6 research outputs found

    On the Correctness of Pull-Tabbing

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    Pull-tabbing is an evaluation approach for functional logic computations, based on a graph transformation recently proposed, which avoids making irrevocable non-deterministic choices that would jeopardize the completeness of computations. In contrast to other approaches with this property, it does not require an upfront cloning of a possibly large portion of the choice's context. We formally define the pull-tab transformation, characterize the class of programs for which the transformation is intended, extend the computations in these programs to include the transformation, and prove the correctness of the extended computations

    Compiling a Functional Logic Language: The Fair Scheme

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    Abstract. We present a compilation scheme for a functional logic programming language. The input program to our compiler is a constructor-based graph rewrit-ing system in a non-confluent, but well-behaved class. This input is an interme-diate representation of a functional logic program in a language such as Curry or T OY. The output program from our compiler consists of three procedures that make recursive calls and execute both rewrite and pull-tab steps. This output is an intermediate representation that is easy to encode in any number of programming languages. Our design evolves the Basic Scheme of Antoy and Peters by removing the “left bias ” that prevents obtaining results of some computations—a behavior related to the order of evaluation, which is counter to declarative programming. The benefits of this evolution are not only the strong completeness of computa-tions, but also the provability of non-trivial properties of these computations. We rigorously describe the compiler design and prove some of its properties. To state and prove these properties, we introduce novel definitions of “need ” and “fail-ure. ” For non-confluent constructor-based rewriting systems these concepts are more appropriate than the classic definition of need of Huet and Levy

    Tools for Reasoning about Effectful Declarative Programs

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    In the pure functional language Haskell, nearly all side-effects that a function can produce have to be noted in its type. This includes input/output, propagation of a state, and nondeterminism. If no side-effects are noted, such a function acts like a mathematical function, i.e., mapping arguments to unique results. In that case, expressions in a program can be reasoned about like mathematical expressions. In addition to this socalled equational reasoning, the type system also enables type based reasoning. One example are free theorems - equations between expressions that are true only due to the types of the expressions involved. Some such statements serve as formal justification for optimization strategies in compilers. The thesis at hand investigates two generalizations of such methods for programs not free of side-effects, i.e., effectful programs. First, effectful traversals of data structures are being studied. The most important contribution in this part is that a data structure can be lawfully traversed if, and only if, it is isomorphic to a polynomial functor. This result links the widespread interface of traversing to a clear intuition regarding the structure and behavior of the data type. Furthermore, tools are presented facilitating convenient proofs about effectful traversals. Second, free theorems for the functional-logic language Curry are derived. Due to the close relationship between both languages, Curry can be understood as Haskell with built-in nondeterminism, i.e., a built-in side-effect. Equational and type based reasoning can both be adapted to Curry to a certain degree. In particular, short cut fusion - a very fertile runtime optimization - is enabled for Curry