4 research outputs found

    Coloration de graphes et attribution d'activités dans des quarts de travail

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    Revue de littérature -- Organisation de la thèse -- Lower bounds and a tabu search algorithm for the minimum deficiency problem -- On a reduction of the interval coloring problem to a series of bandwidth coloring problems -- About equivalent interval colorings of weighted graphs -- Une approche de programmation en nombres entiers pour la résolution d'un problème d'horaire -- Discussion générale et conclusion

    About equivalent interval colorings of weighted graphs

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    AbstractGiven a graph G=(V,E) with strictly positive integer weights ωi on the vertices i∈V, a k-interval coloring of G is a function I that assigns an interval I(i)⊆{1,…,k} of ωi consecutive integers (called colors) to each vertex i∈V. If two adjacent vertices x and y have common colors, i.e. I(i)∩I(j)≠0̸ for an edge [i,j] in G, then the edge [i,j] is said conflicting. A k-interval coloring without conflicting edges is said legal. The interval coloring problem (ICP) is to determine the smallest integer k, called interval chromatic number of G and denoted χint(G), such that there exists a legal k-interval coloring of G. For a fixed integer k, the k-interval graph coloring problem (k-ICP) is to determine a k-interval coloring of G with a minimum number of conflicting edges. The ICP and k-ICP generalize classical vertex coloring problems where a single color has to be assigned to each vertex (i.e., ωi=1 for all vertices i∈V).Two k-interval colorings I1 and I2 are said equivalent if there is a permutation π of the integers 1,…,k such that ℓ∈I1(i) if and only if π(ℓ)∈I2(i) for all vertices i∈V. As for classical vertex coloring, the efficiency of algorithms that solve the ICP or the k-ICP can be increased by avoiding considering equivalent k-interval colorings, assuming that they can be identified very quickly. To this purpose, we define and prove a necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence of two k-interval colorings. We then show how a simple tabu search algorithm for the k-ICP can possibly be improved by forbidding the visit of equivalent solutions

    Two genetic algorithms for the bandwidth multicoloring problem

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    In this paper the Bandwidth Multicoloring Problem (BMCP) and the Bandwidth Coloring Problem (BCP) are considered. The problems are solved by two genetic algorithms (GAs) which use the integer encoding and standard genetic operators adapted to the problems. In both proposed implementations, all individuals are feasible by default, so search is directed into the promising regions. The first proposed method named GA1 is a constructive metaheuristic that construct solution, while the second named GA2 is an improving metaheuristic used to improve an existing solution. Genetic algorithms are tested on the publicly-available GEOM instances from the literature. Proposed GA1 has achieved a much better solution than the calculated upper bound for a given problem, and GA2 has significantly improved the solutions obtained by GA1. The obtained results are also compared with the results of the existing methods for solving BCP and BMCP