2,247 research outputs found

    Stability in Conductivity Imaging from Partial Measurements of One Interior Current

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    We prove a stability result in the hybrid inverse problem of recovering the electrical conductivity from partial knowledge of one current density field generated inside a body by an imposed boundary voltage. The region where interior data stably reconstructs the conductivity is well defined by a combination of the exact and perturbed data

    Conductivity imaging from one interior measurement in the presence of perfectly conducting and insulating inclusions

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    We consider the problem of recovering an isotropic conductivity outside some perfectly conducting or insulating inclusions from the interior measurement of the magnitude of one current density field J|J|. We prove that the conductivity outside the inclusions, and the shape and position of the perfectly conducting and insulating inclusions are uniquely determined (except in an exceptional case) by the magnitude of the current generated by imposing a given boundary voltage. We have found an extension of the notion of admissibility to the case of possible presence of perfectly conducting and insulating inclusions. This also makes it possible to extend the results on uniqueness of the minimizers of the least gradient problem F(u)=ΩauF(u)=\int_{\Omega}a|\nabla u| with uΩ=fu|_{\partial \Omega}=f to cases where uu has flat regions (is constant on open sets)

    Current Density Impedance Imaging of an Anisotropic Conductivity in a Known Conformal Class

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    We present a procedure for recovering the conformal factor of an anisotropic conductivity matrix in a known conformal class in a domain in Euclidean space of dimension greater than or equal to 2. The method requires one internal measurement, together with a priori knowledge of the conformal class (local orientation) of the conductivity matrix. This problem arises in the coupled-physics medical imaging modality of Current Density Impedance Imaging (CDII) and the assumptions on the data are suitable for measurements determinable from cross-property based couplings of the two imaging modalities CDII and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). We show that the corresponding electric potential is the unique solution of a constrained minimization problem with respect to a weighted total variation functional defined in terms of the physical data. Further, we show that the associated equipotential surfaces are area minimizing with respect to a Riemannian metric obtained from the data. The results are also extended to allow the presence of perfectly conducting and/or insulating inclusions

    A weighted minimum gradient problem with complete electrode model boundary conditions for conductivity imaging

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    We consider the inverse problem of recovering an isotropic electrical conductivity from interior knowledge of the magnitude of one current density field generated by applying current on a set of electrodes. The required interior data can be obtained by means of MRI measurements. On the boundary we only require knowledge of the electrodes, their impedances, and the corresponding average input currents. From the mathematical point of view, this practical question leads us to consider a new weighted minimum gradient problem for functions satisfying the boundary conditions coming from the Complete Electrode Model of Somersalo, Cheney and Isaacson. This variational problem has non-unique solutions. The surprising discovery is that the physical data is still sufficient to determine the geometry of the level sets of the minimizers. In particular, we obtain an interesting phase retrieval result: knowledge of the input current at the boundary allows determination of the full current vector field from its magnitude. We characterize the non-uniqueness in the variational problem. We also show that additional measurements of the voltage potential along one curve joining the electrodes yield unique determination of the conductivity. A nonlinear algorithm is proposed and implemented to illustrate the theoretical results.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Quantitative thermo-acoustic imaging: An exact reconstruction formula

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    This paper aims to mathematically advance the field of quantitative thermo-acoustic imaging. Given several electromagnetic data sets, we establish for the first time an analytical formula for reconstructing the absorption coefficient from thermal energy measurements. Since the formula involves derivatives of the given data up to the third order, it is unstable in the sense that small measurement noises may cause large errors. However, in the presence of measurement noise, the obtained formula, together with a noise regularization technique, provides a good initial guess for the true absorption coefficient. We finally correct the errors by deriving a reconstruction formula based on the least square solution of an optimal control problem and prove that this optimization step reduces the errors occurring and enhances the resolution

    Quantitative estimates on Jacobians for hybrid inverse problems

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    We consider σ\sigma-harmonic mappings, that is mappings UU whose components uiu_i solve a divergence structure elliptic equation div(σui)=0{\rm div} (\sigma \nabla u_i)=0, for i=1,,ni=1,\ldots,n . We investigate whether, with suitably prescribed Dirichlet data, the Jacobian determinant can be bounded away from zero. Results of this sort are required in the treatment of the so-called hybrid inverse problems, and also in the field of homogenization studying bounds for the effective properties of composite materials.Comment: 15 pages, submitte