1,754 research outputs found

    Integral expressions for Hilbert-type infinite multilinear form and related multiple Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions

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    The article deals with different kinds integral expressions concerning multiple Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function (introduced originally by Barnes ), Hilbert-type infinite multilinear form and its power series extension. Here Laplace integral forms and multiple Mellin-Barnes type integral representation are derived for these special functions. As a special cases of our investigations we deduce the integral expressions for the Matsumoto's multiple Mordell-Tornheim Zeta function, that is, for Tornheim's double sum i.e. Mordell-Witten Zeta, for the multiple Hurwitz Zeta and for the multiple Hurwitz-Euler Eta function, recently studied by Choi and Srivastava

    Purity-bounded uncertainty relations in multidimensional space -- generalized purity

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    Uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states (precisely, purity-bounded position-momentum relations, developed by Bastiaans and then by Man'ko and Dodonov) are studied in general multi-dimensional case. An expression for family of mixed states at the lower bound of uncertainty relation is obtained. It is shown, that in case of entropy-bounded uncertainty relations, lower-bound state is thermal, and a transition from one-dimensional problem to multi-dimensional one is trivial. Results of numerical calculation of the relation lower bound for different types of generalized purity are presented. Analytical expressions for general purity-bounded relations for highly mixed states are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. draft version, to appear in J. Phys. A Partially based on a poster "Multidimensional uncertainty relations for states with given generalized purity" presented on X Intl. Conf. on Quantum Optics'2004 (Minsk, Belarus, May 30 -- June 3, 2004) More actual report is to be presented on ICSSUR-2005, Besan\c{c}on, France and on EQEC'05, Munich. V. 5: amended article after referees' remark

    Universality of free homogeneous sums in every dimension

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    We prove a general multidimensional invariance principle for a family of U-statistics based on freely independent non-commutative random variables of the type Un(S)U_n(S), where Un(x)U_n(x) is the nn-th Chebyshev polynomial and SS is a standard semicircular element on a fixed W∗W^{\ast}-probability space. As a consequence, we deduce that homogeneous sums based on random variables of this type are universal with respect to both semicircular and free Poisson approximations. Our results are stated in a general multidimensional setting and can be seen as a genuine extension of some recent findings by Deya and Nourdin; our techniques are based on the combination of the free Lindeberg method and the Fourth moment Theorem

    Convergence towards linear combinations of chi-squared random variables: a Malliavin-based approach

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    We investigate the problem of finding necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence in distribution towards a general finite linear combination of independent chi-squared random variables, within the framework of random objects living on a fixed Gaussian space. Using a recent representation of cumulants in terms of the Malliavin calculus operators Γi\Gamma_i (introduced by Nourdin and Peccati in \cite{n-pe-3}), we provide conditions that apply to random variables living in a finite sum of Wiener chaoses. As an important by-product of our analysis, we shall derive a new proof and a new interpretation of a recent finding by Nourdin and Poly \cite{n-po-1}, concerning the limiting behaviour of random variables living in a Wiener chaos of order two. Our analysis contributes to a fertile line of research, that originates from questions raised by Marc Yor, in the framework of limit theorems for non-linear functionals of Brownian local times

    On the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces associated with the fractional and bi-fractional Brownian motions

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    We present decompositions of various positive kernels as integrals or sums of positive kernels. Within this framework we study the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces associated with the fractional and bi-fractional Brownian motions. As a tool, we define a new function of two complex variables, which is a natural generalization of the classical Gamma function for the setting we conside

    Rosenblatt distribution subordinated to gaussian random fields with long-range dependence

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    The Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion and the Fredholm determinant formula are used to derive an asymptotic Rosenblatt-type distribution of a sequence of integrals of quadratic functions of Gaussian stationary random fields on R^d displaying long-range dependence. This distribution reduces to the usual Rosenblatt distribution when d=1. Several properties of this new distribution are obtained. Specifically, its series representation in terms of independent chi-squared random variables is given, the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues, its L\`evy-Khintchine representation, as well as its membership to the Thorin subclass of self-decomposable distributions. The existence and boundedness of its probability density is then a direct consequence.Comment: This paper has 40 pages and it has already been submitte
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