1,150 research outputs found

    A note on drastic product logic

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    The drastic product D*_D is known to be the smallest tt-norm, since xDy=0x *_D y = 0 whenever x,y<1x, y < 1. This tt-norm is not left-continuous, and hence it does not admit a residuum. So, there are no drastic product tt-norm based many-valued logics, in the sense of [EG01]. However, if we renounce standard completeness, we can study the logic whose semantics is provided by those MTL chains whose monoidal operation is the drastic product. This logic is called S3MTL{\rm S}_{3}{\rm MTL} in [NOG06]. In this note we justify the study of this logic, which we rechristen DP (for drastic product), by means of some interesting properties relating DP and its algebraic semantics to a weakened law of excluded middle, to the Δ\Delta projection operator and to discriminator varieties. We shall show that the category of finite DP-algebras is dually equivalent to a category whose objects are multisets of finite chains. This duality allows us to classify all axiomatic extensions of DP, and to compute the free finitely generated DP-algebras.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    On the universal module of pp-adic spherical Hecke algebras

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    Let G~\widetilde{G} be a split connected reductive group with connected center ZZ over a local non-Archimedean field FF of residue characteristic pp, let K~\widetilde{K} be a hyperspecial maximal compact open subgroup in G~\widetilde{G}. Let RR be a commutative ring, let VV be a finitely generated RR-free R[K~]R[\widetilde{K}]-module. For an RR-algebra BB and a character χ:HV(G~,K~)B\chi:{\mathfrak H}_V(\widetilde{G},\widetilde{K})\to B of the spherical Hecke algebra HV(G~,K~)=EndR[G~]indK~G~(V){\mathfrak H}_V(\widetilde{G},\widetilde{K})={\rm End}_{R[\widetilde{G}]}{\rm ind}_{\widetilde{K}}^{\widetilde{G}}(V) we consider the specialization Mχ(V)=indK~G~VHV(G~,K~),χBM_{\chi}(V)={\rm ind}_{\widetilde{K}}^{\widetilde{G}}V\otimes_{{\mathfrak H}_V(\widetilde{G},\widetilde{K}),\chi}B of the universal HV(G~,K~){\mathfrak H}_V(\widetilde{G},\widetilde{K})-module indK~G~(V){\rm ind}_{\widetilde{K}}^{\widetilde{G}}(V). For large classes of RR (including OF{\mathcal O}_F and Fp\overline{\mathbb F}_p), VV, BB and χ\chi, arguing geometrically on the Bruhat Tits building we give a sufficient criterion for Mχ(V)M_{\chi}(V) to be BB-free and to admit a G~\widetilde{G}-equivariant resolution by a Koszul complex built from finitely many copies of indK~ZG~(V){\rm ind}_{\widetilde{K}Z}^{\widetilde{G}}(V). This criterion is the exactness of certain fairly small and explicit N{\mathfrak N}-equivariant RR-module complexes, where N{\mathfrak N} is the group of OF{\mathcal O}_F-valued points of the unipotent radical of a Borel subgroup in G~\widetilde{G}. We verify it if F=QpF={\mathbb Q}_p and if VV is an irreducible Fp[K~]\overline{\mathbb F}_p[\widetilde{K}]-representation with highest weight in the (closed) bottom pp-alcove, or a lift of it to OF{\mathcal O}_F. We use this to construct pp-adic integral structures in certain locally algebraic representations of G~\widetilde{G}

    Bimodules over Cartan MASAs in von Neumann Algebras, Norming Algebras, and Mercer's Theorem

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    In a 1991 paper, R. Mercer asserted that a Cartan bimodule isomorphism between Cartan bimodule algebras A_1 and A_2 extends uniquely to a normal *-isomorphism of the von Neumann algebras generated by A_1 and A_2 [13, Corollary 4.3]. Mercer's argument relied upon the Spectral Theorem for Bimodules of Muhly, Saito and Solel [15, Theorem 2.5]. Unfortunately, the arguments in the literature supporting [15, Theorem 2.5] contain gaps, and hence Mercer's proof is incomplete. In this paper, we use the outline in [16, Remark 2.17] to give a proof of Mercer's Theorem under the additional hypothesis that the given Cartan bimodule isomorphism is weak-* continuous. Unlike the arguments contained in [13, 15], we avoid the use of the Feldman-Moore machinery from [8]; as a consequence, our proof does not require the von Neumann algebras generated by the algebras A_i to have separable preduals. This point of view also yields some insights on the von Neumann subalgebras of a Cartan pair (M,D), for instance, a strengthening of a result of Aoi [1]. We also examine the relationship between various topologies on a von Neumann algebra M with a Cartan MASA D. This provides the necessary tools to parametrize the family of Bures-closed bimodules over a Cartan MASA in terms of projections in a certain abelian von Neumann algebra; this result may be viewed as a weaker form of the Spectral Theorem for Bimodules, and is a key ingredient in the proof of our version of Mercer's theorem. Our results lead to a notion of spectral synthesis for weak-* closed bimodules appropriate to our context, and we show that any von Neumann subalgebra of M which contains D is synthetic. We observe that a result of Sinclair and Smith shows that any Cartan MASA in a von Neumann algebra is norming in the sense of Pop, Sinclair and Smith.Comment: 21 pages, paper is a completely reworked and expanded version of an earlier preprint with a similar titl