1,612 research outputs found

    Multimethods and separate static typechecking in a language with C++-like object model

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    The goal of this paper is the description and analysis of multimethod implementation in a new object-oriented, class-based programming language called OOLANG. The implementation of the multimethod typecheck and selection, deeply analyzed in the paper, is performed in two phases in order to allow static typechecking and separate compilation of modules. The first phase is performed at compile time, while the second is executed at link time and does not require the modules' source code. OOLANG has syntax similar to C++; the main differences are the absence of pointers and the realization of polymorphism through subsumption. It adopts the C++ object model and supports multiple inheritance as well as virtual base classes. For this reason, it has been necessary to define techniques for realigning argument and return value addresses when performing multimethod invocations.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Application Software, Domain-Specific Languages, and Language Design Assistants

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    While application software does the real work, domain-specific languages (DSLs) are tools to help produce it efficiently, and language design assistants in turn are meta-tools to help produce DSLs quickly. DSLs are already in wide use (HTML for web pages, Excel macros for spreadsheet applications, VHDL for hardware design, ...), but many more will be needed for both new as well as existing application domains. Language design assistants to help develop them currently exist only in the basic form of language development systems. After a quick look at domain-specific languages, and especially their relationship to application libraries, we survey existing language development systems and give an outline of future language design assistants.Comment: To be presented at SSGRR 2000, L'Aquila, Ital

    Typechecking protocols with Mungo and StMungo: a session type toolchain for Java

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    Static typechecking is an important feature of many standard programming languages. However, static typing focuses on data rather than communication, and therefore does not help programmers correctly implement communication protocols in distributed systems. The theory of session types provides a basis for tackling this problem; we use it to develop two tools that support static typechecking of communication protocols in Java. The first tool, Mungo, extends Java with typestate definitions, which allow classes to be associated with state machines defining permitted sequences of method calls: for example, communication methods. The second tool, StMungo, takes a session type describing a communication protocol, and generates a typestate specification of the permitted sequences of messages in the protocol. Protocol implementations can be validated by Mungo against their typestate definitions and then compiled with a standard Java compiler. The result is a toolchain for static typechecking of communication protocols in Java. We formalise and prove soundness of the typestate inference system used by Mungo, and show that our toolchain can be used to typecheck a client for the standard Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

    Rewrite based Verification of XML Updates

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    We consider problems of access control for update of XML documents. In the context of XML programming, types can be viewed as hedge automata, and static type checking amounts to verify that a program always converts valid source documents into also valid output documents. Given a set of update operations we are particularly interested by checking safety properties such as preservation of document types along any sequence of updates. We are also interested by the related policy consistency problem, that is detecting whether a sequence of authorized operations can simulate a forbidden one. We reduce these questions to type checking problems, solved by computing variants of hedge automata characterizing the set of ancestors and descendants of the initial document type for the closure of parameterized rewrite rules

    Matchmaking for covariant hierarchies

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    We describe a model of matchmaking suitable for the implementation of services, rather than their for their discovery and composition. In the model, processing requirements are modelled by client requests and computational resources are software processors that compete for request processing as the covariant implementations of an open service interface. Matchmaking then relies on type analysis to rank processors against requests in support of a wide range of dispatch strategies. We relate the model to the autonomicity of service provision and briefly report on its deployment within a production-level infrastructure for scientic computing
