966 research outputs found

    Application of Tikhonov Regularized Methods to Image Deblurring Problem

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    We consider the monotone inclusion problems in real Hilbert spaces. Proximal splitting algorithms are very popular technique to solve it and generally achieve weak convergence under mild assumptions. Researchers assume strong conditions like strong convexity or strong monotonicity on the considered operators to prove strong convergence of the algorithms. Mann iteration method and normal S-iteration method are popular methods to solve fixed point problems. We propose a new common fixed point algorithm based on normal S-iteration method {using Tikhonov regularization }to find common fixed point of nonexpansive operators and prove strong convergence of the generated sequence to the set of common fixed points without assuming strong convexity and strong monotonicity. Based on the proposed fixed point algorithm, we propose a forward-backward-type algorithm and a Douglas-Rachford algorithm in connection with Tikhonov regularization to find the solution of monotone inclusion problems. Further, we consider the complexly structured monotone inclusion problems which are very popular these days. We also propose a strongly convergent forward-backward-type primal-dual algorithm and a Douglas-Rachford-type primal-dual algorithm to solve the monotone inclusion problems. Finally, we conduct a numerical experiment to solve image deblurring problems

    A weakly convergent fully inexact Douglas-Rachford method with relative error tolerance

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    Douglas-Rachford method is a splitting algorithm for finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators. Each of its iterations requires the sequential solution of two proximal subproblems. The aim of this work is to present a fully inexact version of Douglas-Rachford method wherein both proximal subproblems are solved approximately within a relative error tolerance. We also present a semi-inexact variant in which the first subproblem is solved exactly and the second one inexactly. We prove that both methods generate sequences weakly convergent to the solution of the underlying inclusion problem, if any

    The Cyclic Douglas-Rachford Method for Inconsistent Feasibility Problems

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    We analyse the behaviour of the newly introduced cyclic Douglas-Rachford algorithm for finding a point in the intersection of a finite number of closed convex sets. This work considers the case in which the target intersection set is possibly empty.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures; references updated, figure 2 correcte

    Global Behavior of the Douglas-Rachford Method for a Nonconvex Feasibility Problem

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    In recent times the Douglas-Rachford algorithm has been observed empirically to solve a variety of nonconvex feasibility problems including those of a combinatorial nature. For many of these problems current theory is not sufficient to explain this observed success and is mainly concerned with questions of local convergence. In this paper we analyze global behavior of the method for finding a point in the intersection of a half-space and a potentially non-convex set which is assumed to satisfy a well-quasi-ordering property or a property weaker than compactness. In particular, the special case in which the second set is finite is covered by our framework and provides a prototypical setting for combinatorial optimization problems