible scaling that bring out all of the interesting features in the data. To overcome these problems, there have been many approaches in the spectral analysis. Our goal is to develop a statistical methodology for analyzing nonstationary categorical time series in the frequency domain. In this dissertation, the spectral envelope methodology is introduced for spectral analysis of categorical time series. This provides the general framework for the spectral analysis of the categorical time series and summarizes information from the spectrum matrix. To apply this method to nonstationary process, I used the TBAS(Tree-Based Adaptive Segmentation) and local spectral envelope based on the piecewise stationary process. In this dissertation,the TBAS(Tree-Based Adpative Segmentation) using distance function based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence was proposed to find the best segmentation

    A test for second-order stationarity of time series based on unsystematic sub-samples

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    In this paper, we introduce a new method for testing the stationarity of time series, where the test statistic is obtained from measuring and maximising the difference in the second-order structure over pairs of randomly drawn intervals. The asymptotic normality of the test statistic is established for both Gaussian and a range of non-Gaussian time series, and a bootstrap procedure is proposed for estimating the variance of the main statistics. Further, we show the consistency of our test under local alternatives. Due to the flexibility inherent in the random, unsystematic sub-samples used for test statistic construction, the proposed method is able to identify the intervals of significant departure from the stationarity without any dyadic constraints, which is an advantage over other tests employing systematic designs. We demonstrate its good finite sample performance on both simulated and real data, particularly in detecting localised departure from the stationarity

    Inference of time-varying regression models

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    We consider parameter estimation, hypothesis testing and variable selection for partially time-varying coefficient models. Our asymptotic theory has the useful feature that it can allow dependent, nonstationary error and covariate processes. With a two-stage method, the parametric component can be estimated with a n1/2n^{1/2}-convergence rate. A simulation-assisted hypothesis testing procedure is proposed for testing significance and parameter constancy. We further propose an information criterion that can consistently select the true set of significant predictors. Our method is applied to autoregressive models with time-varying coefficients. Simulation results and a real data application are provided.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOS1010 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Covariance matrix estimation for stationary time series

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    We obtain a sharp convergence rate for banded covariance matrix estimates of stationary processes. A precise order of magnitude is derived for spectral radius of sample covariance matrices. We also consider a thresholded covariance matrix estimator that can better characterize sparsity if the true covariance matrix is sparse. As our main tool, we implement Toeplitz [Math. Ann. 70 (1911) 351-376] idea and relate eigenvalues of covariance matrices to the spectral densities or Fourier transforms of the covariances. We develop a large deviation result for quadratic forms of stationary processes using m-dependence approximation, under the framework of causal representation and physical dependence measures.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS967 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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