87 research outputs found

    An Optimal Algorithm for Tiling the Plane with a Translated Polyomino

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    We give a O(n)O(n)-time algorithm for determining whether translations of a polyomino with nn edges can tile the plane. The algorithm is also a O(n)O(n)-time algorithm for enumerating all such tilings that are also regular, and we prove that at most Θ(n)\Theta(n) such tilings exist.Comment: In proceedings of ISAAC 201

    Polyominoes Simulating Arbitrary-Neighborhood Zippers and Tilings

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    This paper provides a bridge between the classical tiling theory and the complex neighborhood self-assembling situations that exist in practice. The neighborhood of a position in the plane is the set of coordinates which are considered adjacent to it. This includes classical neighborhoods of size four, as well as arbitrarily complex neighborhoods. A generalized tile system consists of a set of tiles, a neighborhood, and a relation which dictates which are the "admissible" neighboring tiles of a given tile. Thus, in correctly formed assemblies, tiles are assigned positions of the plane in accordance to this relation. We prove that any validly tiled path defined in a given but arbitrary neighborhood (a zipper) can be simulated by a simple "ribbon" of microtiles. A ribbon is a special kind of polyomino, consisting of a non-self-crossing sequence of tiles on the plane, in which successive tiles stick along their adjacent edge. Finally, we extend this construction to the case of traditional tilings, proving that we can simulate arbitrary-neighborhood tilings by simple-neighborhood tilings, while preserving some of their essential properties.Comment: Submitted to Theoretical Computer Scienc

    A parallelogram tile fills the plane by translation in at most two distinct ways

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    We consider the tilings by translation of a single polyomino or tile on the square grid Z2 (Z exposant 2). It is well-known that there are two regular tilings of the plane, namely, parallelogram and hexagonal tilings. Although there exist tiles admitting an arbitrary number of distinct hexagon tilings, it has been conjectured that no polyomino admits more than two distinct parallelogram tilings. In this paper, we prove this conjecture

    Two infinite families of polyominoes that tile the plane by translation in two distinct ways

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    It has been proved that, among the polyominoes that tile the plane by translation, the so-called squares tile the plane in at most two distinct ways. In this paper, we focus on double squares, that is, the polyominoes that tile the plane in exactly two distinct ways. Our approach is based on solving equations on words, which allows us to exhibit properties about their shape. Moreover, we describe two infinite families of double squares. The first one is directly linked to Christoffel words and may be interpreted as segments of thick straight lines. The second one stems from the Fibonacci sequence and reveals some fractal features

    Combinatorial aspects of Escher tilings

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    International audienceIn the late 30's, Maurits Cornelis Escher astonished the artistic world by producing some puzzling drawings. In particular, the tesselations of the plane obtained by using a single tile appear to be a major concern in his work, drawing attention from the mathematical community. Since a tile in the continuous world can be approximated by a path on a sufficiently small square grid - a widely used method in applications using computer displays - the natural combinatorial object that models the tiles is the polyomino. As polyominoes are encoded by paths on a four letter alphabet coding their contours, the use of combinatorics on words for the study of tiling properties becomes relevant. In this paper we present several results, ranging from recognition of these tiles to their generation, leading also to some surprising links with the well-known sequences of Fibonacci and Pell.Lorsque Maurits Cornelis Escher commença Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 30 Ă  produire des pavages du plan avec des tuiles, il Ă©tonna le monde artistique par la singularitĂ© de ses dessins. En particulier, les pavages du plan obtenus avec des copies d'une seule tuile apparaissent souvent dans son Ɠuvre et ont attirĂ© peu Ă  peu l'attention de la communautĂ© mathĂ©matique. Puisqu'une tuile dans le monde continu peut ĂȘtre approximĂ©e par un chemin sur un rĂ©seau carrĂ© suffisamment fin - une mĂ©thode universellement utilisĂ©e dans les applications utilisant des Ă©crans graphiques - l'objet combinatoire qui modĂšle adĂ©quatement la tuile est le polyomino. Comme ceux-ci sont naturellement codĂ©s par des chemins sur un alphabet de quatre lettres, l'utilisation de la combinatoire des mots devient pertinente pour l'Ă©tude des propriĂ©tĂ©s des tuiles pavantes. Nous prĂ©sentons dans ce papier plusieurs rĂ©sultats, allant de la reconnaissance de ces tuiles Ă  leur gĂ©nĂ©ration, conduisant Ă  des liens surprenants avec les cĂ©lĂšbres suites de Fibonacci et de Pell

    How many faces can polycubes of lattice tilings by translation of R3 have?

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    International audienceWe construct a class of polycubes that tile the space by translation in a lattice- periodic way and show that for this class the number of surrounding tiles cannot be bounded. The first construction is based on polycubes with an L-shape but with many distinct tilings of the space. Nevertheless, we are able to construct a class of more complicated polycubes such that each polycube tiles the space in a unique way and such that the number of faces is 4k + 8 where 2k + 1 is the volume of the polycube. This shows that the number of tiles that surround the surface of a space-filler cannot be bounded
