29 research outputs found

    Heisenberg antiferromagnet on Cayley trees: low-energy spectrum and even/odd site imbalance

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    To understand the role of local sublattice imbalance in low-energy spectra of s=1/2 quantum antiferromagnets, we study the s=1/2 quantum nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the coordination 3 Cayley tree. We perform many-body calculations using an implementation of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique for generic tree graphs. We discover that the bond-centered Cayley tree has a quasidegenerate set of a low-lying tower of states and an "anomalous" singlet-triplet finite-size gap scaling. For understanding the construction of the first excited state from the many-body ground state, we consider a wave function ansatz given by the single-mode approximation, which yields a high overlap with the DMRG wave function. Observing the ground-state entanglement spectrum leads us to a picture of the low-energy degrees of freedom being "giant spins" arising out of sublattice imbalance, which helps us analytically understand the scaling of the finite-size spin gap. The Schwinger-boson mean-field theory has been generalized to nonuniform lattices, and ground states have been found which are spatially inhomogeneous in the mean-field parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. Changes made to manuscript after referee suggestions: parts reorganized, clarified discussion on Fibonacci tree, typos correcte

    Large-ss expansions for the low-energy parameters of the honeycomb-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with spin quantum number ss

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    The coupled cluster method (CCM) is employed to very high orders of approximation to study the ground-state (GS) properties of the spin-ss Heisenberg antiferromagnet (with isotropic interactions, all of equal strength, between nearest-neighbour pairs only) on the honeycomb lattice. We calculate with high accuracy the complete set of GS parameters that fully describes the low-energy behaviour of the system, in terms of an effective magnon field theory, viz., the energy per spin, the magnetic order parameter (i.e., the sublattie magnetization), the spin stiffness and the zero-field (uniform, transverse) magnetic susceptibility, for all values of the spin quantum number ss in the range 12≤s≤92\frac{1}{2} \leq s \leq \frac{9}{2}. The CCM data points are used to calculate the leading quantum corrections to the classical (s→∞s \rightarrow \infty) values of these low-energy parameters, considered as large-ss asymptotic expansions

    Extinction in lower Hessenberg branching processes with countably many types

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    We consider a class of branching processes with countably many types which we refer to as Lower Hessenberg branching processes. These are multitype Galton-Watson processes with typeset X={0,1,2,… }\mathcal{X}=\{0,1,2,\dots\}, in which individuals of type ii may give birth to offspring of type j≤i+1j\leq i+1 only. For this class of processes, we study the set SS of fixed points of the progeny generating function. In particular, we highlight the existence of a continuum of fixed points whose minimum is the global extinction probability vector q\boldsymbol{q} and whose maximum is the partial extinction probability vector q~\boldsymbol{\tilde{q}}. In the case where q~=1\boldsymbol{\tilde{q}}=\boldsymbol{1}, we derive a global extinction criterion which holds under second moment conditions, and when q~<1\boldsymbol{\tilde{q}}<\boldsymbol{1} we develop necessary and sufficient conditions for q=q~\boldsymbol{q}=\boldsymbol{\tilde{q}}

    Effect of anisotropy on the ground-state magnetic ordering of the spin-one quantum J1XXZJ_{1}^{XXZ}--J2XXZJ_{2}^{XXZ} model on the square lattice

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    We study the zero-temperature phase diagram of the J1XXZJ_{1}^{XXZ}--J2XXZJ_{2}^{XXZ} Heisenberg model for spin-1 particles on an infinite square lattice interacting via nearest-neighbour (J1≡1J_1 \equiv 1) and next-nearest-neighbour (J2>0J_2 > 0) bonds. Both bonds have the same XXZXXZ-type anisotropy in spin space. The effects on the quasiclassical N\'{e}el-ordered and collinear stripe-ordered states of varying the anisotropy parameter Δ\Delta is investigated using the coupled cluster method carried out to high orders. By contrast with the spin-1/2 case studied previously, we predict no intermediate disordered phase between the N\'{e}el and collinear stripe phases, for any value of the frustration J2/J1J_2/J_1, for either the zz-aligned (Δ>1\Delta > 1) or xyxy-planar-aligned (0≤Δ<10 \leq \Delta < 1) states. The quantum phase transition is determined to be first-order for all values of J2/J1J_2/J_1 and Δ\Delta. The position of the phase boundary J2c(Δ)J_{2}^{c}(\Delta) is determined accurately. It is observed to deviate most from its classical position J2c=1/2J_2^c = {1/2} (for all values of Δ>0\Delta > 0) at the Heisenberg isotropic point (Δ=1\Delta = 1), where J2c(1)=0.55±0.01J_{2}^{c}(1) = 0.55 \pm 0.01. By contrast, at the XY isotropic point (Δ=0\Delta = 0), we find J2c(0)=0.50±0.01J_{2}^{c}(0) = 0.50 \pm 0.01. In the Ising limit (Δ→∞\Delta \to \infty) J2c→0.5J_2^c \to 0.5 as expected.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    The frustrated spin-12\frac{1}{2} J1J_{1}--J2J_{2} isotropic XYXY model on the honeycomb lattice

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    We study the zero-temperature ground-state (GS) phase diagram of a spin-half J1J_{1}--J2J_{2} XYXY model on the honeycomb lattice with nearest-neighbor exchange coupling J1>0J_{1}>0 and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor exchange coupling J2≡κJ1>0J_{2} \equiv \kappa J_{1}>0, where both bonds are of the isotropic XYXY type, using the coupled cluster method. Results are presented for the GS energy per spin, magnetic order parameter, and staggered dimer valence-bond crystalline (SDVBC) susceptibility, for values of the frustration parameter in the range 0≤κ≤10 \leq \kappa \leq 1. In this range we find phases exhibiting, respectively, N\'{e}el xyxy planar [N(p)], N\'{e}el zz-aligned [N(zz)], SDVBC, and N\'{e}el-II xyxy planar [N-II(p)] orderings which break the lattice rotational symmetry. The N(p) state, which is stable for the classical version of the model in the range 0≤κ≤160 \leq \kappa \leq \frac{1}{6}, is found to form the GS phase out to a first quantum critical point at κc1=0.216(5)\kappa_{c_{1}} = 0.216(5), beyond which the stable GS phase has N(zz) order over the range κc1κc2\kappa_{c_{1}} \kappa_{c_{2}} we find a strong competition to form the GS phase between states with N-II(p) and SDVBC forms of order. Our best estimate, however, is that the stable GS phase over the range κc2<κ<κc3≈0.52(3)\kappa_{c_{2}} < \kappa < \kappa_{c_{3}} \approx 0.52(3) is a mixed state with both SDVBC and N-II(p) forms of order; and for values κ>κc3\kappa > \kappa_{c_{3}} is the N-II(p) state, which is stable at the classical level only at the highly degenerate point κ=12\kappa=\frac{1}{2}. Over the range 0≤κ≤10 \leq \kappa \leq 1 we find no evidence for any of the spiral phases that are present classically for all values κ>16\kappa > \frac{1}{6}, nor for any quantum spin-liquid state